True..and I even sorta considered the troll factor. But...I refer you to posts #7 and, especially, post #10. I had not a single doubt as to this was nothing other than pure stupidity. The interactions with
@akmike47 further verified the stupidity.
Now...let's consider stupidity vs ignorance.
I have never had any issue with either, actually and truly. I prefer to distance myself from stupidity while embracing ignorance, if given a choice. Provided the ignorant is ready to admit ignorance.
Stupidity is, after having been exposed to a topic, repeatedly and with the attempt at understanding and quality instruction, you are unable to comprehend. Stupid means you cannot learn. I know a guy that works for a local retailer that is stupid. However, he KNOWS he is stupid, poor fuck. At least he knows. In that, he is not as stupid as some that I have come across IRL, let alone some internet forum.
I mean, not everyone is going to be capable of Linear Algebra, LaPlace transformations and Organic Chemistry. No big deal. Some of those folks will never be able to drive a nail or change the oil or track some blood. The 7 intelligence's thing comes to mind. Society needs ditch diggers as well as engineers to design that ditch.
It takes a village. I'll go ahead and refrain from adding my usual caveat "to raise an idiot", at least for now.
Ignorance of a subject simply means you do not know. You have not been exposed to the point of understanding. We have ALL been here at some point in our life...without doubt. One often simply does not know, he is ignorant. Stupidity arises when it is pointed out that one is ignorant but then that ignoramous then argues.
Ignorance: I have been ignorant, and remain ignorant, of a vast number of topics. Same as everyone else. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being ignorant. Seek understanding and knowledge to decrease that ignorance, if you desire. Else, just allow those with expertise to take on the problem and relinquish any input of your own. But if you seek understanding, at least be ready to accept that knowledge. I think of the days when teaching math...I would sometimes have students that could lay out the problem and perform the calculations but would still lack understanding. I told them to just continue to pound out the solution and, often, the understanding will just hit them like a wall. What I, and others, call the "Aha" moment.
The key is to know you don't know rather than to expound upon your ignorance. Cognitive dissonance. Admittedly, sometimes you don't even know what you don't know. I can think of times where I didn't even know enough to be able to ask a decent question in my search for knowledge. If one tries to act as if they have understanding amongst those who do, there is generally stupidity.
Heinleins character, Lazarus Long, said, "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
A very limited few people are quite capable of doing all of that. Back to what
@sirhrmechanic said about the IQ's of folks on this forum being off the charts. I can think of several guys here (and I have only done a face to face with maybe 4 guys) that are very likely genius rated.
@spife7980 @308pirate @sirhrmechanic @Makinchips208 to name just a few (sorry if I left anyone out). These are guys that, time and time again, display a depth of understanding while also displaying a readiness to being open to new information. Sure, they each have a strong suit, their wheelhouse, but they have an uncanny ability to be able to solve issues that are not within their wheelhouse, being able to draw from already gathered knowledge and apply it to the new, previously unencountered problem.
@Sparkynation480 is NOT one of those
EDITED for some keyboarding errors...probably still some