Future of the ASR


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
The Woodlands, TX
So what’s the word on the future of the ASR? I understand it just dropped at shot but I have read some posts says they plan to have a standard rifle package and AICS chassis optiojnin the future.

Was contemplating buying an AT or AX. Should I wait and see if we get an ASR in Short Action?
Applying what I heard from Mike on the Everyday Sniper podcast..........

If the PSR was the granddaddy to the AXMC, out of which came the AX Short Action, then the ASR is the granddaddy of a yet to be released long action multi-caliber rifle and the short action would be after that.

This, of course, could be completely wrong.
i would imagine that there will be a short action, being that not alot of people ran SRP in stuff like this when the ax came out you could have said the same thing about the the AXMC vs AXSA, so i assume that well see a short action ASR or whatever it will be called, that being said im waiting for prices to go down on the AXSA like they did for the MC

By checking the ASR picture, I found the receiver is kind of open top on eject port, I don't like this design. I highly possible will grab a AXMC.
I'll tell y'all what I think would be a killer move for AI... would be a ATMC. It's possible that it'd take a lot of the wind out of the AXMC's sails, but I really think that they could make up for it in volume with a long action/convertible version of the AT.
Well, with zero insight into AI's product line and no industry contacts whatsoever, I'd guess that $1k-$1.5k over the price of the AT would be feasible... but that's just a complete WAG. It's kind of difficult to say at this point considering the AXMC sale that's going on.

I have no interest in the LA personally. I’m sure there are others as well.

Not sure if there’s enough of a market to make a replacement for the AX using the ASR, but if it was in the 6k area like the AX, I’d be a buyer.
The SA AX's are $7.5k. Highly doubt a replacement will in the $6k are. You'll be looking shy of $8k for it.

Again, the SFP in the ASR/ AXSR can kill the motion in going forward with a SA version.

Might be 7.5k retail, but can be had for far less by calling a vendor.

Is their reasoning only because the ASR mc replacing can do both, there is no need to produce a SA?
I personally do not see significant improvements/differences, a few design’s minor changes with no influence on accuracy, reliability and etc.
The huge and main step has been done in the AXMC generation.

For many people, the “hump” on the AX and MC in front of the magwell was just too tall.

The ASR shrinks it a little while providing two barricade stops.

Also the ability to swap grips is nice.

I haven’t had a chance to feel the new bolt design, but heard it’s very nice.

Sometimes it’s little things that make a big difference for some. Won’t be anymore accurate, but will be more comfortable.
These designs are always driven by government requirements, not by civilian consumers. At least that's how it's traditionally been, but over the last few years we've seen this change slightly. SFP and Arca-Swiss are two good examples. I believe these were entirely driven by the civilian market.

Simplified AW Series History:

AW 1.0 - Fixed everything. No stock adjustments. Butt plate spacers required.

AW 1.5 - +Adjustable cheek-rest. +Monopod optional.

AW 2.0 - +Left folding stock.

AX - Moved to pistol-grip style. Redesigned bolt. Removed Parker-Hale mount. Full main Picatinny rail. Accessory rails. Stock fully adjustable. Side-loadable magazine well. Color choices.

AXSA/AXMC/PSR - Essentially a model of the PSR contract submission. Full chassis redesign. Right-folding stock. Multi-caliber. Dedicated barrel tenon. PSR required forend removal to swap barrels. AXMC does not. More color choices.

AXSR - ASR SOCOM submission. Bolt redesign. Small firing pin. New barrel system. New trigger design. New safety design. Arca-Swiss forward grip. Factory caliber choices. Color choices, again.

Might have missed some stuff. Got enough out to make my point I feel.

If you look at every version over the years it has been driven by military requests or contract requirements. Entirely understandable there. A military contract is worth all of the rifles you could possibly sell to the civilian market (at least in this price range). I am curious if AI will change up their strategies in the future. Not as if they need to really.

As far as the AXSR goes, I'll probably get one some day and run some wildcat caliber on it; dedicated most likely. I don't feel the changes are enough to make me really really want one ASAP.
Wait for ASR chassis, hope it will not too expensive. The ASR kit comes with a 308 barrel, so it should be okay with the short action. AI may have new AW magazine for short action ammo use in the long action.

If you mean a new mag for the ASR then yes. Per the thread on the ASR it ill have a spacer built in thus eliminating the use of the magwell spacer currently used on the MC to shoot short cals
Well, the same company that made the Pinto also makes a GT, so...

The M24 has served it's purpose very well sine 1988. One might consider that the first "modern" XSR contract.