Actually I liked the BBQ pic but your mindset is a little off, I was torn between some good looking food and the opinions of someone who would have cursed the queen as he rooted for the redcoats.
And my gif is spot on
I haven’t lived with my parents since I was 16 and went off to college, and I have always had a excellent relationship with my entire family, I wasn’t even into videos games as a kid, haven’t owned a TV in a decade or so, but I’ve owned a few homes, paid off till I sold them, I love my job, I even do more or less the same thing when I’m not working for fun.
Per police, sorry, that’s a swing and a miss...again.
I got nothing on my record, I’m not even one of those scary black people, clean record, even my driving record.
Voted for obama the first time as I was so fed up with Bush Jr anti American shit, realized quickly he was just a black version of bush jr but even less transparent, voted for Ron Paul, and voted for Trump (twice). I don’t follow the fox line of how/what to think, the cnn line of how/what to think. You’ll find it much harder, but very liberating, if you educate yourself based on real world experiences, based on the facts muting any reporters gum flapping, based on raw voting records of candidates, than just following whatever party marching orders.
I know how frustrating it must be when I don’t fit your pre conceived narrative, and I fully understand if you need to save face and say “well I knew that all along”. It’s ok.
That said I’m not a home body and I have traveled enough to see something of the human condition, and understand why people are getting fed up with the ever growing in size but shrinking in responsibility police state.