My brother and I used to listen to a lot of George Carlin growing up. We would throw quotes of his into conversations, often times in sync, and start laughing our asses off. Our mom would just shake her head.
I would love to hear his take on the shit show we are currently in.
Another great one is Bill Burr. Tells it like it is, and pisses a lot of people off. Look up his Philly rant on YouTube. Epic stuff.
Russell Peters is another funny dude. Digs on everybody, even his own culture.
Of course, I can't leave out Robin Williams and Richard Pryor. Legends.
For those of you who don't care for the raunchier material, look up Dry Bar Comedy on YouTube. Clean comedy, and some absolutely hilarious folks.
So how about all of you?

I would love to hear his take on the shit show we are currently in.
Another great one is Bill Burr. Tells it like it is, and pisses a lot of people off. Look up his Philly rant on YouTube. Epic stuff.
Russell Peters is another funny dude. Digs on everybody, even his own culture.
Of course, I can't leave out Robin Williams and Richard Pryor. Legends.
For those of you who don't care for the raunchier material, look up Dry Bar Comedy on YouTube. Clean comedy, and some absolutely hilarious folks.
So how about all of you?