Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Trump Dozer.jpg
Scenario 1… of it’s 9 feet down the cadaver dogs can’t smell it.

Also for land burial… coyotes will strip in three days. Mice and rodents eat the bones in a year.

Underground preserves for centuries

The scavengers on our deer lease will dispose of the remains of a dressed deer carcass (spine, ribs, skin, internal organs) overnight.
This got me thinking about a conversation I had with a friend yesterday during a bike ride. Academy grad and retired as a two star several years ago. He recently was an observer of an exercise and was surprised at the degradation of our capability over a few short years. At the time he retired he felt we could win should we have to go at it with China but no longer feels that way. Even if we did the casualties would be horrendous. He lamented the loss of our industrial base and that China would out produce us with men and material. We rely on very sophisticated weapons just like the Germans in WWII but it was no match for the overwhelming numbers of men and material of the Allied forces. If I had young children I would be very apprehensive about them going in the military in its current state.
I put this in the bear spray thread, but for those who don't follow that one, cool story on how this did actually work without the spray being manually deployed.

Happened last week Great Teton - vet attacked by momma grizzly didn't have a chance to deploy spray, but had it in his hand as he protected his rear neck- she bit into it and retreated after tearing into him!
I put this in the bear spray thread, but for those who don't follow that one, cool story on how this did actually work without the spray being manually deployed.

Happened last week Great Teton - vet attacked by momma grizzly didn't have a chance to deploy spray, but had it in his hand as he protected his rear neck- she bit into it and retreated after tearing into him!


I was at the park that day. I was able to see the Helicopter evac.
Add 25-20 to that list
Oh I have a LONG list. Really that is the majority of what I shoot. Some of the companies will do, or did before covid was make a run of "odd ball" once a decade or so. I have some Norma 6.5 Carcano brass, I am really careful on that stuff.

I don't load any of my old cartridges even close to warm, but some of that stuff has 7 loads on it and it is still going well.
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