So I'm assuming this is a really stupid question, but here goes anyhow. For longer range shooting (1,000m +) is there any benefit to shooting with both eyes open, or is the traditional non firing eye closed deal the only way to go. I'm very familiar with the Bindon Aiming Concept, but I'm wondering if there's other factors to consider with one eye shut, or if I'm thinking way too hard about this. My typical process when attaining sight alignment/picture (this is with an ACOG on a service rifle) is to check NPOA, focus on the reticle, focus on the target, then focus back on the reticle, take a breath cycle and send the shot. I just find that my eyes get pretty tired/feeling strained doing this and I have 20/15 vision. With both eyes open I feel more relaxed/consistent. Maybe this is just force of habit from CQB tyoe use of the optic but I'm wondering what the school of thought is here on the precision gun optics. If this is confusing, I apologize. It mostly makes sense in my head. Thanks, yall.