Rifle Scopes Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Halvis</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
They may make the best scopes for the $$$ on the planet, </div></div>

That's arguable looking at the results.

And you really need to get the chip off your shoulder on the website deal. Do you own a Faclon? If so I value your oinion. If not, get over the website deal and move on (or did Falcon's web guy take off with your wife? if that were the case I could understand the grudge).

Now back to input on the scope's quality. If anyone wants a Falcon, RWS's website had good info.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Mine is hanging in there just fine. I took it off a couple months ago when I changed setups, but up until then I did great with it shooting paper and steel.

I'm going to put it back on a different platform soon (p-dog blaster!), and I have no qualms about it other than I wish i'd have gone 50m instead of 56mm just so I could mount it a bit lower.

Glass is still great, knobs are still 1000x better than the older falcons i've had. I don't regret trading up for one minute.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Interesting, so far 72% no problems and 68% would buy again.......

Although a too small a set of data for empirical assesments, the poll has helped me with my wish list. </div></div>
Your n is plenty big for applying inferential statisitics to. You don't want the sample you drew from your population to be too large. If your sample group is too large everything becomes significant. The only issue I see is the sample is a convenience sample, and you can only draw generalizations about the data and apply to that single sample.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Update on the 4-14x44 Falcon. Still have the hard to turn magnification ring. Clicks on the elevation and windage are a bit "mushy", sometimes it feels as though it didn't quite turn as far as another click. However, I did a box test @ 100 yards and the scope tracked perfectly as long as I did my part. I've shot the glass @ 600 and 1000 F-T/R matches and again the scope did it's part. The only other issue is securing the windage/elevation knobs. Once zero'd, you have to loosen 3 hex heads and I've found that after I've realigned the "0" mark, that the cap had shifted while tightening the 3 hex heads. While attempting to hold the cap in place and secure it, I've dialed an adjustment unintentionally - this is frustrating. I'm saving my $$ for a NF, but for less than $400 the Falcon has been "good".
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Glad to see you came to your senses and spent that NF money on a USO!

I'll be the second owner of LowLeftActual's Falcon come tomorrow. It will be running on my AR for the Utah State shoot, we'll see how it does.
I'm cool grabbing his as I've shot next to him enough now that I know its him pulling the shots not the scope
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

Interesting to see this poll! I just bought a 4-14ffp from RWS! When I was researching them this thread never came up on my searches!!

Luckily the overall outcome of the results are positive! I had my crappy Millett replaced after the third failure and then sold the new replacement I was given. I then purchased the falcon as a temp scope while waiting for my Vortex PST to come in.

I took it out last weekend for the first time to get it zero'd at the 100yd range and was pretty happy with it. I do have to echo the eye relief in mine is pretty unforgiving though. I followed the instructions for removing the caps and replacing the grease on the turrets and it did make a rather substantial difference on the feel of adjustment!

One thing I am concerned with is return to zero on mine. I zero'd and then attempted some groups and with the last few rounds decided to try to test repeatability as well as I could. I didn't have the option of using a big enough target to do much of a box test, so I just fired, dialed up and down to various places and then back to zero and fired again. I got some discrepancy. Hopefully it was shooter error rather then scope, but I hope to be able to get out and run it through the paces soon to verify if it needs a replacement or not.

Otherwise everything else is very positive. I was surprised at the optics to my eye. Very crisp and clear!
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Glad to see you came to your senses and spent that NF money on a USO!

I'll be the second owner of LowLeftActual's Falcon come tomorrow. It will be running on my AR for the Utah State shoot, we'll see how it does.
I'm cool grabbing his as I've shot next to him enough now that I know its him pulling the shots not the scope

Wow! I think it's the guy hollering out bad wind corrections! Is it the shooter's left or the target's left??

I've never had a problem with mine, now Sobr's, Falcon holding or returning to zero. I hope you get it figured out.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Any more input on the 5-25's, and DirtRacer151 have they taken care of the problem you had yet? </div></div>

I tried 2 different 5-25 models and both failed in the accurate adjustments department. At roughly 4 mils of elevation they started to drop off ...

IE - Dial 5 mils and get 4.7 ... the higher you went the greater the drop off. Knobs were very mushy, Parralax was very stiff, but the glass was decent for the money. In all reality for the cost you get a lot of features if your willing to learn your adjustments for that scope and your load, even if it says on the scope you dialed 15 mils to get 10.5 to hit at 1000.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

I went with a 4-14, and only then because it was off a friend's rifle that I had seen in action from 11-1000 yards without problems. Still not sure if I'd roll the dice on one as a new purchase for a primary rifle.
If I were down to just my 308 and shooting it week in and week out, taking it to matches and couldn't afford more than $500, I think I would still opt for an old 16X (or 10X if you don't like mag) SWFA SS even though its mil/moa. I've just had too many of them that NEVER gave me problems over the years. If I wind up having experience with 3-4 Falcons and they run hard and 100% maybe I'll sing a different tune....
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I went with a 4-14, and only then because it was off a friend's rifle that I had seen in action from 11-1000 yards without problems. Still not sure if I'd roll the dice on one as a new purchase for a primary rifle.
If I were down to just my 308 and shooting it week in and week out, taking it to matches and couldn't afford more than $500, I think I would still opt for an old 16X (or 10X if you don't like mag) SWFA SS even though its mil/moa. I've just had too many of them that NEVER gave me problems over the years. If I wind up having experience with 3-4 Falcons and they run hard and 100% maybe I'll sing a different tune.... </div></div>

I'm getting a 5-25x56 from someone here to put on the gun I'm going to shoot at 1000. I've got an 8 yo SS (10x side focus) from back when the box still said Tasco, that I think is from the second run that SWFA did. For me, 10X just isn't enough for me to shoot with in F class. I still have it mounted on a .308, just not the one I'm shooting that far.

I imagine that I'll upgrade to something that costs 3x some time next year. I said in another post, the FM has a lot of features for the $$, that's actually a bit scary, but I'm going to roll with it and see.
Re: Falcon FFP's 1 yr later-Owner input please

My 4-14 has performed well on my Savage .308. Have shot about two hundread rounds but only short distances. No problems so far. See how it performs when i get to shoot 500-700 meters. Im saving money for top class optics though. My Falcon will then serve on my .22LR.