No matter what people say, he won't actually know until he plays with both actions side by side.
I don't see the problem, especially if his action is reliable and feels good to him. There's too much BS rhetoric about actions these days, and it's all based on how they "feel". Fact of the matter is, there's lots of great actions out there these days, the Kelbly being one of them.
Between 60° and 90° - the argument in support of 60° actions is that they are "faster" as the bolt manipulation is less. However, the bolt has to do the same amount of work to compress that firing spring in that shorter movement, which will make for a heavier bolt lift/close. That's physics.
The speed argument is BS. You don't gain points by manipulating that bolt as fast as possible. See the fastest PRS shooters - like Dave Preston and Matt B. - they both manipulate their bolts slowly and smoothly, yet they have some amazingly quick times on stages. When you manipulate the bolt very quickly, you increase your chances of a mechanical malfunction (short stroking, double feeding) and increase your chances of throwing your rifle off target by exerting more energy on the bolt.
For those reasons I think 60° actions are silly. I'll take a 90° action over one every day of the week.
I can understand expecting one product and receiving another, and thus being disappointed. At the end of the day, he will need to play with both actions side by side to determine whether that disappointment is warranted or not. Spec wise on paper, the Kelbly is a good action. I personally would choose it over a Curtis, but I would choose a lot of custom actions over a Curtis.