Got in the woods around 630 and despite hearing alot of shooting, I didn't see much but a couple does being pushed fast by rutting bucks. Finally around non this guy striped out into a clearing, quartering away at a good clip. Finally reached three point of decision time so I sent one into the high shoulder to put him down. Not quite DRT, but he was going nowhere... Or so I thought. I've never heard a buck roar before now but this guy was letting everyone know he was jacked up. At 75 yds I could have put one in his neck but not having seen the full rack on the ground up close I didn't know if I had a worthy wall hanger or not so I started hiking. Ended up puting another into the vitals and took a few minutes to shake off the buck fever.
The bullet performed well, taking out the back just above the shoulders and the vital was a point blank pass thru. / will embed later when i'm not on mobile device
The bullet performed well, taking out the back just above the shoulders and the vital was a point blank pass thru. / will embed later when i'm not on mobile device