Has anyone used A-Tips in 6.5CM yet?

I assume SAAMI freebore. Binder plate mags have a COAL limitation that makes it hard to load out far. Hornady bullets love jump so as long as you can fit powder you're generally GTG. I'm sure once he gets some binderless mags he won't have any issue.

AICS have binder plates and allow 2.89"...... I dont take anyones word for telling me just jump them a ton. I run seating depths on all my load workups after finding center of the node. Doesnt make much sense Hornady would release these and they dont run in the mag... Just ordered a few boxes to test these and get some hard date/numbers posted up.

Blanket statement saying Hornady bullets love jump isnt accurate. I can post many seating depth tests where Hornady liked being anywhere from .005" off to .02" off. Never found a Hornady bullet that its "optimal" seating depth was farther than .02" off. Read that last statement carefully, I didnt say it wasnt accurate, I said optimal seating depth. Meaning smallest group testing from touching to .05" off in .005 increments.
Wait your saying these dont fit in mags and get to the lands?? Or you just cant do it with MDT binder plate mags? AICS mags 2.89", AW mags are good to 2.95" and ARC mags are 2.97".. What is the COAL of your round that touches the lands? Whats your freebore?
My mags have a binder plate and only go a tad past 2.870". Current overall length is 2.855", base to ogive is 2.134. That gives me a 0.076" jump. I wanted to try mag length first, I can still sneak it out further if I want. Planning on getting MDT's mags without the binder, they go to 2.960". I'm still longer than Hornady's OAL at 2.815". I could technically still jam them 0.02" into the lands, but I never do that. My MPA barrel is throated for one of Hornady's loads, I think the 140 ELD's.
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I assume SAAMI freebore. Binder plate mags have a COAL limitation that makes it hard to load out far. Hornady bullets love jump so as long as you can fit powder you're generally GTG. I'm sure once he gets some binderless mags he won't have any issue.
Exactly, the loads are outstanding now. I'm going binderless just to play with it, but I don't believe I need it. Definitely trying RL16 next.
AICS have binder plates and allow 2.89"...... I dont take anyones word for telling me just jump them a ton. I run seating depths on all my load workups after finding center of the node. Doesnt make much sense Hornady would release these and they dont run in the mag... Just ordered a few boxes to test these and get some hard date/numbers posted up.

Blanket statement saying Hornady bullets love jump isnt accurate. I can post many seating depth tests where Hornady liked being anywhere from .005" off to .02" off. Never found a Hornady bullet that its "optimal" seating depth was farther than .02" off. Read that last statement carefully, I didnt say it wasnt accurate, I said optimal seating depth. Meaning smallest group testing from touching to .05" off in .005 increments.
They do run in mags, the factory load data OAL length is 2.815". Unless you have a custom chamber, there is probably going to be a lot of jump at that length in most barrels. You can still get your 0.02" range with binderless mags.
They do run in mags, the factory load data OAL length is 2.815". Unless you have a custom chamber, there is probably going to be a lot of jump at that length in most barrels. You can still get your 0.02" range with binderless mags.

Factory load means nothing to me. Thats to fit in a wide variety of rifles/mags.

So if Im reading your numbers correctly, your at 2.855" COAL right now and thats a 0.066" jump to your lands? So your touching length is 2.921"?

I have some on the way. Will see where they touch in my chambers. Will be testing them in 6.5cm and 6.5x47L.
Don't take my random starting point as a cut against Hornady. I literally just backed it off my binder plate in mag until I had what I thought was a sufficient gap and made sure it was still longer than load data minimum (i.e. not compressing load).

With better mags, you can load as long as you like, but I don't think you'll need it. I'm already running far faster than the data states with less powder, hence why I said at the beginning to start low and go up. It really is impressive.
Factory load means nothing to me. Thats to fit in a wide variety of rifles/mags.

So if Im reading your numbers correctly, your at 2.855" COAL right now and thats a 0.066" jump to your lands? So your touching length is 2.921"?

I have some on the way. Will see where they touch in my chambers. Will be testing them in 6.5cm and 6.5x47L.
My loads touch @ 2.200" (ogive measurement) when I measured with a 142 smk. I still need to check exactly with this projectile. My gauge is from Brownells, can't remember the exact size. It will do what you want if you have binderless mags.
Don't take my random starting point as a cut against Hornady. I literally just backed it off my binder plate in mag until I had what I thought was a sufficient gap and made sure it was still longer than load data minimum (i.e. not compressing load).

With better mags, you can load as long as you like, but I don't think you'll need it. I'm already running far faster than the data states with less powder, hence why I said at the beginning to start low and go up. It really is impressive.

Who said anything about Hornady? Im trying to gather facts/data here. What you think is different than what is optimal. Thats why we around here do proper load work ups to ensure we are at the center of a node. There is a reason for that. Then do seating depth tests to find the optimal seating depth our barrel likes.
If you want to jam these in my barrel, you need mags with no binder. Operative words are my barrel. I have no idea what they will be in a different chamber.
Your not making any sense. A 0.066" jump is a 0.066" jump no matter if your measuring from your COAL or your Ogive..... We measure ogive around here but the one time we measure COAL is when we are talking about mag length and fitting in mags...

If your current load has a COAL of 2.855" and a Ogive of 2.134"and your jump is 0.066" than your touching at 2.921" COAL or 2.20" Ogive... Its not just one of those numbers.

And if your now saying your jump of 0.066" was measured with a 142smk than that has zero thing to do with this thread or A-Tips. You should be measuring your chamber your reloading for with every bullet your going to reload. So you currently dont know your jump.
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Does anyone have 135 A-Tips that can measure 5 of them OAL base to tip and post those numbers up. And do the same thing measuring base to ogive using a Hornady bullet comparator? I just ordered some from Powder Valley but probably wont be here till end of next week.
Who said anything about Hornady? Im trying to gather facts/data here. What you think is different than what is optimal. Thats why we around here do proper load work ups to ensure we are at the center of a node. There is a reason for that. Then do seating depth tests to find the optimal seating depth our barrel likes.
I didn't say I was done, I said I was starting. I picked a safe length to test what the velocity would be since I've never gotten accurate load data on charge from Hornady. It's always been very conservative. Now I know and can play with load length. I even cited earlier I called Hornady to see if they were jump sensitive. I've done all this before only to find it didn't matter, specifically with smk's. These are shaped similarly, just a bit more pointed. I've got about 0.030" worth of room in my mags before I slam the binder, but that's an easy fix.
Your not making any sense. A 0.066" jump is a 0.066" jump no matter if your measuring from your COAL or your Ogive..... We measuring ogive around here but the one time we measure COAL is when we are talking about mag length and fitting in mags...

If your current load has a COAL of 2.855" and a Ogive of 2.134"and your jump is 0.066" than your touching at 2.921" COAL or 2.20" Ogive... Its not just one of those numbers.

And if your now saying your jump of 0.066" was measured with a 142smk than that has zero thing to do with this thread or A-Tips. You should be measuring your chamber your reloading for with every bullet your going to reload. So you currently dont know your jump.
Hey, go do your measurements. I ain't doing it for you or justifying myself. Spend your own money and make yourself happy.
Hey, go do your measurements. I ain't doing it for you or justifying myself. Spend your own money and make yourself happy.

You cant post accurate measurements, one minute your posting data, the next minute your saying oh thats for a different bullet. Get your facts straight here. Dont get all but hurt cause you got called out not knowing what your doing. Learn a little bit, thats what this place is for. I ask you for info, because hey search around a little bit, thats what we do around here and you get your panties all in a bunch.

You've done all this before and it doesnt matter? lmfao. arfcom convert?

Notice I didnt ask you for those measurements, with the info you've posted that data would be worth a grain of salt....;)
This thread sure took a dark turn, so much hostility.


OAL 1.380
Bearing surface 0.408
Aluminum tip 0.155

OAL 1.500
Bearing surface: 0.530
Aluminum tip 0.155

I don't understand why you're talking down to people reloading. Sure, optimizing seating depth is how you get the last bit of performance out of reloads, but you sure come in hot and heavy on people. There's no need to beat up on folks like they are idiots, that's not how you help people learn.

In binder plate magazines with some bullets and SAAMI chambers you're going to have some jump.
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This thread sure took a dark turn, so much hostility.


OAL 1.380
Bearing surface 0.408
Aluminum tip 0.155

OAL 1.500
Bearing surface: 0.530
Aluminum tip 0.155

I don't understand why you're talking down to people reloading. Sure, optimizing seating depth is how you get the last bit of performance out of reloads, but you sure come in hot and heavy on people. There's no need to beat up on folks like they are idiots, that's not how you help people learn.

In binder plate magazines with some bullets and SAAMI chambers you're going to have some jump.

Nobody came in here beating up on anyone. I asked questions that I wanted to know the answers to prepare for A-Tips I have coming. I got answers, then the next minute those answers changed, then they were for something else, then they didnt matter, than I was told I was making a cut against Hornady which nowhere did I do. When I tried to clarify and understand the info I was getting panties got in a bunch.

If you want to post info and dont want people asking questions and get all pissy when they do then oh fucking well. This isnt the snowflake gallery. A simple, hey Im new, or I dont have that info, or I dont know that info would have been a WHOLE different ballgame.

You want to act that way youre gonna get it thrown right back in your face.
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You cant post accurate measurements, one minute your posting data, the next minute your saying oh thats for a different bullet. Get your facts straight here. Dont get all but hurt cause you got called out not knowing what your doing. Learn a little bit, thats what this place is for. I ask you for info, because hey search around a little bit, thats what we do around here and you get your panties all in a bunch.

You've done all this before and it doesnt matter? lmfao. arfcom convert?

Notice I didnt ask you for those measurements, with the info you've posted that data would be worth a grain of salt....;)
I'll get you an accurate dimension for a barrel you'll never use in the morning, dear. You should be taking everything I say, no matter the accuracy, with a grain of salt since it's in my rifle, not yours. I'm not the one getting turnt over data I can't actually use, so my panties are just fine.
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This thread sure took a dark turn, so much hostility.


OAL 1.380
Bearing surface 0.408
Aluminum tip 0.155

OAL 1.500
Bearing surface: 0.530
Aluminum tip 0.155

I don't understand why you're talking down to people reloading. Sure, optimizing seating depth is how you get the last bit of performance out of reloads, but you sure come in hot and heavy on people. There's no need to beat up on folks like they are idiots, that's not how you help people learn.

In binder plate magazines with some bullets and SAAMI chambers you're going to have some jump.
Thank you, I only bothered at all to be helpful and I got whined at twice. Hopefully someone found it a useful starting point and not gospel, which it was never intended to be.
I'll get you an accurate dimension for a barrel you'll never use in the morning, dear. You should be taking everything I say, no matter the accuracy, since it's in my rifle, not yours. I'm not the one getting turnt over data I can't actually use, so my panties are just fine.

Im not your dear #1, Im padom, Moderator or Staff Member but definitely not your dear.

If you are running a sammi chamber your data will be very close to a lot of peoples. Posting that info to compare when others post there's is data we all use when reading through these threads regardless if you think its useful or not. Read through some reloading threads, see where we post jumps, distance to lands, speeds, sd's, charges, etc. This is all very helpful info.

Stick around a little while, you might learn something
I spent the last hour trying to think of something witty, but the fact is it doesn't matter. I can take the hit, I'll assume my data is incorrect, will revisit it, and represent. I'm sure I can still learn a lot, even after reloading this long, but I certainly won't learn how to be humble from the likes of you. You are a moderator, act like it. Apologies to anyone's evening reading being disturbed by this mess.
Is all RL16 temp stable now or should I be looking for a jug that is marked as such?

RL16 is part of Alliant's newest series of powders along with AR-Comp and RL23. They are all supposed to be very temp-stable while giving good velocities. I've had good luck with all three in various cartridges, RL23 is also supposed to be decent in the Creedmoor. RL26 is sourced from a different supplier than the other 3 and while being known for top velocities, isn't supposed to be quite as temp stable.
As promised, I have remeasured the chamber with the ATips in my Hornady comparator. I will preface this again by saying I was never attempting to start a seating depth test at the last measuring since I wanted to get my velocity tested. As stated before, I picked a random, safe starting point that was longer than factory data and shorter than my mag and only ever used my SMK reading as a quick-n-dirty method due to time constraints. I have also went back and corrected my former post with the measurement to make sure it was accurate.

In the end, all that gripe was over 0.010", making the jump measurement longer by that amount. It is 0.076", so former statements about it remaining quite a lot of jump (in MDT binder plate mags) stands as correct. You have to jump the crap out of them if using those mags. You technically have enough space to increase OAL/BTO (thereby decreasing the jump) by 0.045" but you will be jammed against the plate. The longer, binderless mags at 2.960" (per MDT website) would be the way to go if a closer jump or jam is desired. This all would've come out soon once I was actually testing that portion in my load development, but here it is now. Of course, this still only applies to my barrel, at its age, and should not be taken as SAAMI, no matter how close chambers are to each other.
Well if RL26 isn't supposed to be temp stable they sure did a great job of not trying.

It's not bad, it's just not 'great'. Most of the testing I've seen done has been 0.5-1fps per F. With Hornady 4DOF, you can just apply a temperature correction for powder assuming you take environmental measurements and it's a non-issue, even without, just don't run at the ragged edge of reloading and setup the loads at 32F then go try to shoot at 110F. I'm normally doing load development at 90-100F (yay Texas) so as long as I stick to things like H4350, Varget, RL16, RL26, etc - I'm safe with pressures, and just need to account to shifts in velocity for my dope.
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As an update, I've loaded a couple more batches @ 42.9 and 43.1, the former being Hornady's listed max and the later a bit higher. Those may not even be shot if the 42.9 doesn't do how I like, but I believe the pressure to be in check.

I've also lengthened the rounds 0.036", making the base-to-ogive 2.170". I doubt I could squeeze a sheet of paper between the tip and the binder plate, but it cycles smooth enough for my uses. Still keeps the bullet 0.034" off my lands, but this is within the realm all my other loads liked. Should be able to shoot them early Thursday morning and will report back.
Here are the results of my test this morning. It turned out very, very well. I attempted Hornady's max of 42.9 and pushed a little further to 43.1 of H4350.

Even though the best group, technically, was with this higher load, the extra speed gained was not adequate enough to repeat. I also believe the 42.9 is capable of the same accuracy, especially since it's 400 yard group was stellar.

The picture are in ordered pairs, 42.9 @ 100 + 400, 43.1 @ 100 + 400. All loads were seated at 2.170" base to ogive, 0.038" jump. I couldn't jam a piece of paper between bullet tip and binder plate, so I single fed them. May try sliding it back a tad and retest, I only pushed it out to allow for pressure in the larger load. Or, I'll just get a new mag. Enjoy, let me know what you think. Target dot is 2".
what were the numbers for these loads? Velocity, SD, ES? Very promising. I just got mine, will be shooting this week end using RL16.
Hopefully, you can read my chicken scratch. Boxed number is the charge of H4350, numbers below are velocity (I didn't bother repeating the 28-- each time) and each line is a different, 5 shot string, in the order fired. S.D.'s are at the right.

I also picked the 42.9 due to the history I have with my barrel. I've noticed it needs to settle in a bit from being cold/first shot, regardless if cleaned or not. The first grouping had a great S.D. and the 2nd is the best I've ever recorded, following what it's excibited over the last 1,000 rounds.

While the 43.1 charge was good, it didn't offer a substantial velocity bump so oh well. The dope listed at bottom was just my note, I dialed 1.5 up just to put it close on paper. Actual number @ 400 yards is a tad over 1.6 which is 0.2 less than my ol'faithful 142 SMK load. This projectile is outstanding. I really hope they make a 7mm variety, too. I just need a binderless mag.
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Respectable numbers. Better SD/ES at lower charge. I do not know much about the Atips, but every other Hornady bullet I have used shot best with a bunch of jump, most around .070-.095. I am starting mine at .070 which will allow for mag loading and puts the bottom of the barring surface about 3/4 (maybe a little more) in the neck. Very promising results. Thanks for sharing.
Respectable numbers. Better SD/ES at lower charge. I do not know much about the Atips, but every other Hornady bullet I have used shot best with a bunch of jump, most around .070-.095. I am starting mine at .070 which will allow for mag loading and puts the bottom of the barring surface about 3/4 (maybe a little more) in the neck. Very promising results. Thanks for sharing.
I started this test at the 0.070" mark, I'm thinking about going back. I had zero heavy bolt lift, even with the 43.1. If it was there at all, it was from the 90% humidity. I'll probably go halfway in between, around 0.045-0.050" jump. Should be able to load from mag. I'd like to see what RL16 does with this, the more speed the better. This in PRC would be sweet.
I started this test at the 0.070" mark, I'm thinking about going back. I had zero heavy bolt lift, even with the 43.1. If it was there at all, it was from the 90% humidity. I'll probably go halfway in between, around 0.045-0.050" jump. Should be able to load from mag. I'd like to see what RL16 does with this, the more speed the better. This in PRC would be sweet.

I don't have the numbers in front of me, but that sounds really close to what I measured last night. Right around .045 was mag length for my rifle. I will seat a few slow to check exactly where mag length is. My thought was, based on prior experience with ELDs in my guns, they like jump and .070 would be in that normal jump range I have seen and give me some room to chase lands. I guess we will find out soon enough. I love RL16, it performs better than H4350 for me. Currently running a 140 BT target with 42.4 grains at .025 & 2905, single digit SD/ES. I am looking forward to testing these Atips. I like what i am seeing projections wise in my ballistics app. I will post my results. Thanks again for sharing.
I don't have the numbers in front of me, but that sounds really close to what I measured last night. Right around .045 was mag length for my rifle. I will seat a few slow to check exactly where mag length is. My thought was, based on prior experience with ELDs in my guns, they like jump and .070 would be in that normal jump range I have seen and give me some room to chase lands. I guess we will find out soon enough. I love RL16, it performs better than H4350 for me. Currently running a 140 BT target with 42.4 grains at .025 & 2905, single digit SD/ES. I am looking forward to testing these Atips. I like what i am seeing projections wise in my ballistics app. I will post my results. Thanks again for sharing.
How much room do you have in your mags? What ballistics app are you using? I'm waiting for AB to update the app with the A Tips.
I am running MDT metal mags with binder plate, book says 2.87 max coal, but I measured a max of 2.89. The BT rounds are single feed as that was developed for a milk jug challenge, so it did not matter. Running Strelok Pro with Weather Flow. I just used the BC provided in app. Typically when I true a bullet at 1280 it goes up. But just running the factory BC the 6.5 dropped about 5 min at a mile and the 6mm dropped almost 10 min at a mile. (compared to what was recently shot in match) I am guessing at the velocity, but should be a close estimate based on what folks are posting and what I am getting in my 28" Shilen with current loads.
I've got the same mags, I'm jammed hard against the binder. Damaged one tip trying to cycle it. I may just single feed and not mess stuff up. I didn't plan on using this within 800-900 yards anyway and probably not in PRS.
Got to shoot first set of tests today. Gun is a custom Savage Stealth with 28" barrel, 1-8 twist. 135 Atips jumping .070, this puts the base of the barring surface about 3/4 or a smidge more in the neck. Neck tension is .002. Powder is RL16 with Federal 205 match primer. Velocities captured on Labradar. I will try to add pics via phone after this.

I ran 3 shot groups from 41.5 to 43.5 (based on 140 grain max published data). 41.8 was the best group @ .319". 2864, SD 5.2, ES 10.

Groups opened but SD/ES numbers were great. Groups started to close again at 43.5 which was 2970, SD 2, ES 3 but group was not great. 2 touching/overlapping and 1 @ .8" low left from the other 2. But I can see the overall group is starting to close down again as charge weight is going up. No signs of pressure at all. one piece of brass had some mild cratering on primer, but that is normal in a Savage bolt. (Factory Hornady 140 ELD Match ammo craters all the time and I am using small rifle primers, so I ma worried) I replaced my Wife's 6mm bolt head with PTG and shaped the firing pin and it does not crater anymore, so I will be doing this to my 6.5 next. No heavy bolt lift, no flattening of primers and no ejector or swipe marks at all. I will be going to 44.4 next in .2 grain increments. I created a profile based on a (modified) 133 flatline in quickload and it is matching up very well. It shows 44-44.2 is going to be the sweet spot so long as I don't hit pressure and it shows max of 45 grains. ( I take this data with a grain of salt. Based on my experience with this gun/powder I think I will hit front side of pressure at 44.5-6) Velocity is projected to be 3000-3012 @ 44-44.2. I was expecting a 2925-2950, this is a bit of a surprise, but I will take it. I hope they continue to close and it finds a node going up.
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Got to shoot first set of tests today. Gun is a custom Savage Stealth with 28" barrel, 1-8 twist. 135 Atips jumping .070, this puts the base of the barring surface about 3/4 or a smidge more in the neck. Neck tension is .002. Powder is RL16 with Federal 205 match primer. Velocities captured on Labradar. I will try to add pics via phone after this.

I ran 3 shot groups from 41.5 to 43.5 (based on 140 grain max published data). 41.8 was the best group @ .319". 2864, SD 5.2, ES 10.

Groups opened but SD/ES numbers were great. Groups started to close again at 43.5 which was 2970, SD 2, ES 3 but group was not great. 2 touching/overlapping and 1 @ .8" low left from the other 2. But I can see the overall group is starting to close down again as charge weight is going up. No signs of pressure at all. one piece of brass had some mild cratering on primer, but that is normal in a Savage bolt. (Factory Hornady 140 ELD Match ammo craters all the time and I am using small rifle primers, so I ma worried) I replaced my Wife's 6mm bolt head with PTG and shaped the firing pin and it does not crater anymore, so I will be doing this to my 6.5 next. No heavy bolt lift, no flattening of primers and no ejector or swipe marks at all. I will be going to 44.4 next in .2 grain increments. I created a profile based on a (modified) 133 flatline in quickload and it is matching up very well. It shows 44-44.2 is going to be the sweet spot so long as I don't hit pressure and it shows max of 45 grains. ( I take this data with a grain of salt. Based on my experience with this gun/powder I think I will hit front side of pressure at 44.5-6) Velocity is projected to be 3000-3012 @ 44-44.2. I was expecting a 2925-2950, this is a bit of a surprise, but I will take it. I hope they continue to close and it finds a node going up.
Dang, dang, dang, now I have to try more bullets with RL16. I didn't feel the need to keep increasing the H4350 since the speed didn't seem to climb and I was already over max. H4350 is a stubborn powder, only climbs about 10-15 fps every 0.02-0.03gr. Oh well, just means more shooting.

I have limited access to long ranges, so I'm trying to load to a velocity that keeps it supersonic just past the longest shot I can take. I'm thinking if I can get to 2900, I'm golden. I wish AB would hurry their test up so I can plot the trajectory on the app with a custom drag model.
Dang, dang, dang, now I have to try more bullets with RL16. I didn't feel the need to keep increasing the H4350 since the speed didn't seem to climb and I was already over max. H4350 is a stubborn powder, only climbs about 10-15 fps every 0.02-0.03gr. Oh well, just means more shooting.

I have limited access to long ranges, so I'm trying to load to a velocity that keeps it supersonic just past the longest shot I can take. I'm thinking if I can get to 2900, I'm golden. I wish AB would hurry their test up so I can plot the trajectory on the app with a custom drag model.

Just use Hornady 4DOF, it works quite well, has the bullet modeled, and is free.
Just use Hornady 4DOF, it works quite well, has the bullet modeled, and is free.
I feel stupid, forgot they had an app too. Just ran it and looks like I've got plenty of speed with H4350. Now I'm wondering if it's worth chasing the speed with RL16? 4DOF says I'm supersonic past 1,400 yards. Furthest target I can shoot is 1,250. I may try it later once I'm completely out of H4350. Only RL16 I can find locally is 8 lb jug.

One question I have is if seating depth, once you find an accurate length, applies to another powder or do you have to retest?
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I feel stupid, forgot they had an app too. Just ran it and looks like I've got plenty of speed with H4350. Now I'm wondering if it's worth chasing the speed with RL16? 4DOF says I'm supersonic past 1,400 yards. Furthest target I can shoot is 1,250. I may try it later once I'm completely out of H4350. Only RL16 I can find locally is 8 lb jug.

One question I have is if seating depth, once you find an accurate length, applies to another powder or do you have to retest?

8lb jug??? I say do it.
One question I have is if seating depth, once you find an accurate length, applies to another powder or do you have to retest?
I recently ran out of 4451 and wanted to retry H4350 and R16.

I did the test with the same jump as was great in my previous load.

Groups with both were awesome at that jump.

I’m just switching to R16 with that jump because they shot great at 100 and hammered at 1100ish yards.

Not saying it would work like that all the time but it definitely worked in this case.
I feel stupid, forgot they had an app too. Just ran it and looks like I've got plenty of speed with H4350. Now I'm wondering if it's worth chasing the speed with RL16? 4DOF says I'm supersonic past 1,400 yards. Furthest target I can shoot is 1,250. I may try it later once I'm completely out of H4350. Only RL16 I can find locally is 8 lb jug.

One question I have is if seating depth, once you find an accurate length, applies to another powder or do you have to retest?

If you want the absolute best precision, retest. That said, it will also generally work fine, as long as you aren't in the lands or seating compressed due to different powder density and risking pressure issues.
I recently ran out of 4451 and wanted to retry H4350 and R16.

I did the test with the same jump as was great in my previous load.

Groups with both were awesome at that jump.

I’m just switching to R16 with that jump because they shot great at 100 and hammered at 1100ish yards.

Not saying it would work like that all the time but it definitely worked in this case.
When I switch over, I'll start at the jump I'm using. No need to reinvent the entire wheel each time.
Retested a couple seating depths this morning. I had two batches, 0.038" and 0.074" jump. Both shot slightly better than 1/2 moa at 100 and 400 yards. S.D.'s were fine, especially with the shorter jump (average of a couple groupings was 4.0). I settled on the shorter jump even though I will need to single feed or buy the longer mags.

I did this because I noticed with the longer jump/shorter seating depth it had the first heavy bolt lift I've experienced with this round. Not worth it when a simple mag switch and the others have shot far better. I got even better groups the last I shot the 0.038" batch and I attribute the slightly looser groups to weather conditions. I keep going early, but it's unbearably humid where I'm at right now. I wasn't exactly feeling spry.

I settled at Hornady's max load of H4350 @ 42.9gr. it's getting, on average, 2838 fps with very low S.D.'s. The load takes a couple or 3 shots to warm from a lower velocity, then settle in around the average. Once I run out of H4350, I'll chase some more speed with RL16. Don't think I need it, modelled it with 4DOF and I'm supersonic past 1,400. More than I wanted.

One last credit to Hornady. I've spent a lot of time sorting bullets. Some ordered together, some separate, same batches, larger box, etc. These boxes I got came separate, but you wouldn't tell by measuring. They are identical. I've had a box be perfect before only to then have a slightly different measurement in next box, even if that one was just as consistent. These were identical box to box. These are expensive, but at a certain range or beyond, it's more than worth the cost to me.
I finished testing the 135s in the 6.5 Creedmoor and the 110s in the 6 Creedmoor. The 6.5 landed at 41.8 of RL16 which produced a velocity of 2875, SD of 2.9 and 5.6 with ES of of 6 and 13 for the two final strings. I will be testing this load at distance this week end. The upper node of 43.3 has good numbers but produces fliers, which is not acceptable to me, so I dropped back to this node as the extra 100 fps was just not worth chasing. The COAL landed at 8.20 which was .115 jump in my rifle. I wanted to mag feed and .050 was mag length. When I did the seating depth test, the best performance was seen between .110 and .135 jump in both guns.

The 6mm landed at 41.1 of Rl16 producing 3084 fps and almost identical SD and ES numbers. Coal is 2.795 which is .130 jump in that rifle.

They both produced tiny one hole groups at 100 yards.

Both rifles are custom Savage model 10s with 28" Shilen bulls. Brass is Peterson SRP. Primers are Federal match.

I got to run a few rounds to 350 and they stacked. I had 1 flier at 1.2" out of the group, and the other 4 stacked on top of each other. I will be running these well past 1k this week end.
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I started my development with the 135 using RL-16. My starting load of 42.8 in new Lapua brass gave me 2824 with single digit SD and ES. Once fired velocity stayed the same with a slight change to the SD but still very low. I am happy with the results to 600 yards (max range tested so far). I am jumping them .030 and they barely fit in the ARC mag. I think OAL is 2.895, I'll have to double check that when I get home.

I went up to 43.4 and the numbers weren't there for me. I may try to push it further but the first load has been great and repeatable. I almost don't feel like I need to push it harder.

Bartlein 26" 1:8 barrel in a Bighorn TL-3 action
CCI BR4 primers
Lapua Brass


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I've still got more testing to do. Had some odd readings the other day. I seated a few deeper to the longer jump just to see what happens. I got a lot more speed and s.d.'s went to crap, but I think it was the weather. DA was almost double first test and the temp/humidity was a lot worse. I think it became a "worst case" test. Still accurate and I didn't notice any pressure issues. It's just hard to continue wanting to push these when my ol'faithful SMK's never stumble. I shot those the same day and there was barely any difference in performance from prior testing.