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Finding a wife

Spot on!! I cant count how many people's lives ive watched be ruined over the years by failed relationships and divorces. Im 48 and glad i never got married and zero desire to do so. Close friends and family had some very bad horror stories that still resonate decades later. Its not the 50's anymore, morals, respect, all went out the window. The fairy tale movie type relationship that leads to a perfect leave it to beaver family is like 1 in a million. Sad what America has come to. I think walking through the Gaza strip sounds more appealing than getting married. Ive watched, helped, and dealt with people splitting up and divorces, I couldnt imagine having to deal with it myself... Seems most people looking for marriage have an agenda (obviously) and then just go out and try and find a person to fill that role instead of meet someone you like, fall in love, get to know them and THEN make plans to wed... people of today have it all bass ackwards... and then wonder why it all falls to hell.
I think that is where people get it wrong. There is NO fairytale relationship! That is a myth, relationships take work, patience and understanding. They are never perfect. Living in close proximity day in and day out with someone everyday of the year results in some stress, arguments. There will be friction, it is just the reality of the situation. Some relationships are better than others in regards to this. I had a friend who has been married for about 20 years tell me she was concerned about her marriage because she yelled at her husband and "cursed" (first time in 20 years of marriage). She was actually worried, I laughed and told her she was fine, because she was. Everybody has their moment or moments, it's just how you handle it. Same thing goes for anybody living together, it's never perfect, there is always a little blem but that is just part of it.
Don't put all your quarters in the "godly" bucket. And here again I don't fit into an easy package. I see religion as a massive scam, and nothing more then a way to control people. Sure it might have played a part back before everyone could read, but today no. And a quick look at the current catholic church that is a hard no. That however does not mean I don't think there is a god, I do. I just have a little different way of going about it.

The wife when we got married was pretty religious, her family is VERY religious. To the point of fish symbols and Jesus died for me on the back of their car. I can bite my lip most of the time, but once and a while they trip a trigger.

Not so much godly or ungodly, lets just say moral women and men. There is a universal baseline that most people know is what is right and what is wrong. Find one that no matter the fun and good times they miss out on stays on the right side of things and you will find yourself a good person.

The Catholic church is how shall we say it, a whole different matter...

There are folks that pay lip service to their beliefs and those who actually hold to their beliefs even when things are difficult.
Something to think about is do they show their faith by the symbols they stick on things or by their example in their lives.
The Catholic church is how shall we say it, a whole different matter...

There are folks that pay lip service to their beliefs and those who actually hold to their beliefs even when things are difficult.
Something to think about is do they show their faith by the symbols they stick on things or by their example in their lives.
Window dressing.

I do agree with the how you live your life, that is where the rubber meets the road.
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And whose fault is that? Men for being desperate and married high bodycount women.

Men essentially get what they reward, and they have been rewarding bad behavior for a long, long time.
Agreed. That’s exactly what I’ve been saying.

Women in the Tinder\modern feminism generation spend their teens, 20s and 30s getting ran through by Chads and Tyrones faster than a Saigon hooker.

Then when they’re all used up they get hitched to some sad sack they passed over for 20 years with a house and a healthy 401k.

Make no mistake… I blame men too. Mostly the ones with no self respect that ride in like a knight in shining armor to rescue these aspiring cat ladies and clean up their mess, raise their kids, etc. That’s not a good look.
Convert to Russian orthodox and start going to church and you’ll find what you’re looking for. Pass on the western secular churches if I were you
The Russian Orthodox Church became a functionary of the state under Peter since 1721, then a surveillance arm of the NKVD and KGB after they murdered 85% of the priests and put puppets at the top to run the internal and some foreign surveillance apparatus during the Soviet times.

Not exactly the honey pot you want to go dipping into if your’e from the US or Western Europe especially. There’s a very high chance your wife would be an asset for the SVR or GRU as well. I lost track of how many guys I know personally in critical defense sector jobs who got a bride this way. Is it all coincidence? A lot of these Russian women are habitual divorcers too who jump from simp to simp, raking in money left and right with zero concern for the consequences inflicted on their victims.

Russian women come from a culture of 1000 years of brutality, 250 years of enslavement and raping under the Mongols, Tsarist authoritarianism, then over 70 years of demonic Communism, followed by a decade of drunken Yeltsin and now wannabe Tsar Putin. They tend not to smile, expect the worst in every possible decision in life, have a very bleak outlook, and are superstitious to a level not known by western men.

Once in the US, their circle of other Russian women friends can be tight and caustic for a relationship, because of their propensity for cheating and peer pressure to screw over their husbands while looking for the next victim. There is an extensive Russian Jew lawyer infrastructure in the US as well dating back to the Prohibition days, where apostate atheist Russian Jew gangsters did the bookkeeping and accounting for the Irish and Italian/Sicilian bosses in each major city. Many of the members of Congress and administrative State heads with Jewish ancestry hail from this class of career, multi-generational criminals associated with the Mafia.

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan comes from one such family, for example.

American men should be very cautious when considering marrying from the Russian sphere, as the likelihood of being rigged with an intelligence asset is extremely high. This is even more important for those with an active security clearance working in the Defense sector, both in the private and military areas of employment.
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The Russian Orthodox Church became a functionary of the state under Peter since 1721, then a surveillance arm of the NKVD and KGB after they murdered 85% of the priests and put puppets at the top to run the internal and some foreign surveillance apparatus during the Soviet times.

Not exactly the honey pot you want to go dipping into if your’e from the US or Western Europe especially. There’s a very high chance your wife would be an asset for the SVR or GRU as well. I lost track of how many guys I know personally in critical defense sector jobs who got a bride this way. It it all coincidence? A lot of these Russian women are habitual divorcers too who jump from simp to simp, raking in money left and right with zero concern for the consequences inflicted on their victims.

Russian women come from a culture of 1000 years of brutality, 250 years of enslavement and raping under the Mongols, Tsarist authoritarianism, then over 70 years of demonic Communism, followed by a decade of drunken Yeltsin and now wannabe Tsar Putin. They tend not to smile, expect the worst in every possible decision in life, have a very bleak outlook, and are superstitious to a level not known by western men.

Once in the US, their circle of other Russian women friends can be tight and caustic for a relationship, because of their propensity for cheating and peer pressure to screw over their husbands while looking for the next victim. There is an extensive Russian Jew lawyer infrastructure in the US as well dating back to the Prohibition days, where apostate atheist Russian Jew gangsters did the bookkeeping and accounting for the Irish and Italian/Sicilian bosses in each major city. Many of the members of Congress and administrative State heads with Jewish ancestry hail from this class of career, multi-generational criminals associated with the Mafia.

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan comes from one such family, for example.

American men should be very cautious when considering marrying from the Russian sphere, as the likelihood of being rigged with an intelligence asset is extremely high. This is even more important for those with an active security clearance working in the Defense sector, both in the private and military areas of employment.

Western men over-inflate their own importance.

Unless you're a project manager at Raytheon, a commander on a boomer sub, Pentagon brass, a Senator, etc., no SVR or GRU woman is going to cozy up to you just to marry you and get into the West.

The SVR doesn't care that Bill from accounting at Acme Insurance in Iowa knows "secrets" around the water cooler.

Now if you're a lead researcher at Los Alamos and suddenly a Russian woman is approaching you at a NATO conference in Brussels, that might be cause for alarm, and it might be an event you have to report to counter-intelligence authority in the USA, but for 95% of Western men with Eastern European women, they are NOT some sort of spy.
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While I can see your point and I understand it is correct in many instances when you are looking at ungodly women.
There are exceptions, I know several good Godly women who wound up being divorced from unbelieving husbands or unfaithful husbands and went on to have very good strong marriages to a good Godly man.

A lot also depends on your age.

If you are like 20-30 and in the top of your game, handsome, successful, well educated, you can have your pick of the best and most pure and most sought after.

If you fall outside that, you might have to lower your expectations a bit.

Also well, if the man is expecting his wife to be a virgin, shouldn't the wife be able to expect her husband to be a virgin as well????
(Oh yes, the law of Chastity applies to both men and women).
There are exceptions.....I agree. Even the man that cheated on her, I know why that was, and we all do!
Western men over-inflate their own importance.

Unless you're a project manager at Raytheon, a commander on a boomer sub, Pentagon brass, a Senator, etc., no SVR or GRU woman is going to cozy up to you just to marry you and get into the West.

The SVR doesn't care that Bill from accounting at Acme Insurance in Iowa knows "secrets" around the water cooler.

Now if you're a lead researcher at Los Alamos and suddenly a Russian woman is approaching you at a NATO conference in Brussels, that might be cause for alarm, and it might be an event you have to report to counter-intelligence authority in the USA, but for 95% of Western men with Eastern European women, they are NOT some sort of spy.
The Russian Ambassador’s wife bought the burger joint in Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project (without ever setting foot in New Mexico). They already knew about it in advance because of how extensive their surveillance was within the US at the time, through a number of organizations. Szilard was already an asset for them, as were many of the scientists doing the work within the closed community.

Because of the extreme paranoia of Russians (driven by having been invaded by everyone and their brother over the past millennia), they don’t trust single sources of intel for anything. They run saturation operations and have done so before the US was even a thought, since they are Asiatic.

It’s not enough for them to have a compromised pedophile in the White House, a compromised VP, CIA Director, SECDEF, 420 members of Congress over the years, moles throughout DoD, universities, and contractors.

They want to know everything down to the operational level so they can compare and contrast to see who is trying to run controlled assets against them. They are way ahead of the Western ideas of espionage, especially how the US is still considered to be in its infant or toddler stages of that to them.

They filled Langley with 200 doubles out of the gate, who were recruited during the OSS days.

The sale of Russian and Ukrainian women in the post-Soviet collapse has been a continued intelligence boom for them, while Oligarchs like Elena Baturina cash-in on it to the tune of over a billion. Western men see grass greener with a thin, fit, multi-lingual woman who isn’t on her iPhone all day as an alternative to a native-born American girl contaminated by 3rd-wave feminism and public school.

Buyer beware...
. Western men see grass greener with a thin, fit, multi-lingual woman who isn’t on her iPhone all day as an alternative to a native-born American girl contaminated by 3rd-wave feminism and public school.

Buyer beware...

So if you get all that, do you really care if she's a spy on the side?
I mean unless you actually are in some occupation that it makes any kind of difference.
Seems like not the worst thing in the world...
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The Russian Orthodox Church became a functionary of the state under Peter since 1721, then a surveillance arm of the NKVD and KGB after they murdered 85% of the priests and put puppets at the top to run the internal and some foreign surveillance apparatus during the Soviet times.

Not exactly the honey pot you want to go dipping into if your’e from the US or Western Europe especially. There’s a very high chance your wife would be an asset for the SVR or GRU as well. I lost track of how many guys I know personally in critical defense sector jobs who got a bride this way. Is it all coincidence? A lot of these Russian women are habitual divorcers too who jump from simp to simp, raking in money left and right with zero concern for the consequences inflicted on their victims.

Russian women come from a culture of 1000 years of brutality, 250 years of enslavement and raping under the Mongols, Tsarist authoritarianism, then over 70 years of demonic Communism, followed by a decade of drunken Yeltsin and now wannabe Tsar Putin. They tend not to smile, expect the worst in every possible decision in life, have a very bleak outlook, and are superstitious to a level not known by western men.

Once in the US, their circle of other Russian women friends can be tight and caustic for a relationship, because of their propensity for cheating and peer pressure to screw over their husbands while looking for the next victim. There is an extensive Russian Jew lawyer infrastructure in the US as well dating back to the Prohibition days, where apostate atheist Russian Jew gangsters did the bookkeeping and accounting for the Irish and Italian/Sicilian bosses in each major city. Many of the members of Congress and administrative State heads with Jewish ancestry hail from this class of career, multi-generational criminals associated with the Mafia.

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan comes from one such family, for example.

American men should be very cautious when considering marrying from the Russian sphere, as the likelihood of being rigged with an intelligence asset is extremely high. This is even more important for those with an active security clearance working in the Defense sector, both in the private and military areas of employment.

For me generally I'm repulsed on first sight by Russian and Slavic and that whole area of women.
Because there is a really good chance that exactly what you say is true and they are a Godless, amoral, uncaring, disloyal being that is only out to take everything from you and then move on to the next poor sap.
So if you get all that, do you really care if she's a spy on the side?
I mean unless you actually are in some occupation that it makes any kind of difference.
Seems like not the worst thing in the world...
I will never betray my country, nor skirt with the appearance of doing so.

But for most Russian women, the cultural aspects of it just aren’t worth it. I saw maybe 1 or 2 sweethearts when I lived there, but the rest are either surrendered to the idea that life sucks no matter what you do, have very deep suspicions about everyone, and they actually want to be physically abused if they are to respect you as a man.

It’s very weird for an American or Western European from North of the Alps. Since they are very Latin-based with the language and have some similar cultural values with southern and Eastern Europeans, it might be easier for an Italian, Greek, or Spaniard to marry a Russian woman, but I would generally advise against it.

This does bring up an important part about recipes for success in a marriage though.

The more common ground you have in family, faith, heritage, hobbies, and ethics, the more likely you will be successful in marriage.

Opposing faiths, ethnicities, family backgrounds, languages, and nationalities are really, really hard to make work in the long-run.
Well did you happen to notice the age we got married. She had not had every man in town, and I had not had every girl in town. Starting young before you get into the "hookup" culture of easy sex is key. I see sex as the single most valuable thing you have you don't just give it away for a few minutes of feel good.

So you need to start young. Again I don't you are going to like this, you did not want to get married that young, you wanted to go out and have some fun right, get laid and bed every good looking female that would be open to that. That is one action I don't see as good for boys or girls. Easy risk free sex is a major problem in what is going on in the world today. "The pill" was both wonderful and the worst curse on the planet that has ever been. So many issues between men and women are traced back to risk free sex.

So to answer where do you find them.....well for you (assume you are over the age of 25) are fucked. They are already grabbed up. You have to make your choice around what is left over. Even finding a widow is going to bring on baggage. Sorry again you made your choice to "play the field" and that choice had a cost to it.

75% chance my wife does not speak highly of me to her girlfriends.

Story time:
Valentines day, I want to do something special for her. The local shelter I work with have a thing on valentines day that is called puppy grams. You pay them some money, and they will bring 3-4 puppies to your place of work, and everyone gets to play with a puppy for a half hour. It is a bit expensive, but I see it as just another donation to a place I already donate to. And it is the place I am going to volunteer at in roughly 320 days when I retire.

I pick her up from work a few weeks ago, she is getting a new battery in her car. One of her friends is walking out with her. Never laid eyes on this person.
Oh you are her husband, you are so fantastic, the puppy gram was great. You are so sweet picking her up, my husband called me an uber to get my car. on and on an on. And that is not isolated. I don't do company parties so I never see the people she works with, but once in a blue moon. For some reason or another they think I am great. The friends she has outside work as well, I pick up something for her at the quilt shop, oh your ____ husband, we hear so much about you, husband of the year.

So yet another swing and a miss, or perhaps you would tell your girl to get an uber to pick up her car instead of doing the husband thing and taking care of it for her.

Sorry you really missed that one all the way around.

And I am really sorry for you.

But make no mistake I do agree with you, there is a very base disconnect between men and women and it is only getting worse. Look back at a time when divorce was not as bad as it is today, what was different. No it is not what the feminist wants you to think that the women got locked in a house all day, to be a maid during the day and a sex slave at night. People actually liked being where they are.

The world changed, and the world started telling people the wrong things. Every once and a while two people will cross at a young enough age to not be spoiled by the world yet, they will link up and be a perfect fit for eachother.

People around us just don't get it, why are you two so happy, how do you do it. I don't know, she is just the one everything just feels right.
I know that your story is not completely what you make it sound, but I will pretend it is. Granted I do see older people that are happy, so maybe that is you and your wife. You and I live miles from each other, so we see the same atmosphere. What I see.....99% of married couples in public look beaten down/misserable. 99% of people dating look happy as can be. If you think my estimates are skewed we can hang out any time in Warrensburg, Kingsville, or Holden, and bet on the odds. Knowing what I see, says all I need to know. I've been on both sides.

No, never was a male whore and never have been. I found divorce to be one of my biggest personal failures. How people celebrate that is beyond me. It also assured me, that if what I put into that was not enough, I will never be successful at it. Marriage is for others, not me, not now. My divorces was painful emotionally and financially. Everybody I know says the same. How men take the plunge again is beyond me. I raised three children that didn't belong to me, in the end I got handed the bill. Yep, she was the type of person you should marry, yes she could be great and also horrible.

I just can't wrap my head around anybody who would encourage a young man today to get married. I don't care about my circumstance or yours. Makes no difference. I'm speaking on statistical facts. It's like telling young men to play Russian Roulette. Yes, 1% will be happy, 10-20% will succeed and be part of the misserable, all others will end up divorced and bitter. Those are fucking stupid odds!!!! I can see why ex-spouses kill each other. We live in the wrong time to encourage marriage.....probably the worst time in history. Who would encourage it??? ONLY FOOLS!...........But hey good quality young fellas, you could be one of the lucky 1%....great odds! I'm tired of watching the young men I work with get taken to the cleaners!
Western men over-inflate their own importance.
I would counter this with the opposite. Western men are taught to undervalue and deflate their sense of importance in society, often made to think they are inherently-bad, the cause of all social ills, and to be fleeced as nothing but silent taxpayers and workers who should have no opinion on things.

In reality, Western men have built amazing and unbelievable things, improved the lives of billions of people they will never see or hear of, and hold things together in ways that have not been done in history.

The Soviet/Marxist demoralization efforts have been extremely effective at pounding this message repeatedly, because at the end of the day, they know they pale in comparison to the achievements of enlightened Western men.
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I would counter this with the opposite. Western men are taught to undervalue and deflate their sense of importance in society, often made to think they are inherently-bad, the cause of all social ills, and to be fleeced as nothing bit silent taxpayers and workers who should have no opinion on things.

In reality, Western men have built amazing and unbelievable things, improved the lives of billions of people they will never see or hear of, and hold things together in ways that have not been done in history.

The Soviet/Marxist demoralization efforts have been extremely effective at pounding this message repeatedly, because at the end of the day, they know they pale in comparison to the achievements of enlightened Western men.

It is highly unlikely any of us on this forum is important enough that the SVR or GRU would target us by telling a 22 year old Russian girl with a master's degree in history and philosophy who could moonlight as a lingerie model to "go cozy up to that American, impress him with your body and mind, make him swoon, and get him to marry you."
It is highly unlikely any of us on this forum is important enough that the SVR or GRU would target us by telling a 22 year old Russian girl with a master's degree in history and philosophy who could moonlight as a lingerie model to "go cozy up to that American, impress him with your body and mind, make him swoon, and get him to marry you."
Why do you believe that?

They already have the senior positions in government. They financed Joe Biden’s Senate campaign in 1972 so they could continue to build their hand in the treaty-signatory authority in US government.

They already had the CIA out of the gate and the FBI prior to it since the Bureau was a cover for organized crime since the 1920s, used to keep tabs on any threats to "the families". That was very easy to penetrate and exploit by the Russians.

Any rising generation or people with the ability to communicate are a potential threat that has to be managed and misdirected.

There was always an internal conflict between the Russia-centric Soviets with geopolitical ambitions near their sphere of influence (control territories around Russia), and the International Communists who want to spread the cancer throughout the world by any and all means.

Both of those have plenty of interest to continue to seed the US and the West with honey pots, especially if the women get control over the children in divorce and feed those into positions for future opportunities.

They are way deeper into the game than the Western mind thinks about these things. They use family and children as assets without thinking twice about it, since they always see an existent threat to their former empire.
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Why do you believe that?

They already have the senior positions in government. They financed Joe Biden’s Senate campaign in 1972 so they could continue to build their hand in the treaty-signatory authority in US government.

They already had the CIA out of the gate and the FBI prior to it since the Bureau was a cover for organized crime since the 1920s, used to keep tabs on any threats to "the families". That was very easy to penetrate and exploit by the Russians.

Any rising generation or people with the ability to communicate are a potential threat that has to be managed and misdirected.

There was always an internal conflict between the Russia-centric Soviets with geopolitical ambitions near their sphere of influence (control territories around Russia), and the International Communists who want to spread the cancer throughout the world by any and all means.

Both of those have plenty of interest to continue to seed the US and the West with honey pots, especially if the women get control over the children in divorce and feed those into positions for future opportunities.

They are way deeper into the game than the Western mind thinks about these things. They use family and children as assets without thinking twice about it, since they always see an existent threat to their former empire.

Don't take this the wrong way but are you a Boomer? You seem to be stuck in a 1950s-1980s mentality of "Soviets, "Soviets, "Soviets," "A red in every bed and behind every mailbox."

The Soviet Union is gone. Russia is back in the hands of true Rus. The Bolsheviks are only in power in the EU and the USA.
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Don't put all your quarters in the "godly" bucket. And here again I don't fit into an easy package. I see religion as a massive scam, and nothing more then a way to control people. Sure it might have played a part back before everyone could read, but today no. And a quick look at the current catholic church that is a hard no. That however does not mean I don't think there is a god, I do. I just have a little different way of going about it.

The wife when we got married was pretty religious, her family is VERY religious. To the point of fish symbols and Jesus died for me on the back of their car. I can bite my lip most of the time, but once and a while they trip a trigger.

Not so much godly or ungodly, lets just say moral women and men. There is a universal baseline that most people know is what is right and what is wrong. Find one that no matter the fun and good times they miss out on stays on the right side of things and you will find yourself a good person.

Oh, wow, bumper stickers. They must have been real Christians. :ROFLMAO: :rolleyes:

Sigh. :cautious:

Just to clear things up, here is what you are looking for, that is, a woman who wholeheartedly believes these things.

In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, 2 as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior. 3 Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; 4 but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. 5 For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands; 6 just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.

1 Peter 3

Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. 28 So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30 because we are members of His body. 31 For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. 32 This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband.

Ephesians 5

Look for one who is (a) even aware of passages like this, and (b) believes them with all of her heart, not just paying lip service to them. See how her own mother treats her father and keeps her home. See how she demonstrates her love for Christ in her life.

Does she speak up and ask questions in church?

The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. 35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church. 36 Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only?

37 If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord’s commandment.

1 Cor 14

I mean, bumper stickers on the car, by all means pick a wife based on that if you want, but if you want a Christian woman, pick a woman who actually believes Christian things, which are found in scripture, not stuck to the back of a car.

Don't be surprised if your wife is a feminist if you marry one who believes feminist things instead of what scripture says, e.g. above. If she thinks marriage is a "partnership," then she is a feminist. A patriarchal model is what is laid out in scripture for marriage. If she does not believe in marriage as a patriarchy, then she does not believe in the biblical model of marriage. Period.

Many of you will recoil from this because American "churches" do not teach these scriptures and haven't for half a century. On the rare occasion that they do, they "explain away" the clear meaning of the words.

Oh, they all have marriage classes to "enrich" your marriage. Do they focus on what scripture says about marriage? LOL, no!

Don't go by what she says, verbally or on a car window sticker. Go by what she does. Does she do what he says? Find a woman who is Christian and does what scripture says, and you will be fine and can fulfill your part of what God commands you as a husband and father.

Now why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?
Luke 6:46
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Don't take this the wrong way but are you a Boomer? You seem to be stuck in a 1950s-1980s mentality of "Soviets, "Soviets, "Soviets," "A red in every bed and behind every mailbox."

The Soviet Union is gone. Russia is back in the hands of true Rus. The Bolsheviks are only in power in the EU and the USA.
He has a point though. Look at Feinstein, Swalwell and then the card carrying communist CIA director John Brennan. Influence, propaganda peddling leading to indoctrination is a solid tool also. There are people on this board who have a lot of influence and touch a lot of communities (I would think you would probably be surprised).

Of course it isn't only the Soviets but lately more so the Chinese who account for a wide cost of intellectual theft ranging from $250 billion to $600 billion annually. When is the last time China made a worth a crap weapon system? A rifle? A hot rodded set of night vision or thermals? How much cool stuff do we see just on this sight? Sometimes an accumulation of what we think is insignificant adds up to being significant.
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Don't take this the wrong way but are you a Boomer? You seem to be stuck in a 1950s-1980s mentality of "Soviets, "Soviets, "Soviets," "A red in every bed and behind every mailbox."

The Soviet Union is gone. Russia is back in the hands of true Rus. The Bolsheviks are only in power in the EU and the USA.
I am not from Boomer Generation, but X.

McCarthy was a lightweight. It was far worse than he imagined.

I agree that the Bolsheviks seeded the US quite thoroughly, as there was already a healthy contingent of Marxists and Anarchists in the US since the 1800s. They assassinated President McKinley after all, then got a socialist/progressive Teddy Roosevelt in immediately after.

The subversive networks built by American marxists, Bolsheviks, and Soviets are still very much in-place though, with the Chinese, Iranians, Pakistanis, and Muslim Brotherhood having jumped on the exploitation model these groups pioneered throughout the 20th Century.

The evidence for these penetrations and influence operations can be seen in the open now if you know what you’re looking at.

Bushes and China
Clintons and Soviets, China, Pakistan, and Iran from the 1980s-present. (Look up the PROMIS scandal some time.)
Bidens and Soviets, then later Russia and China after the collapse. The FBI has had Biden family members under surveillance since the 1980s.
Obama was conceived as a Bolshevik by his whore mother, who openly told college classmates she was going to protest the white patriarchy by letting a communist black African impregnate her with a bastard child who would be raised to hate the US.

Brings a whole new level to "don’t stick it in crazy".
He has a point though. Look at Feinstein, Swalwell and then the card carrying communist CIA director John Brennan. Influence, propaganda peddling leading to indoctrination is a solid tool also. There are people on this board who have a lot of influence and touch a lot of communities (I would think you would probably be surprised).

Of course it isn't only the Soviets but lately more so the Chinese who account for a wide cost of intellectual theft ranging from $250 billion to $600 billion annually. When is the last time China made a worth a crap weapon system? A rifle? A hot rodded set of night vision or thermals? How much cool stuff do we see just on this sight? Sometimes an accumulation of what we think is insignificant adds up to being significant.
Yup. Technology we take for granted in the US can still be used to exterminate hordes of people in far away lands by bad actors looking to expand their nation’s interests. A ziplock bag in Russia is something people would treasure for life. My 550 cord roll I had could be used to solve all kinds of problems for villagers, and I just thought it was nothing because I have spools of it back home, or can get it easily.

Look at how much US and European/NATO optics Russian Spetsnaz use, or how they mimicked as much of SOPMOD as they could.

For the marital angle, think of some engineering career guy who marries an imported bride. He ends up working for a company doing consumer electronics design or production management for something as silly as breast pumps.

We later see the exact circuit board he designed in Russian missile guidance electronics, imported to Turkey, Armenia, or Azerbaijan, then to Russia since their semiconductor industry has nowhere near the capacity of the US.

There are a lot of dual-use technologies that easily can be repurposed into critical military systems that can change the course of a campaign.

It helps to have people in-place in the US, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, the UK, and Canada to help manage and guide the flow of certain technologies that Russia could never develop on their own. They have the brains, but not the money to run a lot of RDT&E. That economy is weak for such a large population with more than enough real estate and natural resources.

A thing you will notice about Russia is that it is not a value-added rich industrial sector. They don’t take raw material and crank out highly-refined products for export. They primarily export rough wheat, oil, NG, and the value-added exception being weapons that are not anywhere near other industrialized nation standards.
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Yup. Technology we take for granted in the US can still be used to exterminate hordes of people in far away lands by bad actors looking to expand their nation’s interests. A ziplock bag in Russia is something people would treasure for life. My 550 cord roll I had could be used to solve all kinds of problems for villagers, and I just thought it was nothing because I have spools of it back home, or can get it easily.

Look at how much US and European/NATO optics Russian Spetsnaz use, or how they mimicked as much of SOPMOD as they could.

For the marital angle, think of some engineering career guy who marries an imported bride. He ends up working for a company doing consumer electronics design or production management for something as silly as breast pumps.

We later see the exact circuit board he designed in Russian missile guidance electronics, imported to Turkey, Armenia, or Azerbaijan, then to Russia since their semiconductor industry has nowhere near the capacity of the US.

There are a lot of dual-use technologies that easily can be repurposed into critical military systems that can change the course of a campaign.

It helps to have people in-place in the US, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, the UK, and Canada to help manage and guide the flow of certain technologies that Russia could never develop on their own. They have the brains, but not the money to run a lot of RDT&E. That economy is weak for such a large population with more than enough real estate and natural resources.

A thing you will notice about Russia is that it is not a value-added rich industrial sector. They don’t take raw material and crank out highly-refined products for export. They primarily export rough wheat, oil, NG, and the value-added exception being weapons that are not anywhere near other industrialized nation standards.
Look at the drone community and its impact on the Ukraine/Russia conflict. Ever improving open source long range guidance for drones. A drone hobbyist can provide a lot of information.
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Just another reason for Western men who inherited the Enlightenment should really put in the work to find quality, young wives and create solid families for our Nation’s future.

At a time when finding a good wife seems harder than ever, it’s also more important for the future of our society and what that society will look like.

Our society tried feminism, public schooling, pop culture, and tossing values to the winds.

It failed miserably and created something repugnant to the human condition.

It’s time to re-look at our values and cultivate what we know actually works.

This was huge in our decision to never send our kids to school. What a waste of a child’s future, and that’s assuming they are physically safe.

When you’re dating, these are the kinds of conversations to have, and limit physical intimacy that will cloud your judgement.

You will be able to feel if there is a strong element of physical attraction, which is important, but should not be the focus of dating.
I know that your story is not completely what you make it sound, but I will pretend it is. Granted I do see older people that are happy, so maybe that is you and your wife. You and I live miles from each other, so we see the same atmosphere. What I see.....99% of married couples in public look beaten down/misserable. 99% of people dating look happy as can be. If you think my estimates are skewed we can hang out any time in Warrensburg, Kingsville, or Holden, and bet on the odds. Knowing what I see, says all I need to know. I've been on both sides.

No, never was a male whore and never have been. I found divorce to be one of my biggest personal failures. How people celebrate that is beyond me. It also assured me, that if what I put into that was not enough, I will never be successful at it. Marriage is for others, not me, not now. My divorces was painful emotionally and financially. Everybody I know says the same. How men take the plunge again is beyond me. I raised three children that didn't belong to me, in the end I got handed the bill. Yep, she was the type of person you should marry, yes she could be great and also horrible.

I just can't wrap my head around anybody who would encourage a young man today to get married. I don't care about my circumstance or yours. Makes no difference. I'm speaking on statistical facts. It's like telling young men to play Russian Roulette. Yes, 1% will be happy, 10-20% will succeed and be part of the misserable, all others will end up divorced and bitter. Those are fucking stupid odds!!!! I can see why ex-spouses kill each other. We live in the wrong time to encourage marriage.....probably the worst time in history. Who would encourage it??? ONLY FOOLS!...........But hey good quality young fellas, you could be one of the lucky 1%....great odds! I'm tired of watching the young men I work with get taken to the cleaners!

Well I do hate to tell you this but it is just as I say it is. Do we fight, sure we do. But sitting here this morning I can't tell you what the last one was about........I have it now, she buys too much shit at the grocery store. She has gone into "prepper" mode, and while that is not a bad thing, there has to be limits. And when the canned ham starts to be tucked into little "hiding spots" around the house I start to have a problem. You are buying too much crap, we don't have anyplace for it. Her prep room you can't even walk in. Now I get it, but she buys other stuff two. Bunches of apples and bannanas that we will eat some of, but others we toss. Don't ever bring up tossing food around her unless you are ready for a battle royal.

Aside from that we don't fight.

When I said our firends don't get us.....just that they don't understand "how we are so happy". It really is a thing.

My son (26) just got married to his high school sweetie last year (24). She does some kind of Dr. type thing that I am too stupid to understand. Something with mentally ill people, they/them type people. Enough to say she makes DAMN good money for anyone let alone a 24yr old. She was the youngest in her class. My son is an idiot. Dropped out of HS to start his own "business", that went bust, so he just kept swinging. He has a major flaw in wanting to be the next Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs. I tell him that both those people got where they are by fucking over the people that really did the work. Jobs fucked over Woz, and Gates had .gov connections and mommies money, he was not a self made man. A little of a shock to him as they don't teach this shit in school. But he does have a work ethic that just does not exist anymore, and is currently doing something in sales and making enough that they are living off his check and banking hers for the house. (not really I can hear your alarm bells going on, they bank half what they make). It was just easy and I think gets the idea of their saving across better the way I said it.

Will they make it, I don't know. My son was fairly stable after he came to live with us (he is adopted) I did my best to keep him away from my mother after she tried to kidnap him. (a story for another day) Her family sees fairly secure. Her mom is a bit of a nut from what I gather, but I don't really know them.

I think they likely will make it, they really did not partake in the hookup culture. There are some pretty big differences between what the two want, IMHO marriage ending differences, but what do I know. If it does not work it will not be a real shock to me. But for some reason they just look right. They just have that one key issue that is going to be a real hangup for him. Kids. And we all know if the woman does not want kids, you are not going to have kids.
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Oh, wow, bumper stickers. They must have been real Christians. :ROFLMAO: :rolleyes:

Sigh. :cautious:

Just to clear things up, here is what you are looking for, that is, a woman who wholeheartedly believes these things.

In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, 2 as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior. 3 Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; 4 but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. 5 For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands; 6 just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.

1 Peter 3

Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. 28 So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30 because we are members of His body. 31 For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. 32 This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband.

Ephesians 5

Look for one who is (a) even aware of passages like this, and (b) believes them with all of her heart, not just paying lip service to them. See how her own mother treats her father and keeps her home. See how she demonstrates her love for Christ in her life.

Does she speak up and ask questions in church?

The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. 35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church. 36 Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only?

37 If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord’s commandment.

1 Cor 14

I mean, bumper stickers on the car, by all means pick a wife based on that if you want, but if you want a Christian woman, pick a woman who actually believes Christian things, which are found in scripture, not stuck to the back of a car.

Don't be surprised if your wife is a feminist if you marry one who believes feminist things instead of what scripture says, e.g. above. If she thinks marriage is a "partnership," then she is a feminist. A patriarchal model is what is laid out in scripture for marriage. If she does not believe in marriage as a patriarchy, then she does not believe in the biblical model of marriage. Period.

Many of you will recoil from this because American "churches" do not teach these scriptures and haven't for half a century. On the rare occasion that they do, they "explain away" the clear meaning of the words.

Oh, they all have marriage classes to "enrich" your marriage. Do they focus on what scripture says about marriage? LOL, no!

Don't go by what she says, verbally or on a car window sticker. Go by what she does. Does she do what he says? Find a woman who is Christian and does what scripture says, and you will be fine and can fulfill your part of what God commands you as a husband and father.

Now why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?
Luke 6:46

Oh trust me they are, and it is all I can do to keep my mouth shut with all the stupidity that comes out of their mouths.

I am not even going to bother with the other......stuff....you wrote. I know your type all to well.
It's interesting the life experiences shaping the wildly different opinions in here.

The first and most obvious thing is nobody talks to each other. If you can talk and figure things out, you can be successful.

The last fight I had with the wife was 16 years ago when I raised my voice the first time to tell her to go to bed and calm down.
She still has no idea what or why, but she was trying to pick a fight and ended up pissed for days because I refused to fight.

We've been together 18 years, and married for 14 of them. We have the longest lasting marriage in the past 3 generations of her family. Her Dad is on his 3rd, Mom on her 5th, grandparents on their 2nd and 3rd.

There's exceptions to every rule. Your own positivity and ability to adapt generally has a great effect on the outcome to every situation.
It's interesting the life experiences shaping the wildly different opinions in here.

The first and most obvious thing is nobody talks to each other. If you can talk and figure things out, you can be successful.

The last fight I had with the wife was 16 years ago when I raised my voice the first time to tell her to go to bed and calm down.
She still has no idea what or why, but she was trying to pick a fight and ended up pissed for days because I refused to fight.

We've been together 18 years, and married for 14 of them. We have the longest lasting marriage in the past 3 generations of her family. Her Dad is on his 3rd, Mom on her 5th, grandparents on their 2nd and 3rd.

There's exceptions to every rule. Your own positivity and ability to adapt generally has a great effect on the outcome to every situation.

You were lucky. 99.99% of the time, when you tell a woman to calm down that is like trying to baptize a cat.
It's interesting the life experiences shaping the wildly different opinions in here.

The first and most obvious thing is nobody talks to each other. If you can talk and figure things out, you can be successful.

The last fight I had with the wife was 16 years ago when I raised my voice the first time to tell her to go to bed and calm down.
She still has no idea what or why, but she was trying to pick a fight and ended up pissed for days because I refused to fight.

We've been together 18 years, and married for 14 of them. We have the longest lasting marriage in the past 3 generations of her family. Her Dad is on his 3rd, Mom on her 5th, grandparents on their 2nd and 3rd.

There's exceptions to every rule. Your own positivity and ability to adapt generally has a great effect on the outcome to every situation.
It’s a generational thing is all.

There are a bunch of older guys here that met their wives in their late teens and early 20s, shared a milkshake at the local diner and rode off into the sunset together in their Duesenburg. That’s awesome, but no longer realistic.

I’m married almost exactly as long as you and consider myself lucky. We’re part of the transitional generation… somewhere between the old timers mentioned above and the younger generation that had the rug pulled out from under them due to hookup culture.

Young bucks these days don’t have it nearly as good as we did. It might be easier to get laid if you’re decent looking and successful, but WAY harder to find a keeper.
I know that your story is not completely what you make it sound, but I will pretend it is. Granted I do see older people that are happy, so maybe that is you and your wife. You and I live miles from each other, so we see the same atmosphere. What I see.....99% of married couples in public look beaten down/miserable. 99% of people dating look happy as can be. If you think my estimates are skewed we can hang out any time in Warrensburg, Kingsville, or Holden, and bet on the odds. Knowing what I see, says all I need to know. I've been on both sides.
Wow - that's a bitter view. I don't know where those towns are but if all the married people were really so miserable, I'd relocate. Often those that are unhappy in marriage are really just unhappy with themselves.

As posted earlier I'm very happily married for many years (now grandpa!). We met when she was 27 and I was in my 30s. It takes communication and occasional adjustment but notable disagreements are few and far between. We are two different people with our own lives, careers and interests and much of the joy is seeing and hearing about the others challenges and adventures.

I look around at our fairly large group of friends and most all are very happily married and speak well of their spouses. They come from all backgrounds from docs and lawyers to truck drivers and contractors, people of deep faith to agnostic, young and older, conservative to not-so-much, parents or grandparents or no kids, local natives or from somewhere else. Not everything is perfect but overall the people we spend the most time with are happily enjoying life together.

I would make a case for NOT marrying too young. I didn't know what I wanted for me in my early 20s - much less what I wanted in a partner. Life changes rapidly at that age as young people work to figure out what, where, and how they want to live and get a clearer picture of desire for a family, etc. Whatever I did, I knew it had to work for ME - not some external expectations or hand-me-down "standards". If it didn't work for me it wasn't going to work for anyone I was with. Maybe you can find someone to talk to - life is short and hard enough - find the joy and laughter!
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Wow - that's a bitter view. I don't know where those towns are but if all the married people were really so miserable, I'd relocate. Often those that are unhappy in marriage are really just unhappy with themselves.

As posted earlier I'm very happily married for many years (now grandpa!). We met when she was 27 and I was in my 30s. It takes communication and occasional adjustment but notable disagreements are few and far between. We are two different people with our own lives, careers and interests and much of the joy is seeing and hearing about the others challenges and adventures.

I look around at our fairly large group of friends and most all are very happily married and speak well of their spouses. They come from all backgrounds from docs and lawyers to truck drivers and contractors, people of deep faith to agnostic, young and older, conservative to not-so-much, parents or grandparents or no kids, local natives or from somewhere else. Not everything is perfect but overall the people we spend the most time with are happily enjoying life together.

I would make a case for NOT marrying too young. I didn't know what I wanted for me in my early 20s - much less what I wanted in a partner. Life changes rapidly at that age as young people work to figure out what, where, and how they want to live and get a clearer picture of desire for a family, etc. Whatever I did, I knew it had to work for ME - not some external expectations or hand-me-down "standards". If it didn't work for me it wasn't going to work for anyone I was with. Maybe you can find someone to talk to - life is short and hard enough - find the joy and laughter!
Congratulations on becoming a grandpa!
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Never tell a woman to "calm down":eek:, that's like lighting the fuse on a cannon and saying "don't go boom" unless you want the spicy life because that's how you make things spicy (like Lorena Bobbitt spicy).:LOL::LOL:
I told a redhead to calm down once, if I ever run into any of you, I'll show you the scar :ROFLMAO:
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It's interesting the life experiences shaping the wildly different opinions in here.

The first and most obvious thing is nobody talks to each other. If you can talk and figure things out, you can be successful.

The last fight I had with the wife was 16 years ago when I raised my voice the first time to tell her to go to bed and calm down.
She still has no idea what or why, but she was trying to pick a fight and ended up pissed for days because I refused to fight.

We've been together 18 years, and married for 14 of them. We have the longest lasting marriage in the past 3 generations of her family. Her Dad is on his 3rd, Mom on her 5th, grandparents on their 2nd and 3rd.

There's exceptions to every rule. Your own positivity and ability to adapt generally has a great effect on the outcome to every situation.
This shows how the current generations of marrying age are having to navigate through the giant mess left by previous generations who departed from family-focused marriages, and went to self-centered contracts validated by government.

Did they have divorce in ye olden days? Of course, and had marital abandonment, spouse abuse, child abuse, but also happy marriages and strong families too.

Something different happened though with consumerism in the post-WWII era with Baby Boomers, where they were told to do what they wanted, satisfy their own individual wants and desires, get mom and dad in the workforce to be able to debt slave/finance bigger homes, have 2 or more cars, while watching Dallas and lusting after the pretend rich man’s gold on the TV. Kids would be raised by the state now at public school, and no longer come home to a mother waiting for them.

Avg square footage of single family residences went:

  • 1920: 1,048
  • 1930: 1,129
  • 1940: 1,177
  • 1950: 983
  • 1960: 1,289
  • 1970: 1,500
  • 1980: 1,740
  • 1990: 2,080
  • 2000: 2,266
  • 2010: 2,392
  • 2014: 2,657
Material things were placed at a much higher value than raising children. My generation (X), basically lived with abandonment as the norm.

The divorce rates are interesting to look at though with the recent drops in both marriage and divorce:


I met the (seemingly) nicest, sweetest, politest, STUNNINGLY beautiful girl in the "all American girl next door" kind of way yesterday. Little if any makeup. A natural beauty. 19-20 year old college student. Ring between her nostrils, another ring in each nostril. Barbell piercing at the bridge of her nose/between her eyes. Rings in her lip. Studs in her cheeks. Many rings in each ear.

I wanted ot cry. :(
Bet the ride would have been spirited and enjoyable
I think that is where people get it wrong. There is NO fairytale relationship! That is a myth, relationships take work, patience and understanding. They are never perfect. Living in close proximity day in and day out with someone everyday of the year results in some stress, arguments. There will be friction, it is just the reality of the situation. Some relationships are better than others in regards to this. I had a friend who has been married for about 20 years tell me she was concerned about her marriage because she yelled at her husband and "cursed" (first time in 20 years of marriage). She was actually worried, I laughed and told her she was fine, because she was. Everybody has their moment or moments, it's just how you handle it. Same thing goes for anybody living together, it's never perfect, there is always a little blem but that is just part of it.
so true

the range of emotions towards your wife can vary; do I kill her today or do I love her every move? lololololol

for the record, I LOVE my wife and she's the best. She loves country, God, guns, thinks liberalism is a mental disease and doen't let me get away with anything or rather, not too far haahahaha

OP needs to go to country concert or bar
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This is short video but gets right to the point. I would add that men are not loved at all, just their money.

Any young man contemplating the bondage and ignominious state of unholy matrimonial terror would do well to ruminate on what is said in the video.

You will not only be placed after the children in order of priority but will be dead last on her list of wants.

This is short video but gets right to the point. I would add that men are not loved at all, just their money.

Any young man contemplating the bondage and ignominious state of unholy matrimonial terror would do well to ruminate on what is said in the video.

You will not only be placed after the children in order of priority but will be dead last on her list of wants.

lol I love my kids way way more than anyone else. Only JC himself could come in between us

women can be replaced, my kids cannot
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If you don't want children there is absolutely no reason to get married in any Western nation these days. If you don't want children and you still insist on getting married out of some misguided sense of tradition, good luck to you, and don't forget a typical divorce is billed out at about $300 per hour, and it isn't uncommon to be asked to put up $15,000 upfront for retainer.
absolutely. i believe that children need to be raised in a monogamous,committed setting. not totally that way anymore and the results are obvious. as another (radical libertarian) idea,i do not believe in a "license" to marry. if you happen to be religious and believe in same and/or want children, ,that is the business of you,your intended and your church,mosque,temple,etc. in NO way of any concern to the gov. just another abuse/control mechanism by the gov. a civil contract could be easily developed that would assure compliance and agreed on action if contract is dissolved or violated. and that would make you lawyers happy overcharging for stuff as usual. but should be set that both party's interests are stipulated and agreed. this would be voluntary,not mandatory and NO gov involvement needed. anything to remove gov involvement in any activity is a big plus IMHO.
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absolutely. i believe that children need to be raised in a monogamous,committed setting. not totally that way anymore and the results are obvious. as another (radical libertarian) idea,i do not believe in a "license" to marry. if you happen to be religious and believe in same and/or want children, ,that is the business of you,your intended and your church,mosque,temple,etc. in NO way of any concern to the gov. just another abuse/control mechanism by the gov. a civil contract could be easily developed that would assure compliance and agreed on action if contract is dissolved or violated. and that would make you lawyers happy overcharging for stuff as usual. but should be set that both party's interests are stipulated and agreed. this would be voluntary,not mandatory and NO gov involvement needed. anything to remove gov involvement in any activity is a big plus IMHO.

I hate divorce and divorce law and have only ever handled one divorce case, which was for a very close friend at his insistence. I tend to advise people against marriage [in most circumstances], against fornication, against cohabitation, and against divorce if they have gotten married. In most instances of modern Western divorce, the divorce is simply sin, there is no valid biblical basis to justify the divorce or to make it permissible in the eyes of God.

I would tell any young man, "if she's not a virgin she's not marriageable and if you lie with her after she was deflowered by another man, in the eyes of God and per the law of Moses, you are guilty of adultery along with her. If she's not a virgin every man she subsequently goes with is one more act of adultery on her part. She belongs to whosoever first has her, and she is not free to remarry while her husband yet lives."

I also give them the test, "ask yourself, would your great grandfather have accepted this woman?" or "do you want your daughters to wind up like her and your sons to marry women like her?"

Around 92-95% of American women are simply not marriageable by any reasonable traditional criteria of the sort applied by our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers.

It is shocking and amazing, without historical precedent, how in less than 60 years we have gone from a society where a woman had to be virginal to be considered marriageable, to a society where the average woman has 10+ partners by age 25, decides to get "married" around age 30, and men are ridiculed and mocked for not accepting run through ruined women who cannot function as proper wives. History is full of examples of promiscuous women becoming the norm before a decaying civilization's final collapse, but never before has the average woman been unmarriagable and the average man been subjected to such social shame for refusing to marry such women.

Although I wouldn't consider divorce/family law services overcharging. What is it worth to have primary physical and legal custody of your kids and to have them away from a toxic feminist?
I hate divorce and divorce law and have only ever handled one divorce case, which was for a very close friend at his insistence. I tend to advise people against marriage [in most circumstances], against fornication, against cohabitation, and against divorce if they have gotten married. In most instances of modern Western divorce, the divorce is simply sin, there is no valid biblical basis to justify the divorce or to make it permissible in the eyes of God.

I would tell any young man, "if she's not a virgin she's not marriageable and if you lie with her after she was deflowered by another man, in the eyes of God and per the law of Moses, you are guilty of adultery along with her. If she's not a virgin every man she subsequently goes with is one more act of adultery on her part. She belongs to whosoever first has her, and she is not free to remarry while her husband yet lives."

I also give them the test, "ask yourself, would your great grandfather have accepted this woman?" or "do you want your daughters to wind up like her and your sons to marry women like her?"

Around 92-95% of American women are simply not marriageable by any reasonable traditional criteria of the sort applied by our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers.

It is shocking and amazing, without historical precedent, how in less than 60 years we have gone from a society where a woman had to be virginal to be considered marriageable, to a society where the average woman has 10+ partners by age 25, decides to get "married" around age 30, and men are ridiculed and mocked for not accepting run through ruined women who cannot function as proper wives. History is full of examples of promiscuous women becoming the norm before a decaying civilization's final collapse, but never before has the average woman been unmarriagable and the average man been subjected to such social shame for refusing to marry such women.

Although I wouldn't consider divorce/family law services overcharging. What is it worth to have primary physical and legal custody of your kids and to have them away from a toxic feminist?
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a bit OT here but on the espionage thing: yes the russians successfully and competently inserted 100s of agents from the 20s-80s. so true mccarthy was right ++. however,the chinese,muslims,indians et al don't need to be snuck in. we just let them in wiley niley. into tech,medicine,intel,military,physics,inf disease,ag,business and every other important field with NO investigation or clearance of any of them. of course,now we are letting in their foot soldiers by the 100s of thousands.
a bit OT here but on the espionage thing: yes the russians successfully and competently inserted 100s of agents from the 20s-80s. so true mccarthy was right ++. however,the chinese,muslims,indians et al don't need to be snuck in. we just let them in wiley niley. into tech,medicine,intel,military,physics,inf disease,ag,business and every other important field with NO investigation or clearance of any of them. of course,now we are letting in their foot soldiers by the 100s of thousands.

Back in "the day" spying actually required infiltration.

Today if the international communist conspiracy wants something, if China wants schematics on the F-35, they just get it via the Israelis after the Israelis demand the USA hand it over to Israel.

Israel has been funneling American technology to China for years.

If an administration were serious about securing America they would revoke security clearances for all Israeli dual-citizens, anybody married to an Israeli, or anybody holding an active Israeli passport.
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