Fuck You Mark Kelly

I've had the Model Y and the Model 3 to 135MPH. Rock solid.

The FSD will only got to 85MPH.

Batteries are not an issue, what is an issue is that if you are driving at captain insaneo speeds, you're going to burn through alot more electrons than if you were driving 80 MPH.

The other thing that makes a huge difference is having performance vs low roll resistance tires. I have really good tires, which effects my overall mileage (270 miles on a charge, vs 330).

There are no free lunches / there are always trade offs.
I live in AZ and am embarrassed this state has elected this person. He doesnt care about anything but his own celebrity and puts on a show for the people who voted him in there. Has done absolutly zero action even for his electorate. All he does is put on a show and talk. absolutely worthless for our state. It sucks since i have roots here and was born here.

Remember when Arizona was a nice place?
Remember when AZ elections weren’t completely compromised?
It’s remarkable how these threads can change. Guess I am responsible for this thread becoming a hate/love for Tesla.

Tesla’s are pretty cool compared to most ev’s. However, until an easily service station replaceable battery pack becomes available, the ev’s are pretty much a toy of the rich and/or transportation for people who live mid sized cities.

Back to the subject at hand

One wonders how the world would be if Mark Kelly had been an actor on the lost in space movie instead of a “renowned” astronaut. They way he “acts” not much different the way I see it. Most of the men who worked in space used their experience to further mankind or at least not as a springboard to a career in the public “cash in pocket” business. (Aka national politics)

It’s sad about Gabby, she didn’t deserve what she got, no matter how you feel about her politics. But when people take a relative’s personal tragedy and make it a national crusade, they often become nothing more than a bore. It gets old.

Myself, I have to be careful not to push the fate of my cousin’s son (Daniel) who was killed by a drunk driver while Daniel was driving home from work. 21 years old he was. Living in Mark’s state, why doesn’t he do something about drunk driving. Kills far more than AR’s do

Tesla is arguably the best EV. Ranked against all vehicles sold in the US, in terms or quality/number of problems they rank well below average.

Until we have nuclear fusion plants powering a significantly expanded grid, they just aren’t practical. Look at CA.
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Yeah, Tesla apparently ranked at the bottom when it comes to quality control, and customer service…

Now the funny part is I really haven’t had any serious issues was over 200,000 miles on two different vehicle vehicles

I will say that when I got my model Y I had them come and fix all sorts of shit… And they came and didn’t bat an eyelash and just fixed it
Like every other manufacturer or they’re full of crap when it comes to the no maintenance thing.

You really do need to replace the coolant every 60 to 100,000 miles, and the coolant/differential fluid does need to be changed… even though, they tell you otherwise, don’t believe them. Interestingly, having them replaced the front and rear differential fluid fluids, and the filters for those differentials, Was like 250 bucks… which really isn’t bad.

Similar to Subaru telling anybody who has a CVT that you don’t have to change the fluid cause it’s good for the life of the vehicle. Yeah, it’s good till it’s 100,000 miles when the transmission explodes… Whereas if you had been changing youd get 200,000 miles out of the same transmission.

I will say the Tesla is the first car that I actually had to do a brake service on because they never wear out and barely get used… So you gotta take him apart once a year and lube all the points of contact for the pads (mine has these really nice Brembo parts which I would much rather keep in good shape)
Just passed on the wife's CVT Subaru with 190k miles on it, didn't change the transmission fluid or coolant and it didn't explode. So disappointed the internet lied to me...

She got another one, I really hope it blows up at 100,001 miles or I'm really going to be discouraged.
Just passed on the wife's CVT Subaru with 190k miles on it, didn't change the transmission fluid or coolant and it didn't explode. So disappointed the internet lied to me...

She got another one, I really hope it blows up at 100,001 miles or I'm really going to be discouraged.
Ours blew up at 40,000 miles.

Neighbors blew up at 55,000 miles.

In Japan change the for the fluid is 32,000 mile… with the same vehicle in the United States has lifetime fluid…
Ours blew up at 40,000 miles.

Neighbors blew up at 55,000 miles.

In Japan change the for the fluid is 32,000 mile… with the same vehicle in the United States has lifetime fluid…
Fuck Volkswagen… and I’m a German
Finally, another German.

So, what are we going to do about dutch south African record producer Robert "Mutt" Lange? He is the one counting in the beat of "Rock of Ages" by Def Leppard with the nonsensical words - "Gunter, glieben, glauben, globen...."

Many thought it was drummer Rick Allen doing that but I heard later it was the producer.
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So, does abandoning an electric car out of protest for a 16MPG sport utility mean that climate change is no longer a threat?
Scams are only a threat to those that fall for them. Those holding office aren't on the side that falls for the scam, they're on the side that propagates and benefits from the scam.
The only problem I have with relegating them to a category of sub-human is that they cannot be judged, then, by human standards.

For example, a dog poops in the yard and you say "Good boy."

A grown man poops in the yard and you call the cops.

OTOH, what does one do with a rabid dog?
This has been tried at least 100 times. The most recent time wasn't done to completion, and now our country is being destroyed from within by the rabid leftists.

Oh wait, hold on, I thought we were talking about something else. Oops.
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He and She were selected, not elected, because AZ, where I live BTW, is a demoni-cratic stronghold. There's no way we have that many funky people here as the majority. Of all the people I know there's only a few that voted for them and I'm not sure about their sanity, and I mean that seriously, because one is a psychology major that helped transition trany's, and the other goes to a shrink twice a month.

I hope somehow the political climate in AZ changes! To me it's two sides to the same coin but I'll take Repubs over Demos all day every day.

My son drives a Tesla S model, partly because he's computer geek that likes this stuff, even to the point of owning a computer based business, and he likes the power it has.
It's fast, like 750 HP, and he's got a 25 minute commute one way 6 days a week as well as going all over the valley anyway, so he does save a bit charging vs fueling. Would I like one, nope not at all. I drive a F250 and a Corvette occasionally.
He's also a conservative man who is a Christian, a good husband to his wife, and a especially good father to his son.
He's fully aware of the green agenda and all the BS that goes with it but he likes that car a lot.
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you left out the crooked rigged elections that are controlled in maricopa county.

He and She were selected, not elected, because AZ, where I live BTW, is a demoni-cratic stronghold. There's no way we have that many funky people here as the majority.

Maricopa county elections stink to high heaven it's like Chicago where every election they "find" the votes they need.
Slimedust must think a hero is a person who -
takes away people's 2A rights and 1st amendment rights through gov censorship
puts illegals over Americans
thinks corruption is ok, as long as it benefits the Dem party
stood by and watched the autopen, ignored dementia
celebrates the invasion of America, gives money to make it happen
All around POS and Chuck Shumer boot licker
thinks Parents are terrorists
Doesn't care about 350,000 missing trafficked kids under his watch
Slimedust must think a hero is a person who -
takes away people's 2A rights and 1st amendment rights through gov censorship
puts illegals over Americans
thinks corruption is ok, as long as it benefits the Dem party
stood by and watched the autopen, ignored dementia
celebrates the invasion of America, gives money to make it happen
All around POS and Chuck Shumer boot licker
thinks Parents are terrorists
Doesn't care about 350,000 missing trafficked kids under his watch
Kelly is so much worse than upchuck. He’s worse than Feinstein.

Treasonous fuck only cares about Tucson, Phoenix, Flagstaff. He gives no fucks about the part of the state next to the border. At least McCain pretended to give a shit.
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Kelly is so much worse than upchuck. He’s worse than Feinstein.

Agreed he is much worse, he's very good at selling himself as if he's a conservative or reasonable or whatever yet he votes for all the same leftist shit as AOC

And then we have the illegal alien anchor baby as our other senator, same thing, he flexes his military service and then votes for leftist shit

Oddly enough the goofy lesbo Sinema was better than both of them
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