There's also the exploding frames from out of battery detonation. Apparently there is an after market disconnect and aftermarket barrels with better chamber support to mitigate or potentially eliminate the problem, but it's a stupid problem to have. Mine just had its first malfunction, failure to go into battery, after around 6k rounds. I'm debating the upgrades vs replacing it with an HK USP Expert.
I don't know much about it, only becoming recently aware, but on Sig forums there are people talking about the FCU frame rails being a problem also, varying tolerances from being a cast part. IIRC there can be excessive play between the frame and slide rails causing accuracy issues. There is also speculation about the X5 Legion slide being a problem, with its relief cuts, and guys are welding them up or buying original X5 slides. I think that was allegedly related to the explody nature of the gun.
I'd give the Raider a try at least as a novelty but am stuck behind enemy lines and can't own it.
A bit unfortunate, the whole situation, as I do rather like the gun itself and have enjoyed shooting it. But they have problems that shouldn't be my problem to solve.