I miiight have been responsible for one of these cases a few months ago. This number count is misleading though, it also includes arguments with the flight attendants
We were flying back to Denver from whorelando so the normal bullshit in the airports was already grating on my nerves. We boarded the plane and just as we were about to leave, something on this pile of shit breaks. We sit on the plane while the pilots pretend to do something. Then a mechanic replaces something and the plane remains broken…. So everyone gets off and we wait for an hour for some other hunk of shit to roll up. Like good dissidents, we’re sitting in the terminal with no face diapers(“eating lunch”, for a whole hour). When we get a new plane we gather our stuff and get seated. I still have my toilet paper down protecting my goatee from getting covaids as we’re boarding. When we sit down I have to get my kids buckled and start a movie for them, as insurance for the rest of the plane. Some stupid little faggot attendant sees my toilet paper not in the approved position and decides to power trip on me. I say I’ll get it when I’m done situating my kids. No dice, not good enough for komerade. I say it again a little more forcefully then ignore him completely. He huffs off like a little cunt and get someone at the desk. Somebody else comes and explains some stupid shit to me but also explains that they can kick me off the plane. Unfortunately, if I get kicked off and leave my wife and stepdaughter to fly home with 3 other little kids I may be sleeping in a tent in the backyard for a while. So I relent and pull the toilet paper up to cover my entire face as a small middle finger. As soon as we’re airborne I pull my hoodie up as far as it will go, remove the toilet paper, and take a nap. While the worthless announcements are being made it’s reiterated that the mask mandate is still in effect and I am vaguely referenced. The rest of the flight goes smoothly, no more huffy bitch attendants. When we land I get our shit and ignore the staff and pilots and their empty platitudes, pulling my toilet paper off right in front of them on my way off their shitbox. Fuck these people