If it is like my 1st gen MCX, some knucklehead apparently figured out a way to make his MCX go off as if it pulled it’s own trigger. I bought mine slightly used from a guy at Ft. Bragg. I put over 2500 reloads through it before I knew about the recall. I never had a single issue. Of course, I used CCI primers made to prevent slam-fires, and kept my barrel pointed in an appropriate direction when I used the weapon. I called Sig, asked about the recall, and was sent an explanation of the “problem” along with a recall prepaid mailing slip. I thought about it, decided against having a perfectly fine rifle changed due to some questionable reasoning. Lo and behold, no problems in over 5,000 rounds. I am, of course, a Sig fanboy, owning and using, mostly with handloads, the MCX, 516 SBR, German X-5, P-210, P-226, P-229 and MPX.
The only problems that I have with Sig, is the constant “Next Generation” introductions that result in spare parts for the first or second generation being MIA about as soon as the next generation arrives. Hard to buy a SBR Upper when they quit making the parts for Gen 1 because they are too busy making Gen 2.
The guns themselves? No issues ever. None. Colt Python, Diamondback, 1911’s, AR-15’s? No issues. None. S&W M&P-15, 41, 3913TSW, 5906, 19, 29, 27, 66, 586, 39, K-22, K-38? No issues. None, except it is hard to find magazines for some of the 9mm Semi automatics. Bergara? No issues. None. Remington 700, 870, 1100? No issues. None. Winchester 67, 61, 62, 101? No issues. None. H&R M-1 Garand? No issues. None.
I have owned, and still own most all of these fine weapons, and more. Since the only problems that I have ever had with any of these weapons was time to shoot, clean and appreciate them enough, I tend to discount all of the internet sob stories and recalls. Sig Forum contains more mall commandos whining about P210 Recoil Rod failures and Romeo1 failures than I can count. Funny, my P229RX and P226RX both have a Romeo1 attached since day 1. They are rotated for Steel Challenge courses, weekly practice and daily concealed carry. No issues. None. Don’t challenge anyone’s sob story, or you will be cancelled

Call Sig and tell them your P210 Captive Recoil Rod assembly self-destructed after 3,000 rounds, and you want to buy a replacement. Expect to be charged $50 plus shipping, and be pleasantly surprised to find an email with No Charge below the tracking number for a new recoil rod assembly. My recoil rod assembly wasn’t broken, I just wanted a spare.
If my weapons can withstand daily carry, over 50,000 rounds per year of stout reloads, with only a good cleaning and a fresh battery for the RDS, then I will understand if I ever receive a problem weapon from a weapon plant, as long as they are willing to act as Sig does at any notice of a problem found in the field.
Oh yeah, the P-210 I own was made in the USA, and with iron sights at 50 yards, will out-group my RDS-equipped German X-5, with 124gr and 147gr bullets, anyway. It looks great, works perfectly and is very accurate. Try one, you’ll wonder why you waited!