Maggie’s Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

How in the hell can a group of idiots pass a law that requires a parked vehicle to pass inspection? That shit hole of a city has more ways to screw you than an 8 dick octopus. I really hope Slaphappy just doesn't know the law he enforces (which wouldn't be unusual at all), but knowing NYC the odds could go either way.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

On the door of that car that they hauled that guy away in are CPM.
Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect.
I see none of those traits in that video and respect goes out the window for me.
First, after watching several times it looks like the PO had his right foot against the tire and you can see his left foot moving around as he yells and goes for the guy, yet later it shows him walking and he is favoring his left foot. Racing motorcycles in the past and hurting my left foot makes me think that.
Second, I see the PO throw two things on top of the car, I think one is probably a parking ticket and the other his ticket box. Makes me think this was a parking violation, but I don't know.
I see nothing that makes me think he needed a faceplant other than the POs stupid placement of his foot. That placement just doesn't go right with me. Why not walk in front of the car so the guy can go clear over you and make a kill? I believe that any training officer would use that video to show a rookie what not to do.
Jerk his ass out of the car and make your arrest, faceplant no.
I believe it is staged and the PO is going for disability.
It also shows a cab up against a cone, while you are at it, why not faceplant that cab driver for getting against that cone?
I think this whole thing is staged and nothing but bullshit.
Just my opinion. Regards, FM Slaphappy, are you proud of those POs? or are they sullying what you do and believe in?
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Where are you Slap? I was so looking forward to your comments.
No one can say this was bad???
I had a thread about a bad DUI bust on here a while ago.
No one would say,"I am sorry, I made a mistake." and man up to wrong doing. It has to go to court.
Hasn't made it to court yet but will. The PO video shows it all until he turned it off. Damn glad it was on for a while as it shows the PO to be an arrogant ASSHOLE.
Could all be gone and away had the PO Manned up and made an apology.
No, doesn't happen that way.
When the evidence, to include BA [the arrest was for being DUI alcohol, strong odor of] came back 0000 and all blood tests as well as hair samples all came back 0000, what does this Chicken Shit do? QUIT !!!
We don't want a piece of the County's ass, We want the PO. Can't have him as he has left the country. GONE and no one knows or will divulge his whereabouts. Let's just go to court and we will have a piece of his ass. QUIT!!! That is the end of it? The employee is no longer with us..??? It has to be divulged in court and the DA etc. are in high gear reverse.
No wonder. Our lawyers are smacking their lips on this.
We probably won't press this further,we don't want to put the county at blame, however, for those that posted about him being in a safe place, think about that, is the Drunk Tank preferable to your home?
If so I hope you are incarcerated for no wrong doing and then let me hear what you have to say.
This whole thing is about arrogant ASSHOLES on both sides. as well about an[ honorable ]PO getting his retirement and pension. ALL bad. Regards, FM
Goddamn, they make me want to puke. And to think there are a few good ones out there, God Bless You. Slap, I hope you are one of the good guys. Regards, FM
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail


still you have to get real about this,

the ferrari has huge tires and is not a heavy car,

even if the foot was rolled over, there would be no damage.

It´s hard to accept that there are less then honest men working side by side with one self but in this case, that is the case.

I can see from your agressivly defensive stand that you do realise this however are less then willing to accept it.

Still like you stated, the PO will most likely not be charged or even investigated for this, to bad really.

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

The driver with the car did assault the meter maid.
The side wall stiffness of the tire on that car will be almost that of steel pipe.
The driver didn't seem to be offering any resistance.
Did the second meter maid have to come up and drop him on his face?
Who knows.
I cant speak from personal experience but why give the meter maid/road tax collector a reason to beat you up?

With all the laws at the disposal of today's meter maid/road tax collector most all drivers can be written up for something.

In today's society the privet sector citizen is nothing but a source of revenue for the federal,state,county and city's.

Its better to just bend over and take it up the tail pipe then take a beating
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

I think the opinions are pretty much in.
Slapchop, how can you give ratings on this such as you and your friends giving it a 8 8 7 and expect to retain some kind of credibility. Are you proud of that?
If that is truly your feelings, there is not much I can do for you, however, if you are in fact a standup type guy and willing to MAN up to mistakes, say so.
There are so many mistakes made by LEOs that the problem could be taken care of by MANNING up and admitting a mistake.
Unfortunatly, you seem to be one that believes that LEO or COPS make no mistakes. Quite the opposite is true.
As with my nephew's case, the PO got his feet held to the fire, so what does he do? QUIT, like it is going to go away?
Don't know where we will go with this, but he was not prepared to come up against a large farm operation that retains lawyers for farm business and has some money behind it. His shit is in the wind,
I guess the moral of this story is, MAN up if you made a mistake, admit it. Don't make charges that will not hold up in court. Never ASSUME that the defendant does not have a lawyer behind him and will not go after your ass because of money, just on principal.
So what does the PO do? QUIT, go to the next LE agency and ply his trade there?
Subpoena, and let him get out of that. Your feet are held to the fire. Regards, FM
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail


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Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

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Apparently he knows about the laws in NYC because he picks up "the garbage" there? And we are all "the garbage" to him. I hope that the next defense attorney he faces in court reads this and uses it to free some of "the garbage".
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Azprc</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Member #: 28989
Title: Gunnery Sergeant
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Apparently he knows about the laws in NYC because he picks up "the garbage" there? And we are all "the garbage" to him. I hope that the next defense attorney he faces in court reads this and uses it to free some of "the garbage". </div></div>

The more garbage you have littering the streets, the more apt you are to step in shit.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

The more garbage you have littering the streets, the more apt you are to step in shit. </div></div>

Or get it on the tires of your Ferrari....
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: athhud</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

The more garbage you have littering the streets, the more apt you are to step in shit. </div></div>

Or get it on the tires of your Ferrari.... </div></div>

The guy run you over too?
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Azprc</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Member #: 28989
Title: Gunnery Sergeant
Total Posts: 1448
Registered on: 09/01/09 03:35 PM

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Apparently he knows about the laws in NYC because he picks up "the garbage" there? And we are all "the garbage" to him. I hope that the next defense attorney he faces in court reads this and uses it to free some of "the garbage". </div></div>

The more garbage you have littering the streets, the more apt you are to step in shit. </div></div>
I thought Texagator was bad but you sir are the devil himself. I don't know what happened to him but I wish you would join him.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Wow, I've never been called the devil incarnate before. Not sure whether I should be proud or offended.

Seriously, pull up your skirt sally. This is nothing to get bent outta shape about. BUT if every time you read one of my posts it causes your labia to get all swollen, you can always just chose to use the "ignore user" option.

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wow, I've never been called the devil incarnate before. Not sure whether I should be proud or offended.

Seriously, pull up your skirt sally. This is nothing to get bent outta shape about. BUT if every time you read one of my posts it causes your labia to get all swollen, you can always just chose to use the "ignore user" option.

Cheers! </div></div>

Is this an aptitude test for NYPD:s? How to manage to be a prick to all encountered?

Dude- you need a break and a vacation,

perhaps an extended stay somewere less pressing then NY.

Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wow, I've never been called the devil incarnate before. Not sure whether I should be proud or offended.

Seriously, pull up your skirt sally. This is nothing to get bent outta shape about. BUT if every time you read one of my posts it causes your labia to get all swollen, you can always just chose to use the "ignore user" option.

Cheers! </div></div>

I think you need to take a vacation in Indiana.
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The guy run you over too?</div></div>

You could have just said, "I'm rubber you're glue."
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

Jeez I can't belive this post. I can tell you
the guy was put down and cuffed period, he deserved it, period. I don't see any injury to him. He's lucky his attitude wasn't adjusted. The police are the authority, period. If he was being issued a summons, a summons is technically an arrest. If you try to drive away you are resisting arrest. The cop is not the ahole here it's the driver and probably those who think the driver did nothing wrong. In brushing the car against his leg trying to leave he commited the following possible charges.
Disorderly conduct, offensive touching, hindering prosecution,
resisting arrest.
If he ran over the officers foot, FELONY assault
Re: Ferrari + Cop + foot = Jail

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: I'm in</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Jeez I can't belive this post. I can tell you
the guy was put down and cuffed period, he deserved it, period. I don't see any injury to him. He's lucky his attitude wasn't adjusted. The police are the authority, period. If he was being issued a summons, a summons is technically an arrest. If you try to drive away you are resisting arrest. The cop is not the ahole here it's the driver and probably those who think the driver did nothing wrong. In brushing the car against his leg trying to leave he commited the following possible charges.
Disorderly conduct, offensive touching, hindering prosecution,
resisting arrest.
If he ran over the officers foot, FELONY assault </div></div>

You must be a cop.

As a civilian what I saw was a dickhead with a badge and a dickhead with an expensive car.
90% of cops are fine individuals and some unknown percentage of rich people are fine individuals.
Just so happened on that day the dipshit meter pegged and those two shared the same real estate.