Rifle Scopes Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please


Lt. Colonel
Full Member
Sep 18, 2003
Gilbert AZ
Well, now that Falcon FFP's have been out for a year or so I'd like to hear some object field input. I haven't seen to much negative on them, but since I put up a WTT ad to get one, more than one prior owner has told me to steer clear, or at least go in knowing I may get a crap scope.

I feel we owe it to each other to be honest. Honest input from field experience is not "company bashing", its well.......honest.

Keep it objective folks, good or bad.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

me as well,
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

If there's a problem with a scope's adjustment accuracy/return to zero, I consider that a problem, as in "I've had problems".

No problems would mean that there's no issue with return to zero or adjustment accuracy (if tested).
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If there's a problem with a scope's adjustment accuracy/return to zero, I consider that a problem, as in "I've had problems".

No problems would mean that there's no issue with return to zero or adjustment accuracy (if tested). </div></div>

yeah, that's why I edited.....
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TimResin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I like the glass quality but the turrets aren't very good in my opinion. </div></div>

I think the turrets are unnecessarily large and bulky, but their operation seems acceptable for a $399 scope (improved greatly by replacing the heavy grease under them, that comes from the factory, with a light silicone grease). What exactly do you not like about the turrets?

Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

The only thing I don't like is it's a pain in the ass to get mine setup up on all powers to get a good eye relief. Other than that. I don't run it hard enough to tell you of if I could have broke it.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

i have a 10x and im always resetting zero.

most recent range trip it was dropping rounds .5 mil low @ 100 yards *from previous zero (5 shot group and everything is tightened to spec) my range only goes to 300y so its never been adjusted past 1.5 mils, but it gets adjusted between 0-1.5... often

i was considering selling when USO arrived but id feel bad to pass it along. itll be put to pasture on a .22
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Has Lowlight ever run his test on them? You know it would hold up then. But every scope has it's bad ones. I am waiting for a 3 day class at RO. I was wanting to buy a new scope. Then thought I need training. Figured if I break it there well then it's time to get a new one for the premier companys.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Interesting, so far 72% no problems and 68% would buy again.......

Although a too small a set of data for empirical assesments, the poll has helped me with my wish list.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Have never used one, but interested in buying one. Sobrbiker, best poll and most useful that I have seen, good idea. Will be interesting to look back in a coupleof weeks.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I'm surprised that approximately 25% of the respondents seem to be having problems. I would have expected much less. I own two different models (FFP and an older SFP version) and both seem to function properly. The SFP model has seen around 600 rounds of .308 caliber. I'm not sure either scope is mechanically precise enough to win a competition, but I've adjusted them enough to determine they track reasonably well. If I were having problems with either scope, I would send it back for replacement. I assume that both U.S. distributors stand behind their warranties?

Are most of the problems the result of used scope purchases? A lot of people will just rush to judgment and dump a problem product since they're disgruntled. Yeah - the flip caps are low end, but I wouldn't consider that an optics problem. All variables that I have used require some eye relief adjustment depending on magnification.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I voted problem. Because of the eye relief. It's still not perfect. Useable but I own a chep bushnell that you don't get any tuneling on. It gets it a little bit when power is changes from 10 - 14 power. You have to move your head forward. The scope is adjusted as far back as the rings and base will let it. BO rings and bases.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jrb572</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I voted problem. Because of the eye relief. It's still not perfect. </div></div>

Yeah, I'm not thrilled with how unforgiving mine is with that regard, but in this case it's the nature of the beast. Not sure I would have listed that as a problem, not knocking you though. What I'm interested in finding out is if owners are experiencing premature wear or mechanical failures.


Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please


I run my 4.5x14 FFP ML-16 on a 10/22 trainer.
No real heavy abuse there.
I do shoot it about 5 times a week and I have yet to be disapointed.

The price point makes it worth putting up with the anoyances.
- Stiff Paralax adjustment
- Mushy nobs
- Stiff power adjustment

I would not be hesitant to purchase another one after having mine for over a year.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please


I voted but not on topic 1. I don't have a Falcon FFP, but own two Falcon fixed power scopes. A Menace 10x42mm and a Menance 7.5x50mm . Both have been trouble free. Adjustments are mushy, but useable, and tacking has been excellent. Eye relief has not been a problem, running around 3.5" for both, unlike reported in the Falcon variables.

The 10x42 is MIL/MOA and 120" inches of adjustment. The 7.5x50MM is MIL/MIL and 100" of adjustment.

Not the question you asked, but Falcon does make some very attractively priced fixed powers as well.

Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TCW</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm surprised that approximately 25% of the respondents seem to be having problems. I would have expected much less.


Me too from all the good hype, but that's why I chose to post a poll....

Good stuff folks, keep the info flowing!
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I will say the adjustments seem good on mine. Good clicks not mushy. But I had a non ffp they were mushy. Compared to my non ffp there great.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I have used my Falcon pretty hard. It went through a couple of schools. Lots of personal training a stalk and won a competition for me (which is what actually led to it's replacement).

The only complaints I had were a little bit of lash in the turrets and the marks not lining up after zero. I now have the new caps, but since the scope is sitting on my desk and not a rifle, I have not installed them.

One great feature on the 4-14x44FFP is that the parallax will focus extremely short. I loved indoor dry fire training with it.

I had no problems with it. I thought I was having problems with the turret bouncing cases back into the ejection port. That ended up being an extractor problem.

My Falcon will go on my AR10 when I get it done. It will go into service as my backup duty rifle and possibly competition gun until I can affort another USO or Hendsolt for it. The Falcon will continue to be my "placeholder/backup" scope as long as it functions.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LoneWolfUSMC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I thought I was having problems with the turret bouncing cases back into the ejection port. That ended up being an extractor problem.</div></div>

I may or may not have an extractor problem, but this is something I've been battling since mounting my Falcon 4-14. I moved from Burris XTR low's to Seekins med highs and that helped, but I still occasionally get a case back on top of the magazine. Never happened with any other scope (3rd on this rifle to date). I'm sure the ginormous knobs don't help.

Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

mines got 400+ rnds of 300wsm on it, has tracked correctly every time its been out for LR fun. the glass is pretty durn nice, the turrets dont line up just right, and are a bit mushy, as others have reported. ive hunted whitetails and groundhogs w it quite a bit, carried, dropped, and drug it around in the field and im still extremely happy w it for the $$

honestly i doubt i would buy another one, id step up to a NF, USO etc, but i can afford them now. for me the falcon was a curiosity, a FFP variable that at the time when i bought it was the only one available at that price point
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

My rifle is not kept in a case, and almost never leaves the backseat of my crew cab. It has gear, coats, backpacks, etc. bouncing around with it all the time. I shoot it on a remmy .30-06 that is fairly light and hits pretty hard, and not one issue with it. I throw it around, bang it on stuff and brush while sling-carrying in the woods around here. So far it's got some minor scratches, but no loss of zero or damage to the mechanism/glass. I've used it as a handle a few times to lift the rifle from one person to another up steep terrain and over rocks, etc. I know you're not supposed to do that, but it hasn't hurt it. I haven't thrown it off the roof or anything like Frank might, but I'm not nice to it either. I expect my stuff to work without hiccup when I grab it from the backseat to smoke a coyote or whatever. Haven't been let down so far.

I have since taken it off to put it on an upcomming long-range ar-15 build. I have a horus on the remmy now, and I am wishing I had not altered the setup that worked so well. I'm looking forward to some long range gopher plunking come the spring with the falcon on my AR.

I'm happy with mine. I liked my old falcon, but the new one is way superior, and i'm not sad at the trade-up in the least. I will be hanging onto the 5.5-25x56 falcon, so far everything else under NF-NXS price range has been a disappointment in some aspect.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I have a 4-14x44 FFP. mounted it a month ago and have shot it twice including zeroing. I like the scope a lot for the $$. So far it has worked perfectly - reading the reticle and making adjustments mil/mil are spot on. There is a rough sticking spot when adjusting the power right around 7 power. I'm hoping that works itself out with use. You must get your eye directly behind the scope as it is not forgiving. Any head movement whatsoever produces shadowing around the edge. Very clear glass in my opinion. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a quality budget scope. I have no experience with CS as mine is new.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I have two; first one is a SFP 4.5-18(have been using it about two yrs.) on a .243, the second is a FFP 4-14(had it about a yr.) on a .260.

Simple answer is they work, I've cranked the crap out of them time and again, returned to zero without issue. Exposed to hot, cold, rain, snow, mud and everything in between. Carried, knocked and bumped for miles, again no issues. Sure, the turrents are a bit mushy and don't line up on perfect 0, also the knobs are on the large side. I can deal with mushy. I would like the 0 to line up but can deal, just have to be a little careful. And those knobs aren't such a bad thing when you get frostbite and can't close your hand.

They are heavy but built like tanks, I would like to see LowLight do his worst to one. Both of mine have the ESLR mildot reticle. I'm a huge fan, not to busy but plenty of grduations for hold-overs. My only real complaint, I was leary of the Mil/Mil thing when I ordered the FFP. I have since learned more and now wish I would have went that route. My fault, not their's. I will buy more, they will be Mil/Mil.

I hope Falcon comes out with a 2-10ish x 32-40ish, something a little smaller for the SPR type rifles. Hopefully the 1.5-6 will be out before too long.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I too would really like to see Lowlight thrash one of these just to see how a $400 scope REALLY compares to a $2000 scope. I have no delusions, but it would be nice to have more objective data.


No. I'm not sending you mine.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

How do the knobs on those things re-set to zero? Center screw and lift up, or stoopid 3 allen screws around the knob?
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please


Mine are center screw and lift up to zero.

Also, I remembered another member did a review of the 4-14 when they first came out.

Kevin Beggs did the test, it seems to have been pretty thourghly compared to a Leupold Mk4. Here is the link,


It has some really good pics included, thanks Kevin.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Grump</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How do the knobs on those things re-set to zero? Center screw and lift up, or stoopid 3 allen screws around the knob? </div></div>

I have one of the newer models and the turrets use three allen screws. I personally like this better as you can align your zero better than using the other method. I would find it annoying if the zero on a center screw turret lined up between hash marks.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

i voted i had a older model version. and it was a solid scope. i had alot of little black specs in the glass but it was clear enough. my turrets didn't line back up right which was very annoying to me but i hear the new ones are much better. imo you get what you pay for i got nightforce , uso , and premier and but i got my falcon used for 380 bucks i think and for that price it was a damn good scope. i was gonna say little but its definitely not little.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

well my wind turret has somehow developed a angle to it, so it looks like I might have to send it in. No misuse always stored in a safe and never dropped. Also one of the problems I have had since I got it was that it used up 12mil just to zero even though I have a 20MOA base. And it only has 20 mil of adjustment not the factory stated 22mil. So going to 1000yd I have to hold over.

Its good glass but the turrets suck. Once I figure out whats wrong with it I am replacing it with a Nightforce.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Ive been far from nice to mine. My $.02-

Tracking has been spot on. It did manage to lose zero by .5MOA(windage) one time. That was after a damn hard bump.(I dropped it... it landed on the scope.) No fuck ups since.

ML16 reticle is nice.

Turret feel sorta sucks, but it is usable.

Glass quality is average- something one would expect in this price range.

Fit and finnish of the scope is nice.

Supplied flip caps suck

Eye relief/eye box is pretty good.

Over all Im fairly pleased with my Falcon scope.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I did a little experiment with my late model 4.5X18IR the other day. The scope was dead on at 100 yards. I shot a 5 round half-inch group, essentially blowing my little one-inch red dot target away. Then I proceeded to crank the elevation all the way up and down several times. Sometimes I only went half way. I did the same thing to the wind-age. Then I lined up a shot and it went right into another one-inch target DOT.

As of today, I can say that I really, really like mine. I went out a bought a 5.5X25 version. I like it too, but I have less experience with it. You can nit-pick them to death, but a lot of the small issues have been corrected. I have the old style knobs on the 4.5X18R and they line up perfectly with the hash marks.

I think most of us are not going to get giddy over a scope that doesn’t have a long record of performance. In three years, or a few thousand rounds, these things could end up falling apart. I won’t be buying anymore for a while because I want to see how mine hold-up (and everyone else’s via the internet). I also want to see if the company can stay in business for the long haul. That said, I whole-heartedly recommend that everyone give them a try. Not all rifles warrant $2,000 optics, and I think these “fit the bill” pretty good giving up very little in performance
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Today was the beginning of rifle season in NW Montana. Gave me a chance to further test my Falcon.

My boy and I hiked in the dark to our spot. Initially as the sun began to become just evident, and then several more times as the sun continued to rise, I used my Falcon to glass the area.

The spot we chose was at the top of a clear cut, looking down on a treeline that is a whitetail freeway. The sun is behind the trees, so you're looking into a dark, backlit treeline.

At 4x it was superb. Bright. Clear. Could see more with the scope than with the naked eye. Reticle was clear. Exactly what I'd be looking for in a low light situation. Crank to 14x. DARK. The reticle was unusable until the sun was actually up (legal light was 7:37, sunrise was 8:07 and 14x yielded poor results until about 8:30) The difference between 4x and 14x on this scope is very noticeable, unlike a Burris 4.5-14 I have, which performed only slightly poorer at 14x than it did at 4x. At 4x (comparing from memory) they are compatible. There is no comparison between the two scopes at max. power.

I did no mid-range magnification evaluations.

Just another data point.

Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I feel like I have enough time behind my falcon to make an educated post..
I have the FFP 4-14.
Used as follows
~Training at least once a week (range and field)
~One competition
~One successful Elk hunting trip in which it was drug
through the mud and muck, banged on the various things
you run into hunting in the back country.
~All in all about 1200 Rnds

The scope has function as it was designed to through all of it..

Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">82% reporting no problems, 79% would buy again.......

So kids, any more feedback on the 5-25's yet?? </div></div>

I have a 4-14 and was so thrilled with it that i got a 5-25. I mounted it on my POF-308. It has worked great and the clicks are much better then my 4-14 model. The glass is clear even at 25x even though i only use it on 18x max for realistic shooting.

When shooting to 1k it would never return to zero at 100. Then 2 weeks ago at a precision rifle shoot it went down!!

I started noticing that it was getting difficult to see the 650yd target so i proceeded to crank it up. A few shots later i found myslef struggling to see again so i stopped shooting to investigate. The ring was on 25x and it appeared like i was seeing things at 8x!! I decided i wanted to finish the shoot. As the day went on the scope had taken it self down to 5x (ring on 25x) and i was trying to make shots at 1k. By the end it was so bad that no matter where i placed my eyes there was always a black ring around the reticle and it was TINY!!! I got home and dismounted the scope and was fiddling with it... i turned the eye piece out and in and all of a sudden piece of metal that looked like a metal donut was rattling around in the tube. It basically self destructed as i kept shooting.

Falcon responded quickly but made me send it to the dist. (optics warehouse) Im a little worried about remounting this scope on my rifle. The 4-14 is on my .22lr so i dont anticipate any problems with it. The 5-25 on the other hand... i dont and wont trust it any more.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Interesting poll. Is there one of these type polls for NF. The search feature brought nothing up specifically like this 'for me.'
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 7mmRM</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Turret feel sorta sucks, but it is usable.</div></div>
Understatement, the ones on my 10x MP20 plain sucks.
I used the scope this weekend, after a long time. I did not remember them being so darn sucky when I first used it, but man, no feedback (sound and mechanical) whatso-friggin-ever.
I had to remove ear protection and move my ear close to the turrets, in order to be able to adjust the suckers.
In the same price range, the SS and even the TRS-2, are well above it. Heck, the Elite 3200, that costs almost half, has way better turret feedback!

Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

So what's the warranty on these; life of the scope, or original owner only? And how's their customer service? Anyone dealt with them directly yet? What can one expect?
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Any more input on the 5-25's, and DirtRacer151 have they taken care of the problem you had yet? </div></div>

A new scope is en route or so im told. I just hope the new one holds up
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I couldn't vote, there was no option for:

Their website doesn't work.

Yeah, know you have heard that before, but...

it has been many moons now, and http://www.falconoptics.com/ still gets you "The web site is temporarily unavailable and will be accessible again shortly.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause."

They may make the best scopes for the $$$ on the planet, but it is the 21st century now, and if you can't maintain a website, I won't have any confidence in anything else you do. I mean, really. Pay a 16 year old zit faced kid $20 bucks a month and pay the hosting fees. its not rocket science anymore.

Bah humbug on "Falcon Optics".