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Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

You know how you know rising sea levels are bullshit......just look at insurance and loans.

If sea levels were going to rise so much they are going to wipe out entire coastal cities in the next 5,10,20 years.....it would be IMPOSSIBLE to get insurance or a loan on water front property.....

....no bank is going to let you take out a mortgage on a home if that home is going to be underwater in 10 years.

Yet no one seems to be having trouble getting beach houses.
Well, rising sea levels will probably be classed as an act of God. As such, no insurance will pay out any claims. Hence how easy it is to get insurance for beach houses.
Not really taking into account all of the ice sitting on land above sea level, you know, like that fucking continent on the South Pole.
The natural cycles of the earth. That land has not always been covered in snow/ice. Much of the current land mass was covered in water. But it is now populated and it's humans fault for the natural return.
The natural cycles of the earth. That land has not always been covered in snow/ice. Much of the current land mass was covered in water. But it is now populated and it's humans fault for the natural return.
Didn't you know the last ice age ended when Man learned to build fire?
Then @mcameron can lick my nut sack you fucking troll. I’m talking about riding gear quality. Helmet, chest protector, stuff like that. You have no idea the lengths I’ve gone to make sure my son has never been on any type of steroids. It’s not my fault my son is genetically superior to your son and he has to take antibiotics. @mcameron you’re a fucking failure as a parent.
Some people have no idea how dangerous motocross is . I and my sons always wear our gear. No matter how good your gear is or how good your skill level is.
In motoCross its not if your going to get hurt . It when and how bad your going to get hurt.
Hope the healing goes well! Good luck.
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In my experience, just about all brahmas are half crazy. Those that aren't, are 100% crazy.
I never saw but one in my life that I didn't want to be far away from. I had an uncle that was a life long rancher and he had a huge bull that was a gentle as an old house cat , He would lay down and let his grand kids play on him like he was a giant furry toy, never batting an eye while it went on.
The natural cycles of the earth. That land has not always been covered in snow/ice. Much of the current land mass was covered in water. But it is now populated and it's humans fault for the natural return.
Just pointing out that it is undeniable that sea levels have been higher, and melting the ice that is trapped on land will cause the sea level to rise again. The ice cube floating in a glass is an inaccurate analogy.
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Just dumb fucking new recruits.

When you foul the flag you can’t take it down until you raise another one .

Raise the temp flag

Lower the fouled flag

Fix it

Raise it

Bring down the temp flag.

Posts used to have a second flag pole for the purpose.

This is just an example of how fucked up everything is. Not a message.
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So off yourself.

One less population to count.

No shit.
A grown ass man (I assume) and he posted a cheesy game simulator vid clip.

Gentlemen, please….let’s remember to give each other the gift of good temperament. We can have different opinions without stooping to poor temper. We can post anything here we find interesting and if you don’t like it then just scroll past it. I have posted cool gaming footage myself.
