I called the ATF on 4/12/19 and asked about two suppressors purchased last year.
The examiner could not find one but told me that an error letter, concerning the serial number, had been sent to the dealer but was not answered
She was able to tell me that the approval on the other suppressor was "pending."
I asked her what that meant and the reply was that it was just "pending." I then asked her when the paperwork was submitted to the FBI for the background check and she said that she didn't know. She said that from now on, I can just check back on a month-to-month basis.
For the suppressor in question, she gave me a control number. I asked her if and when we got the correct serial number would I have to wait another year to get my suppressor? She told me no.
Now that's odd, she couldn't tell me when the paperwork was submitted to the FBI for the background check but could assure me that I would not have to wait another year for the suppressor in question.
After talking with the examiner, I called the dealer. The sales representative was not aware of the error letter.

Nevertheless, I gave him the control number and name of the examiner I spoke with.
After an hour he called back to explain the situation.
He spoke with the examiner and a Research Assistant. Apparently someone from the dealership replied to the error letter with the correct serial number and that we are now waiting on the background check to be complete.
I sent one check for two tax stamps and it was cashed on 6/19/2018. To date that's 302 days.