Maggie’s Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Swedish guy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jerseymike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So its not the guys fault for stepping on the go pedal? </div></div>

If cop= godlike and bulletprof= ok to stand in the way of car

If cop= human and will bleed if hurt= not smart to go stand in the way of the car.

The driver of cours is responsible for his actions, however and as stated above,

its obvious the PO was having a bad day and made sure to use all his official powers to coax a nothing in to something,

but I guess its ok to beat on people,

especially having a great car, better make sure to wreck that to a bit.

Different legal systems yield different results, for most of europe, they would have clamped or towed the car straight off,

for sweden the ticket would have been issued after a photo was taken, regardless of the driver taking off or not,

I guess based on US state laws that if the guy (driver) sues for wrongfull intervention, brutality and intential damages in a civil court he wil win his case,

the video is really compelling,

so going back over my answer, yes the cop is at fault,

and furthermore I guess if the union/PD consider that he is at fault/wrong in his duties,

he will be paying all on his own.

(btw- I have a thing for dishonest people, regardless of if they are in or out of uniform.)

/Chris </div></div>

Your logic and reasoning skills leave a lot to be desired. What is amazing is how you're able to accurately comment, from across the globe, a persons emotional state and their intent from a 2 minute video clip. Must be a trait indigenous to the Swedes. Sounds like you have a great country over there.

How you're even able to turn on a computer much less compose a thought is a mystery that defies logic.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Would it help if I state that I am in Florida, at a best Western hotell?

Seriously are you that short of arguments that you fell compelled to question my logic and person.

Well then, due tell how it is a smart thing to shove ones foot under a car,

to stand in front of a car? Last time I checked even NYPD employees are humans as most others.

Still instead of just telling me that I am wrong why don´t you just rip my poor logic to bits and make sure to support your argument with case law preferably state law.

The more I think about it the less I can find reasons for allowing a PO to act like that.

And yes, it´s quite possible to share the same vid as the rest of the members in here and voice an opinion on the matter,

even more, it´s about as valid as yours.

I´ll give you one thing though, I can´t really know what if any about what that PO was thinking, but I can and will give you an educated guess, as done above.

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Your logic and reasoning skills leave a lot to be desired. </div></div>

I had to laugh at this statement.

And yours don't?

Why did the PO let the driver get in the car?

Answer: So he would be able to drag him out after he pretends to be run over.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Swedish guy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Would it help if I state that I am in Florida, at a best Western hotell?

Seriously are you that short of arguments that you fell compelled to question my logic and person.

Well then, due tell how it is a smart thing to shove ones foot under a car,

to stand in front of a car? Last time I checked even NYPD employees are humans as most others.

Still instead of just telling me that I am wrong why don´t you just rip my poor logic to bits and make sure to support your argument with case law preferably state law.

The more I think about it the less I can find reasons for allowing a PO to act like that.

And yes, it´s quite possible to share the same vid as the rest of the members in here and voice an opinion on the matter,

even more, it´s about as valid as yours.

I´ll give you one thing though, I can´t really know what if any about what that PO was thinking, but I can and will give you an educated guess, as done above.



I don't disagree with you on the fact that it was stupid for him to stand in front of the car. If you actually read the whole thread, instead of bits and pieces, you'd see that I openly criticzed him for doing that. But to place blame on the cop for this is bordering on the insane.

I have plenty of argument but if you even understand what it is you wrote, it'd be clear to you where my comments stem from.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RADcustom</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

I had to laugh at this statement.

And yours don't?

Why did the PO let the driver get in the car?

Answer: So he would be able to drag him out after he pretends to be run over. </div></div>

Laugh all you want but seriously, who are you kidding? Had the video shown the cop barring the motorist from entering his vehicle (which he is well within his authority to do so) you would have been crying that the cop is violating the guys rights and unlawfully detaining him. Tell me I'm wrong?

Another street lawyer no doubt.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

?- still I can not see any arguments being put forward,

in your land I am but a person however back here I am a member of the bar, so I guess,

lawyer is ok, street lawyer not so much, we are not suppose to practice at the side of the road.

Being so that I have worked along side of law enforcement personell for the last ten years, I think I have a good eye and ability to asses when a PO does make a arrest by the looks of it by the book but with an intent that is far from ok,

in this case I think that is what did take place.

If you dissagre, fine, but if you question my logic, please have the decency to point out were it´s flawed.

RadCostums put it all straight and to the point.

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ogreshooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I know some people are all hung up on cops being douchebags/assholes/whatever, but the officer moved in front of the car to keep the driver from leaving. He was likely just about done with his ticket, give it to the driver, have a safe day, move on. Nope. Blame lands completely on the driver. It is blatantly obvious that he was going to be getting a ticket, yet he drove on the cop anyways.

Life is tough. It is even tougher when you are stupid. </div></div>


Foot or no foot. The officer moved in front of the car. When the driver pulled ahead and contacted the Officers leg. That was assault.

I'd have dropped the ticket book and run the nightstick up one side of his head and down the other. Duh! your getting a ticket. Try to talk your way out of it. If that doesn't work take the ticket and drive off. WTF did he think was going to happen if he tried to drive away.

Should have impounded the car as evidence and then forget to call the tow truck. Made the dumb GF walk home.Just goes to show that wealth and intelligence are not necessarily connected.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Hey Swedish Guy Chris,

I think there may be a difference that some forumites are overlooking, and that is the fact that American police have become very militarized and aggressive during the past 10 years and tend to kick azz at the drop of a hat. Personally I have no problem with the cops stomping the jerk in the Ferrari, but I sure don't want them to stomp me! Northern European police tend to be a bit more civilized I guess.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RADcustom</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

I had to laugh at this statement.

And yours don't?

Why did the PO let the driver get in the car?

Answer: So he would be able to drag him out after he pretends to be run over. </div></div>

Laugh all you want but seriously, who are you kidding? Had the video shown the cop barring the motorist from entering his vehicle (which he is well within his authority to do so) you would have been crying that the cop is violating the guys rights and unlawfully detaining him. Tell me I'm wrong?

Another street lawyer no doubt. </div></div>

You're wrong.

Had that been the case, the video likely never would have made it to youtube.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RADcustom</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I like how he embellishes the limp when he walks across the street. If you watch closely, it never actually ran over his foot. </div></div>


It's amazing how that offense is conveniently overlooked by so many.

STAGING an injury to get a disability claim is a FAR greater offense than a fargin' parking ticket in my opinion.

So let's review:

Google Maps streetview shows the area to be hotel parking, see for yourself.

The Hotel says a shiny new red Ferrari had permission to park there (shocker).

Which brings us back to the original question of why is the cop writing a parking ticket to begin with?

You don't ticket the car in NY State for non-parking offenses, you ticket the DRIVER, a key point Chop has conveniently omitted.

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RADcustom</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

You're wrong.

Had that been the case, the video likely never would have made it to youtube. </div></div>

So that's where you went to law school? YouTube U?

Thanks for the chuckle.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RADcustom</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

You're wrong.

Had that been the case, the video likely never would have made it to youtube. </div></div>

So that's where you went to law school? YouTube U?

Thanks for the chuckle. </div></div>

That's right. Apparently the same place you learned to be a cop.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

To me both are wrong, arrest the guy slap him with assault. Fire the cop for being under dumb ass for
A) putting himself in front of a car
B) excessive force
C) getting himself run over
D) Ignoring the guy when he talked to him and he is at just as much fault.

Dont say I hate cops, because I dont. ALOT of my friends are cops, and they said the same EXACT thing as me. They are both dumb ass dudes 50/50 blame game.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Cypriss32</div><div class="ubbcode-body">To me both are wrong, arrest the guy slap him with assault. Fire the cop for being under dumb ass for
A) putting himself in front of a car
B) excessive force
C) getting himself run over
D) Ignoring the guy when he talked to him and he is at just as much fault.

Dont say I hate cops, because I dont. ALOT of my friends are cops, and they said the same EXACT thing as me. They are both dumb ass dudes 50/50 blame game. </div></div>

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Sorry to burst your bubble guys. Without going into too much detail...

The cop isn't getting fired. In this case the video will benefit the cop so kudos to the guy doing the recording.

The douche was arrested and charged

The vehicle WAS impounded and WILL be held as evidence until the Manhattan DA sees fit to release it.

There is the fantasy land which some of you seem to revel in and then there is reality. What you saw on the video was a taste of the real world.

Spin it, justify it or dissect it however you want to. Pull a move like that and there are consequences to be paid. Don't take my word on it, just ask Ferrari boy.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

mr.Driver never served in any armed force,and it'a shame because,if not all,the miltary service can teach you some fine behavioral lesson_ mr.Driver can afford a Ferrari,a fine blonde,at half the age (and double hairs)of the cop_right or wrong,mr.Cop was trin'to earn his pay on a hot day,in black uniform,in N.Y.traffic _mr.Driver never bothered about it, with an apparent good amount of...attitude,and worsened the things (or fell in a trap,don'matter)_with better manners and brain,a ticket perhaps,mr.Driver could really spare himself so much troubles_ I know nothin'about NYPD ,but mr.Driver is a perfect candidate for troubles in any part of the world,,not only in N.Y.,and not only with cops_
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Cypriss32</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Not worth dealing with you..... </div></div>

Then take your ball and go home. No one invited you here.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KUSA</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The minute I have a tire on my foot, courtesy and professionalism go out the fucking window. </div></div>

You make it sound like this happens to you regularly. I would recommend that you don't place your foot in the path of a tire. That way you can maintain your courteous and professional demeanor that we have all grown to love. </div></div>

Well if you would have READ my entire post, you would have seen that I criticized the officer for placing himself in front of the vehicle. I imagine you did read that part but just chose to ignore it so you could insert your valuable commentary.

Funny how some of you guys demand the utmost respect yet at the same time think it to be perfectly okay to treat others like shit. Then when told to go fuck yourselves, you're "shocked/offended" at the lack of respect lol.

For the record, getting dragged out of a car and tossed to the ground is far, FAR from getting a beating. Then again, the term "beating" can be subjective. Some are more delicate than others. </div></div>

Mr Slapcop I was only trying to give you some advise on where to place footsies so you don't get any more boo boos on them. You continue to amaze everyone on the hide with your Einstein like intellect.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

I think both of them made ass.
The driver for not staying put and trying to leave.
The Cop for putting himself in a position to be run over.
I don't blame the Cop for being pissed.
I wonder what the safety officer has to say to the Cop after he/she watches the video?
Maybe something like,"You Stupid Fool" or something along that line. Regards, FM
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">No one invited you here. </div></div>

Your silence regarding the BASIS for the initial ticketing is quite revealing.

You know fully well that the ticketing wasn't warranted, he wasn't run over by the car, and then FAKED his "injury."

The real crime was done to that fine car, those scratches aren't going to buff out!

Carry on circling the wagons.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Its NYC. mayor Doomberg town. DOUCHEBAG CITY. The number of assholes per square mile is uncountable.

The driver attempted to move the vehicle while the officer was performing his duty writing a citation. you cant do that.

Cops +1 doucebag 0 on this one fellas.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: opshin556</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I
Cops +1 doucebag 0 .

Lets change it to
Cops -1 and Asshole -1
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: opshin556</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Its NYC. mayor Doomberg town. DOUCHEBAG CITY. The number of assholes per square mile is uncountable.

The driver attempted to move the vehicle while the officer was performing his duty writing a citation. you cant do that.

Cops +1 doucebag 0 on this one fellas.

What violation warranted ticketing?

Curious how that simple question is so hard to get an answer for.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

I just saw a press release where Mayor Bloomberg is planning on banning "cop killer" tires that are shilled from VA along with banning "bullet buttons".

One mean dude, that Bloomberg.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Guy Montag</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">No one invited you here. </div></div>

Your silence regarding the BASIS for the initial ticketing is quite revealing.

You know fully well that the ticketing wasn't warranted, he wasn't run over by the car, and then FAKED his "injury."

The real crime was done to that fine car, those scratches aren't going to buff out!

Carry on circling the wagons.


I wasn't there D-Bag so I can't comment on what the initial summons was for. Myself and a couple of my buddies did see the head over heels with a quarter pirouette face plant.

We scored it a 8 8 and a 7 respectively. He's still probably picking cobblestone outta his teeth.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Guy Montag</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: opshin556</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Its NYC. mayor Doomberg town. DOUCHEBAG CITY. The number of assholes per square mile is uncountable.

The driver attempted to move the vehicle while the officer was performing his duty writing a citation. you cant do that.

Cops +1 doucebag 0 on this one fellas.

What violation warranted ticketing?

Curious how that simple question is so hard to get an answer for.</div></div>

How can you not know that the constitution does not exist in NYC?!
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: opshin556</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Guy Montag</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: opshin556</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Its NYC. mayor Doomberg town. DOUCHEBAG CITY. The number of assholes per square mile is uncountable.

The driver attempted to move the vehicle while the officer was performing his duty writing a citation. you cant do that.

Cops +1 doucebag 0 on this one fellas.

What violation warranted ticketing?

Curious how that simple question is so hard to get an answer for.</div></div>

How can you not know that the constitution does not exist in NYC?!
read. </div></div>

New York government and Microsoft technology????? Good lord, that explains everything. Why didn't they just make a shit sandwich and eat it?

This joint venture is a complete comedy to people like me. I feel bad for anyone that even reads that article. My head hurts from trying to give the concept a chance at credibility and my stomach hurts from laughing so hard.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sorry to burst your bubble guys. Without going into too much detail...

The cop isn't getting fired. In this case the video will benefit the cop so kudos to the guy doing the recording.

The douche was arrested and charged

The vehicle WAS impounded and WILL be held as evidence until the Manhattan DA sees fit to release it.

There is the fantasy land which some of you seem to revel in and then there is reality. What you saw on the video was a taste of the real world.

Spin it, justify it or dissect it however you want to. Pull a move like that and there are consequences to be paid. Don't take my word on it, just ask Ferrari boy. </div></div>

Well then,

reality always trumphs out does it not,

however I am not very pleased by that, neither am I liking it, the land of the free, ie yours is ruled by PO:s that twart the law and lack in respect and are using there legal rights to use force in a manner that is not predictable nor justified.

With that said, we all have crooked cops to attend to, right now, here in Sweden, there is a huge issue of PO:s stealing from the property of detainees and arresties,

the outcome is a lesser respect for PO:s and law enforcement, and the idea of them working for us, not for them self.

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

I'd feel honored having a sweet looking car like that run over my foot!

Guy should have just stayed there and entertained the cop. Driving a car like that obviously proves that he's got more money in his left pocket than the cop will make in a year. Just take the ticket and laugh at it and then pay it and go about your life and don't dirty your tires. Now he's got a bullshit "assault" charge now all because him and the cop decided to share the same brain that day.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Maser, seldom is it that I would be in the same court as you, however, I do think there is hope for you now as I could not agree more with you about those two people sharing a brain. I think you are growing up now and maturing.
They are BOTH arrogant assholes, neither one looking down the road as to the consequences of their actions.
Both of them have arrogance going on. One with a badge and one with money.
Both are FOOLS, the Cop for putting himself in a position to be hurt, and the driver for trying to leave.
I do believe that their brains consist of whale shit, the bottom of the ocean and you can't get much lower than that.
I would love to be around when this incident is reviewed by the higher ups and the police safety people. I would bet that if they are fair the SHTF.
Knowing that LEO seldom if ever makes mistakes, the fair is out of the equation.
Time for a retirement pension for the cop. Regards, FM
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

If you have ever rode in or driven a Ferrari you would know for a fact that it didn't even roll up on his foot. They are both douche bags in my opinion. Driver for attempting to just drive off knowing he is close and may run over the COP's foot. The officer for obviously escalating the situation because he wanted to show how much of a man he was by ripping the kid out of a Ferrari like a human tissue. Come on if you were a real man you wouldn't have to open the door and take his seat belt off to do it. Chuck Norris would have just ripped him out like he had Kleenex written on his shirt.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

I wonder if it was all staged and the "Officer" is not down now with a cast on his foot at Pension&Compensation waiting for his first check and going to ride it out at the taxpayers expense?
You have to be proud of someone that acts like that.
Protect, Serve, take care of the People and all that kind of Bullshit. FM
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Wesley Haddix</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just saw a press release where Mayor Bloomberg is planning on banning "cop killer" tires that are shilled from VA along with banning "bullet buttons".

One mean dude, that Bloomberg. </div></div>

Instant classic!
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Foul Mike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I wonder if it was all staged and the "Officer" is not down now with a cast on his foot at Pension&Compensation waiting for his first check and going to ride it out at the taxpayers expense?
You have to be proud of someone that acts like that.
Protect, Serve, take care of the People and all that kind of Bullshit. FM </div></div>

Does anyone have the ability to think for themselves here? Or do you guys just read the post above, change a few words and regurgitate the same nonsense? The only think Foul Mike, is your cognitive thought process or lack thereof.

I guess by the logic of many here, they'd have the cop just stand there, ticket book in hand after this douche decides to run off, running over the officers foot. Guess the cop should have just ate that one right? Luckily for the sane, that ain't the way it works, nor will it ever.

"Lessons learned in blood aren't soon forgotten." Ferrari boy has been educated, end of story.

Ok, let the floodgates open with posts stating "they were both douches/assholes/stupid etc etc"

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does anyone have the ability to think for themselves here? </div></div>

Keep circling those wagons Slap, you're a good soldier.

You can't account for the initial ticketing and admire a cop who staged an incident and FAKED injury.

Stay classy.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

No I can't account for the initial summons as I wasn't there. Whats the point? The officer saw a violation, addressed it. Who cares if it was an expired inspection sticker or bad registration, does it make a difference what the summons was for?

As far as the guy faking injury, unless you were there, are privy to inside knowledge or are some kind of expert witness, how do you come to that conclusion? Prove to me how you KNOW that he faked getting hurt? I'm sure the cop staged the drivers foot applying pressure to the gas pedal as well. Are you stupid on purpose?

"Stay classy" real original bro.

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">No I can't account for the initial summons as I wasn't there. Whats the point? The officer saw a violation, addressed it. Who cares if it was an expired inspection sticker or bad registration, does it make a difference what the summons was for? </div></div>


Since he's legally parked, a fact you've yet to refute, why the ticket to begin with?

Circling those wagons and pretending to not be aware of NY law is apparently your best attempt at distraction.

The video shows he was never run over, you've already been called out on that fact by several others besides myself.

I'm smart enough to not work for one of the most corrupt departments in all the country, clearly you can't say the same.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Again, a lot of noise but NOTHING of substance to add. How do you know he was legally parked? Even IF he was legally parked, is it possible that he had an expired inspection sticker or bad registration?

The video doesn't clearly show anything. He could have been run over and I'm sure to an extent he was. Again, explain to me how you know he is faking injury. Furthermore how did he manage to "stage" this entire incident?

You seem to know more than most but when questioned you can't provide specific answers, only mindless speculation.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Again, a lot of noise but NOTHING of substance to add. How do you know he was legally parked? Even IF he was legally parked, is it possible that he had an expired inspection sticker or bad registration?</div></div>

Both violations you pose require ticketing the DRIVER, not the vehicle.

Better check your playbook for another excuse.

Enjoy your weekend and best of luck with your STOP and FRISK endeavors.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Once again you mistake NYC for part of America.
That ended years ago. It is a fascist police state.
If you live in NYC, you are anything but free.
So why does any of this surprise anyone?
NYC is gone, off the map of Free America..
its not debatable.

Elvis has left the building...AMF ladies!
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Guy Montag</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Again, a lot of noise but NOTHING of substance to add. How do you know he was legally parked? Even IF he was legally parked, is it possible that he had an expired inspection sticker or bad registration?</div></div>

Both violations you pose require ticketing the DRIVER, not the vehicle.

Better check your playbook for another excuse.

Enjoy your weekend and best of luck with your STOP and FRISK endeavors. </div></div>

Actually you're entirely wrong. BOTH of the violations fall under parking infractions, and "A" violation which goes to the car. "B" violations otherwise known as MOVERS go to drivers. Ask me how I know?

Of course you're gonna tell me that I'm wrong because you know my job better than I do and that I'm a disgrace to the badge, you pay my salary yada yada yada! Try again bro
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

How would he stage that? I don't know. It's NYC, home of Broadway.
Slap, do you think he did things right? He moved so close to the car that a small movement of the car got his foot!
If that is how you guys operate it is a wonder any can walk.
Why not move back a foot then start writing, if the car starts moving then react to that. You can't do anything but shoot with a car on your foot, you are not going anywhere fast.
Both have shit for brains. Regards, FM
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

The car has no front license plate.

I think,and I may be wrong, but that's a non moving violation in the state of New York.
The road tax collator was just doing his job,doing his job badly.
The driver also was at falt in this
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: opshin556</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Once again you mistake NYC for part of America.
That ended years ago. It is a fascist police state.
If you live in NYC, you are anything but free.
So why does any of this surprise anyone?
NYC is gone, off the map of Free America..
its not debatable.

Elvis has left the building...AMF ladies! </div></div>

Which is why I have not visited even though in finally close enough.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ChemGuy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Moral of the story:

1. Don't leave when an officer is writing you a ticket.
2. Dont place your feet near the tire of a vehicle someone is about to move. </div></div>
