Daniel Defense Delta 5

To add something for posterity, the Bravo is a modular design with a full length aluminum backbone that goes from the action out to the tip of the forend. I have no experience with the DD rifle but it definitely does not have the full length aluminum backbone from what I saw at SHOT and I'll let others comment on how stiff the forend is/isn't. Basically it's not an apples to apples comparison with the Bravo is what I'm saying.

Thank you OP for considering our chassis and thank you everyone else for recommending a Bravo. It's hard to beat and you can start out basic and low cost and get as wild as you want down the road with all the optional stuff.
....When it comes to people just getting into precision rifles, I always suggest bergara. My factory HMR (not even pro) shoots sub .5moa if I am on top of my shit and about .8moa if I'm having a really bad day. I have had about a very small number of rounds fail to eject but its nothing worth complaining about.

If this is your first bolt action, I think the same concepts apply here as in the AR world. Buy your first rifle as a factory piece or have someone experienced put it together for you. Learn a little more about the system and how it works and go for a build somewhere down the line.

It is if he is planning to compete with this rifle.
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It is if he is planning to compete with this rifle.

Very true... bergara sent me another ejector spring and it solved the issue. 100%. I wasn't competing with the rifle and it was only about 4 casings that didn't eject out of the 500-600 rounds I had put through it, so i didn't really have the motivation to go out of my way to fix it but was ordering something else and thought I might as well take care of that spring while i had them on the phone.
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Another vote for build as you want it from the start.
The turnkey rifles mentioned are solid choices if your not the tinkering type and want it now though.
The last rifle I built was sourced almost 100% for the parts from this site.
New Kelbly Atlas action, new chambered barrel, chassis and scope rings were bought from members only had to buy trigger and Area 419 brake to finish it off and $2050 all in.
I ended up upgrading the carbon fiber handguard from 12" to the new 15" M-LOK but that is really the only change I made and it was really not needed just a want.

Is the trigger in the DD 5 physically limited in its minimum trigger weight or is that a recommendation that you can override by turning the screw?

Anyone with experience or a written reference?
Got to say, that the Delta V barrel swap system is the biggest selling point to me.
I don’t care about PRS-but I do care about being able to swap barrels in 10 minutes with minimal tools.

You can swap barrels on any rifle in 10 min or less. No need for a silly switch barrel system.

I swap out shouldered barrels on my "PRS" gun between 6BRA and 6.5 Creedmoor occasionally. Takes me about 5 min, and all you need for tools is an action wrench, torque wrench and barrel vice - in my world I would call that "minimal".

Much better rifles out there, and you are not really asking for anything that no other rifle can't do. Swapping out barrels is a lot easier than most seem to realize.
You can swap barrels on any rifle in 10 min or less. No need for a silly switch barrel system.

I swap out shouldered barrels on my "PRS" gun between 6BRA and 6.5 Creedmoor occasionally. Takes me about 5 min, and all you need for tools is an action wrench, torque wrench and barrel vice - in my world I would call that "minimal".

Much better rifles out there, and you are not really asking for anything that no other rifle can't do. Swapping out barrels is a lot easier than most seem to realize.

Kudos to you-I can’t.
What other rifles have AR style barrels with barrel extensions that are essentially plug and play? I won’t bother with chambering a barrel, headspacing, reamers, etc. I want none of that.
Kudos to you-I can’t.
What other rifles have AR style barrels with barrel extensions that are essentially plug and play? I won’t bother with chambering a barrel, headspacing, reamers, etc. I want none of that.

You are missing my point. I don't cut my own chambers or do my own threading.

Plenty of actions are held to suck tight tolerances that a gunsmith can spin you up a barrel without ever seeing your action (Bighorn, ARC, Impact, Lone Peak, Curtis, Terminus, etc).

The gunsmith sends you your barrel in the mail and you simply install it. Minimal tools and minimal time required. No need to worry about headspace or gauges with a shouldered barrel.

Can you install a light bulb? Changing a shouldered rifle barrel is essentially the same - turn to the right to tighten, left to loosen.
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You are missing my point. I don't cut my own chambers or do my own threading.

Plenty of actions are held to suck tight tolerances that a gunsmith can spin you up a barrel without ever seeing your action (Bighorn, ARC, Impact, Lone Peak, Curtis, Terminus, etc).

The gunsmith sends you your barrel in the mail and you simply install it. Minimal tools and minimal time required. No need to worry about headspace or gauges with a shouldered barrel.

Can you install a light bulb? Changing a shouldered rifle barrel is essentially the same - turn to the right to tighten, left to loosen.

That’s cool and all, but it’s exceedingly difficult to get a custom action like that where I currently reside.

When I move to a free state (6-8 weeks out now) that may be an option.

That said, having a factory turn key rifle with that feature sets it apart and makes it quite appealing.

I don't see paying to be "the official rifle" or the official anything of that...

All that money paid, the PRS did a great job promoting it, as I don't think I have seen any on the street.

It's the difference between the PRS promoting the "Official Rifle of the PRS" and say me with the Ruger RPR where you could not find them anywhere for a long time. Heck I have seen a bunch of APO rifles on the street and in classes, no DD bolt guns
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This. It really isn't that hard.

It’s pretty common here-if you buy a gun out of state and have it sent here the FFLs add a surcharge for the price difference.

Hell, AR lowers still go for a couple hundred bucks here from an FFL. I saw an Anderson lower at the gun shop down the street from me for $250.

And if I were to order one from PSA for $30 and have it shipped here? They can and do add a surcharge to make up the difference.

That’s all beside the point though-my local Turners is the only place that will even talk to me about bare bolt gun receivers. Only Remington 700 receivers and they wanted $500.
“So why not just buy this SPS tactical for $500 on sale?!”

And that’s why 80% guns are so popular in CA.

Edit: as far as I know mile high doesn’t have a 7mm-08.

Edit 2: I sold guns here very briefly. Take your internet price and add $200 + a 10 day wait.
Make up what difference? They're doing the transfer, that's it.

What price difference are they making up over a product they don't even sell?

Maybe you're a rube and just realized they've been hosing you the whole time. :unsure:
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It’s pretty common here-if you buy a gun out of state and have it sent here the FFLs add a surcharge for the price difference.

Hell, AR lowers still go for a couple hundred bucks here from an FFL. I saw an Anderson lower at the gun shop down the street from me for $250.

And if I were to order one from PSA for $30 and have it shipped here? They can and do add a surcharge to make up the difference.

My local Turners is the only place that will even talk to me about bare bolt gun receivers. Only Remington 700 receivers and they wanted $500.

And that’s why 80% guns are so popular in CA.

Edit: as far as I know mile high doesn’t have a 7mm-08.

I don't understand the "make up the difference" bit, sounds unscrupulous at best and illegal at worst, if in fact you are correct.

As far as mile high, actions aren't cartridge specific. Order a action from them and then have someone spin you up a 7-08 barrel for it. Hell, have mile high spin up the barrel and send you a barreled action. Drop it in a chassis and you are gtg.

Or you can get a sub par rifle and get the DD bolt gun. Your call.

Where in Cali are you, cause you’re getting fucked.

There’s plenty of FFL’s here in San Diego that don’t screw you. They do charge tax (required now), but $65-80 is typical for an out of state transfer.

My last build (MHS supplied Origin action) went to my FFL just as pretty as you please. After the wait period, I sent it back to them for the barrel fitting, trigger tune and to ensure the chassis and mags functioned. When done, it shipped to my door. Easy peasy.
I don't understand the "make up the difference" bit, sounds unscrupulous at best and illegal at worst, if in fact you are correct.

As far as mile high, actions aren't cartridge specific. Order a action from them and then have someone spin you up a 7-08 barrel for it. Hell, have mile high spin up the barrel and send you a barreled action. Drop it in a chassis and you are gtg.

Or you can get a sub par rifle and get the DD bolt gun. Your call.

Yeah I get that, but at $1300 for an action, $300 for bottom metal, then a barrel for what, $500? I’m at $2100 already, similar to the DD.

Where in Cali are you, cause you’re getting fucked.

There’s plenty of FFL’s here in San Diego that don’t screw you. They do charge tax (required now), but $65-80 is typical for an out of state transfer.

My last build (MHS supplied Origin action) went to my FFL just as pretty as you please. After the wait period, I sent it back to them for the barrel fitting, trigger tune and to ensure the chassis and mags functioned. When done, it shipped to my door. Easy peasy.

Oh no doubt. I’m in Fresno. Most of the FFLs here wouldn’t even do PPT if they weren’t required to by law.
As a CA resident, can’t say that it is common to have FFL’s add surcharges to transfers to make up any differences.

Most of the better FFL's in my area charge $50- $60 for a transfer fee and will only charge tax if whatever you received had a sales invoice attached (so ask for a shipping invoice). The worst of the bunch will have $100 transfer fee's because they don't want to deal with it and/or it doesn't benefit them but no hidden surprises.
Yeah I get that, but at $1300 for an action, $300 for bottom metal, then a barrel for what, $500? I’m at $2100 already, similar to the DD.

The difference is, the DD is a piece of shit, Askhole.

Can ya swap barrels on a Tikka in a few minutes with a wrench?

Yes, you can, but clearly you won't bother because you've bought into the bullshit DD is selling.

Enjoy your shit rifle, Everybody here has tried to steer you in the right direction but you're asleep at the wheel.

My favorite gif lately...

The difference is, the DD is a piece of shit, Askhole.

Yes, you can, but clearly you won't bother because you've bought into the bullshit DD is selling.

Enjoy your shit rifle, Everybody here has tried to steer you in the right direction but you're asleep at the wheel.

My favorite gif lately...

Sure sounds like it. Sigh...you can lead a horse to water....
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Yeah I get that, but at $1300 for an action, $300 for bottom metal, then a barrel for what, $500? I’m at $2100 already, similar to the DD.
Bighorn for $850, barrel for $500, chassis for $400, $60 transfer fee. Now you have a custom rifle that is 2nd to just about none. Not sure what this "make up the difference" BS is. Not sure how the gun shop charging you more for a gun/action that you already paid someone else for. Maybe you are chump?

Just get the DD man. You'll probably love it. It's super snipery.
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Lol. Guy comes on a forum. Asks an honest and understandable question.

Guy gets answer from several members with collectively over a century of experience. Doesn’t like the answer, gets snippy with the owner of the site, and then proceeds to argue with said advice.

Some days you just can’t make this shit up.

Well, I do.
But don’t worry if I ever want a Creedmoor I won’t bother y’all about it.

I'm going to take the initiative here just in case the chairman is busy....

"go be poor somewhere else." From @TheGerman

SMH 7mm-08 like it's relevant what is this 1987?

You're probably into moa gold ring Leupolds too right?

Arfcom called, they want you, your elite dd5 with barrel extensions back.