Went to the range today and fired a few rounds to see if my Tikka could stabilize the bullets at a 1-11" twist and velocity around 2400 FPS.
In conversations with MontanaMarine, decided to work up from 45.0 grains of RL-17, CCI200, Lapua once-fired brass, COAL 2.95-ish.
I forgot how poorly RL-17 meters out of a Dillon, so there is probably some of that at play, as well.
Jam into the lands is 3.070, and if I were smarter I would have just used a 30-06 magazine to get that OAL. As it was, I was shooting from a CTR mag, and even then had to single feed.
None of the bullets tumbled that I can tell.
Group 1 (center of target) 45.0, average velocity 2338 FPS, ES 25.3, SD 8.7, group size 2.5"
Group 2 (upper left) 45.5, average velocity 2386 FPS, ES 50.3, SD 18.1, group ~ 1.25"
Group 3 (upper right) 46.0, average velocity 2405 FPS, ES 46.4, SD 18.6, group >2"
Group 4 (lower left) 46.5, average velocity 2445 FPS, ES 59.8, SD 22.1, group ~ 1-3/4'
Going to do the long mag thing, and change powders, but wanted to get this out there just to see who else if flinging heavies and get thoughts on different powders.
In conversations with MontanaMarine, decided to work up from 45.0 grains of RL-17, CCI200, Lapua once-fired brass, COAL 2.95-ish.
I forgot how poorly RL-17 meters out of a Dillon, so there is probably some of that at play, as well.
Jam into the lands is 3.070, and if I were smarter I would have just used a 30-06 magazine to get that OAL. As it was, I was shooting from a CTR mag, and even then had to single feed.
None of the bullets tumbled that I can tell.
Group 1 (center of target) 45.0, average velocity 2338 FPS, ES 25.3, SD 8.7, group size 2.5"
Group 2 (upper left) 45.5, average velocity 2386 FPS, ES 50.3, SD 18.1, group ~ 1.25"
Group 3 (upper right) 46.0, average velocity 2405 FPS, ES 46.4, SD 18.6, group >2"
Group 4 (lower left) 46.5, average velocity 2445 FPS, ES 59.8, SD 22.1, group ~ 1-3/4'
Going to do the long mag thing, and change powders, but wanted to get this out there just to see who else if flinging heavies and get thoughts on different powders.