high level vaccine skeptics

It's a fucking generic drug. Not a ton of profit to squeeze out of it. IIRC, though, there were always at least two shots, maybe three.

Last time I got a tetanus shot was because I had a huge fish fin going in at the base of my palm and exiting half way up my hand. It was pretty awful, but being that I was in the city, I was in a lot better shape than most people in the ER that day.
I guess I'll lay it out for ya.
Let's say it's 2 bucks a shot.
2 times 300 million times 4
2 times 300 million once.
Ibuprofen is pretty cheap also, Advil alone in 2019 sold 450 million worth.

Indeed. It’s any kind of deep tissue puncture wound that you can get it from. The bacterial needs to be inserted into deep muscle tissues be dangerous.
i think it people stepping on a nail sticking out of a board is a common way to get such a wound, or was.
I guess I'll lay it out for ya.
Let's say it's 2 bucks a shot.
2 times 300 million times 4
2 times 300 million once.
Ibuprofen is pretty cheap also, Advil alone in 2019 sold 450 million worth.

And here I was being told that it was ridiculous to think that the new right was fundamentally Marxist. lol. Your entire schtick is that the profit motive is now bad for society, whether or not there is any inkling of proof that it is driving the issue in question, and whether or not it drives positive outcomes. Amazing.
And here I was being told that it was ridiculous to think that the new right was fundamentally Marxist. lol. Your entire schtick is that the profit motive is now bad for society, whether or not there is any inkling of proof that it is driving the issue in question, and whether or not it drives positive outcomes. Amazing.
You've tried to simplify a complex fleecing of the consumer.
Rarely is there a multiple choice market.
Thus to brace your opinion.
Have you heard of an epi pen?

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Tell me about Article 6 Paragraph 2 of the Constitution. The tenth amendment deals with powers, the supremacy clause deals with which laws would override. So she is right here. Where she may be wrong is about whether the feds have the power to do this, but not, if they have the power, whether federal law is supreme.

Oh God this fuckstain again.

This is where we get into the Constitutionality of the letter agencies.

Congress makes law....unless.....

doing so would cause voters to blow back on them.

So in order to insulate themselves from accountability create some agencies that make "regulations" and have the ability to fine you can still get money from the supposedly regulated areas and not have your voters throw a shit show on you.
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And also, there is enough anecdotal evidence to conclude that the shots are not safe. There is enough people, which there are plenty of on this site, that have had, or know someone that has had bad side effects from taking the vax. The prevalence of anecdotal evidence along with extremely higher than normal amount of VAERS reports confirm that these are not safe.


We are asked to deny all observable evidence.

They proclaim "science" while asking us to ignore direct observation.

The Patriot act is not about you - but there is a camera on every corner.
Fast and Furious was about Mexican Cartels - but they tried to frame the gun shops they asked to work with them.
The IRS scandal was not a political hit - but Lois Lerner pleads the 5th.
Russia Gate was not a political hit - but Hillary funded it.
The FBI is not biased - but we have McCabe announcing first we fuck Flynn than we fuck trump.
Trump uses quid Pro Quo in Ukraine - Yet Biden is the only one we have on tape doing exactly this.
Hunters lap top is Russian disinformation - but we have the emails and photos right there.
The election was legit - yet I watch in real time states showing a 10% Trump lead not called and suddenly they wont finish counting the worlds most important election because the workers are tired and someone forgot to jiggle the toilet handle.
Covid 19 is killing everyone - only after pols start feeding sick into the old age homes.
The vaccine works - until vaccinated Colin Powell dies of covid.
Rear admiral Levine is a woman - Really?
All I can tell you is that your method of data analysis and mine lead to different conclusions. As always, I respect your right not to get vaccinated.

Oh God, this fuckstain again....

"Well we might say water is wet but that is only relative. Is there something wetter?"

I think "relativity" is a concept of Communism.

We must get used to it.

As we sit there lamenting how shitty our lives are becoming our Commie mouth pieces will be saying "You ungrateful wretch you have a fantastic life compared to the people we killed already"

This will be said as the mouthpiece munches on a beautiful steak in his sweet dacha.
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I had a talk with a Trump hater yesterday. I asked him if he was aware of all the corruption in DC before Trump and he replied "not really. I knew that there's some corruption but not as bad as it is". So Trump actually did something good by exposing all the shit in DC then, right? Fuck Trump! Was the response
We are asked to deny all observable evidence.

They proclaim "science" while asking us to ignore direct observation.

The Patriot act is not about you - but there is a camera on every corner.
Fast and Furious was about Mexican Cartels - but they tried to frame the gun shops they asked to work with them.
The IRS scandal was not a political hit - but Lois Lerner pleads the 5th.
Russia Gate was not a political hit - but Hillary funded it.
The FBI is not biased - but we have McCabe announcing first we fuck Flynn than we fuck trump.
Trump uses quid Pro Quo in Ukraine - Yet Biden is the only one we have on tape doing exactly this.
Hunters lap top is Russian disinformation - but we have the emails and photos right there.
The election was legit - yet I watch in real time states showing a 10% Trump lead not called and suddenly they wont finish counting the worlds most important election because the workers are tired and someone forgot to jiggle the toilet handle.
Covid 19 is killing everyone - only after pols start feeding sick into the old age homes.
The vaccine works - until vaccinated Colin Powell dies of covid.
Rear admiral Levine is a woman - Really?
You can lead a horse to water
Article rejection: Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19.

Dr. Frederick Fenter, Chief Executive Editor of Frontiers:

“Regardless of the publication stage or subject of a manuscript, if the integrity of an article is called into question, our policy is to investigate. Upon further scrutiny by our Research Integrity team about the objectivity of this paper during the provisional acceptance phase, it was revealed that the article made a series of strong, unsupported claims based on studies with insufficient statistical significance, and at times, without the use of control groups. Further, the authors promoted their own specific ivermectin-based treatment which is inappropriate for a review article and against our editorial policies.

“In our view, this paper does not offer an objective nor balanced scientific contribution to the evaluation of ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19. Frontiers’ has published more than 2,000 rigorously peer-reviewed articles on COVID-19 since the pandemic erupted via our Coronavirus Knowledge Hub, and we are acutely aware of just how critical high-quality, objective research in this area is at this time. Frontiers takes no position on the efficacy of ivermectin as a treatment of patients with COVID-19, however, we do take a very firm stance against unbalanced or unsupported scientific conclusions.

Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, today affirmed its position regarding use of ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic. Company scientists continue to carefully examine the findings of all available and emerging studies of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 for evidence of efficacy and safety. It is important to note that, to-date, our analysis has identified:

  • No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
  • No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
  • A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information.

Wait, so they are dismissing the authors view due to a conflict of interest yet supporting Mercks view though they are trying to develop a therapeutic that works like the way we are told IVM does?
Who makes the data? The same people that said DDT was safe, Mefloquine was safe, AZT was safe etc etc etc

There is a LOT of money involved and the streams between regulator and seller are muddied if you look at FDA and NIH members and their involvement with pharma. If you want to look at conflicts of interest you can see one of my previous posts that shows people like Scott Gottlieb, Stephan Hahn.

Just saying

DDT was/is a Godsend to malarial locations.

It became unsafe when the powers that be realized it was saving too many POC.

Was it used too much...likely.

but if it were to get rid of bed bugs again and keep me from getting bit by a tick and becoming allergic to meat Ill take some DDT please.

i dont think Rachel Carson was as pure as the driven snow.
what a bunch of bullshit!
xiden wants 100% vaccination, which will destroy the control group for the clotshots.
where are the results of the long term RCTs for the clotshots?

And now lets mix and match the cocktails and just call it a Scorpion Bowl like at the late night Chinese restaurant trying to empty whatever dregs they have left in the booze bottles.

In the case of the booze you wont know which one gave you a hang over and in the meds You wont know which of the three killed you.
And since someone brought up the VAERS data, here are some snapshots of how accurate it is.
Of the deaths reported from the vaccine, 14 were attributed to a gun shot wound. Insert pithy comment here.
A majority of the others either had no indication or stated flat out that they didn't consider the vaccine to be COD
With respect to the myriad of people harmed by the vaccine, almost 2,000 reports said they had no side effects.

This is what happens when anyone can submit a report and certain parties urge people to do so, to inflate the numbers.
Yes, I downloaded all 600mb of the data file and went through it.

What effect do you think it has on reporting if hospital are paid extra for dealing with covid deaths?
Maybe its the injections, there were a bunch of pissed off libtard bitches at work this morning. "I am pretty much libertarian. And I think people should have the right to choose, but when their choice is effecting my rights."

"Cause our case count is sky rocketing"

as they quarantine the majority of kids in all the local schools because we aren't forcing masks. If they were masked we would not have to quarantine most of them. So they are totally skewing any data that could be gathered on mask vs no-mask to make it look like no mask areas have crazy high numbers.

Another simple cause and effect scenario, what happens to the numbers when you quarantine people who don't wear masks and not people who do? Crazy amounts of cases in the unmasked and un-vaxed. Most of them aren't sick, they are just being told they have to stay home. Kids quarantined from going to school, are going to work, because they can just take their temp and they are GTG.

"I am pretty much libertarian. And I think people should have the right to choose, but when their choice is effecting my rights."

I am like, you can't fix that level of stupid.

Any time someone supports freedom than includes "but" they really dont support that freedom.
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I do definitely agree with the basic premise that once people stop being able to talk, violence becomes much more likely. But my feeling is that we shouldn't even countenance that as an option because it is too terrible, and we are all Americans. I'm kind of a pacifist that way.

And yes, I get the irony of being that anti-violence on a gun board, but that's just how I roll.

Oh God this fuckstain again....

Go on twitter and start a conversation curious about the use of IVM to treat covid.

Tell us how long you conversation lasts.

Twitter may be biased though because its a conservative pro America entity.

Who is banning conversation trying to instigate other means of recourse?
it isn't a bad idea to take a polio booster if you travel to india or someplace where active polio cases are not uncommon.
similarly, most people don't get tetanus "boosters" unless they get a dirty wound and it has been more than 10 years since you had one.

My primary gave a tetanus booster last yearly.

Kind of looked at it same as when I go for my derm appointments, I am a pasty white boy...


seems like every visit to the derm she is breaking out the freon and each shot is money in the bank.

I wish I could just hit myself with an upside down blast of "canned air" and make a couple hundred bucks.
And here I was being told that it was ridiculous to think that the new right was fundamentally Marxist. lol. Your entire schtick is that the profit motive is now bad for society, whether or not there is any inkling of proof that it is driving the issue in question, and whether or not it drives positive outcomes. Amazing.

So big biz/pharma aligning with govt and their propagandists to push a narrative for profit is capitalism? And, there is no viable "choice" (if you want to participate in society) and are coerced to purchase/consume...now that is your old-school traditional "conservative"? Lmfao. Pot, meet kettle.

Nothing wrong with making a profit from vaccines, but thats not getting into the finer details of this specific matter and I am sure you realize this. BTW, vaccines have made a tremendously positive impact on society...but let's cut through the bs and call this one what it is.
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So big biz/pharma aligning with govt and their propagandists to push a narrative for profit is capitalism? And, there is no viable "choice" (if you want to participate in society) and are coerced to purchase/consume...now that is your old-school traditional "conservative"? Lmfao. Pot, meet kettle.

Nothing wrong with making a profit from vaccines, but thats not getting into the finer details of this specific matter and I am sure you realize this. BTW, vaccines have made a tremendously positive impact on society...but let's cut through the bs and call this one what it is.
Well, since neither you nor rthur have at all established that the motive for multiple polio vaccine shots was to use the government to dupe the suckers out of more money, all I can say is "you go girl."

Also, it is my understanding that not only was the negotiated price of the covid vaccines lower than market for drug development, but as I have mentioned dozens of times, stock prices for the two large pharmas involved have underperformed the general market, so given that individuals are compensated about 99% by stock price, the boondoggle has not been very effective, no matter how many people on a gun board, with zero experience in finance, howl like keyboard monkeys, lol.
Well, since neither you nor rthur have at all established that the motive for multiple polio vaccine shots was to use the government to dupe the suckers out of more money, all I can say is "you go girl."

False equivalency is a weak-ass tactic, but I'm sure you know this as well.

The "you go girl", was a nice touch though and only furthers my view that you got nothing and are full of shit.
I think besides the liability or lack of liability from pharma regarding these "vaccines", if congress and their staff had not excused themselves from getting the jab people would also feel better. Rules for thee but not for me, so sayeth the crown.

The vax is so fucking dangerous, they won't even put on a fake vax show for congresscritters. They are terrified someone will slip a real vial into the show.
Well, since neither you nor rthur have at all established that the motive for multiple polio vaccine shots was to use the government to dupe the suckers out of more money, all I can say is "you go girl."

Also, it is my understanding that not only was the negotiated price of the covid vaccines lower than market for drug development, but as I have mentioned dozens of times, stock prices for the two large pharmas involved have underperformed the general market, so given that individuals are compensated about 99% by stock price, the boondoggle has not been very effective, no matter how many people on a gun board, with zero experience in finance, howl like keyboard monkeys, lol.
Careful, insults aren't proof of a winning argument.
I've played fairly nice.
By your conceit you are either youthful or haven't gained wisdom with age.
Riddle me this.
If the vaccines are so effective and safe why have they been given indemnity?

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Careful, insults aren't proof of a winning argument.
I've played fairly nice.
By your conceit you are either youthful or haven't gained wisdom with age.
Riddle me this.
If the vaccines are so effective and safe why have they been given indemnity?

I've already answered this multiple times. They are not indemnified against willful malfeasance. Argument by innuendo isn't a winning strategy either. But to answer more specifically, the indemnity deal was what Master Orange Negotiator Trump came up with, and God knows why a company would reject that. It would be financial malfeasance not to, regardless of safety or efficacy.

I don't know what you mean by playing nice. You've alternately insulted me and my family over the course of my time here, so grow a fucking sack.
I've already answered this multiple times. They are not indemnified against willful malfeasance. Argument by innuendo isn't a winning strategy either.

I don't know what you mean by playing nice. You've alternately insulted me and my family over the course of my time here, so grow a fucking sack.
Legalese for you are fucked.
You thought that I was picking on you.
Lol, nice sandbox effort.

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Every time I read one of these threads I realize that "conservatism" has really just become conspiratorial Marxism without the economic bits.

Lol, I expected this next. Like clockwork, deflect deflect deflect.

Of course, everyone is just a conspiracy theorist...lmao.

Take the L and move on Mr. Conservative.
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DDT was/is a Godsend to malarial locations.

It became unsafe when the powers that be realized it was saving too many POC.

Was it used too much...likely.

but if it were to get rid of bed bugs again and keep me from getting bit by a tick and becoming allergic to meat Ill take some DDT please.

i dont think Rachel Carson was as pure as the driven snow.
DDT was as safe, if not safer than Roundup.
DDT had to be made into a boogeyman, for the reasons you pointed out.
Roundup feeds BILLIONS.....we have too many people already....Gates says.
My neighbor won't use Roundup anymore, cause its dangerous, despite using it for 3 decades. It might give him and his woman cancer.....he is 76.
They both took the jab. They are both fucked up now with some weird shit.
I'd probably go ahead and spray my weeds if I was him......eh, fuck it. Someone else will deal with the weeds in less than 3 years......
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DDT was/is a Godsend to malarial locations.

It became unsafe when the powers that be realized it was saving too many POC.

Was it used too much...likely.

but if it were to get rid of bed bugs again and keep me from getting bit by a tick and becoming allergic to meat Ill take some DDT please.

i dont think Rachel Carson was as pure as the driven snow.
DDT was very safe. but the fact that (((they))) would rather save birds (junk science for conclusions) than save millions from malaria. This world depopulation movement is old, and very real.

look, it is as simple as this. They are KNOWN Satanists, look at who the book Rules for Radicals by Alinsky is dedicated to.

If evil is real. GOD is real. simple as that.
DDT was/is a Godsend to malarial locations.

It became unsafe when the powers that be realized it was saving too many POC.

Was it used too much...likely.

but if it were to get rid of bed bugs again and keep me from getting bit by a tick and becoming allergic to meat Ill take some DDT please.

i dont think Rachel Carson was as pure as the driven snow.

"DDT exposure has been linked to breast cancer, birth defects, reduced fertility, and an increased risk of diabetes."

To malarial locations, yes it has been and is helpful in areas where stuff like Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, and malaria are prevalent. But, in some of those areas the mortality rate is relatively low anyways so, what is the greater risk?
DDT was very safe. but the fact that (((they))) would rather save birds (junk science for conclusions) than save millions from malaria. This world depopulation movement is old, and very real.

look, it is as simple as this. They are KNOWN Satanists, look at who the book Rules for Radicals by Alinsky is dedicated to.

If evil is real. GOD is real. simple as that.

"DDT exposure has been linked to breast cancer, birth defects, reduced fertility, and an increased risk of diabetes."

To malarial locations, yes it has been and is helpful in areas where stuff like Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, and malaria are prevalent. But, in some of those areas the mortality rate is relatively low anyways so, what is the greater risk?


What you did there?
I see it.
What effect do you think it has on reporting if hospital are paid extra for dealing with covid deaths?
Impossible to say. The database is a separate entity, so any potential payment may or may not require submitting an entry to the VAERS system. Unfortunately, the VAERS database doesn't have a field to indicate the source of a report, so there's no way to accurately identify those that came from a medical care provider (regardless of type) versus from an individual (i.e. family member). What I can say is the more time I spend looking at individual records, the higher number of deaths I call BS on. There are the obvious ones, such as the gun shot wounds and fentanyl overdoses. There are many more that are just questionable, such as deaths that happen months after the vaccination, significant preexisting conditions, etc.
DDT was as safe, if not safer than Roundup.
DDT had to be made into a boogeyman, for the reasons you pointed out.
Roundup feeds BILLIONS.....we have too many people already....Gates says.
My neighbor won't use Roundup anymore, cause its dangerous, despite using it for 3 decades. It might give him and his woman cancer.....he is 76.
They both took the jab. They are both fucked up now with some weird shit.
I'd probably go ahead and spray my weeds if I was him......eh, fuck it. Someone else will deal with the weeds in less than 3 years......
They neutered Roundup so it's now a plant food for weeds.
May as well just piss on them for all the good Roundup does for killing them now.
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Perhaps the facts don't fit the narrative that's been posted here, but you're getting them anyway.
That quote from Gates refers to curbing population growth, not depopulation, and how reducing childhood deaths could slow population growth.

From the Gates Foundation Annual Letter, published 2 YEARS BEFORE that headline:
When Melinda and I first started our giving, in the late 1990s, our focus was on reproductive health rather than childhood deaths. We felt that giving mothers the tools to limit their family size to what they wanted would have a catalytic effect by reducing population growth and making it easier to feed, educate, and provide jobs for the children who were born.

We were surprised when we saw a newspaper article in 1998 showing that only a few diseases cause most childhood deaths and showing how little money was being invested in creating and providing vaccines for these diseases. A chart in the article showed that a particular type of diarrheal disease—rotavirus—was killing over 400,000 children per year. How could a disease we had never heard of get so little attention and kill this many children? We sent the article to my father and asked him to look into how we could help.

A surprising but critical fact we learned was that reducing the number of deaths actually reduces population growth. Chart 3 shows the strong connection between infant mortality rates and fertility rates. Contrary to the Malthusian view that population will grow to the limit of however many kids can be fed, in fact parents choose to have enough kids to give them a high chance that several will survive to support them as they grow old. As the number of kids who survive to adulthood goes up, parents can achieve this goal without having as many children.

That rag published bullshit and they knew it or they were too lazy to do any investigation. Looked this up on my own and it's all in the public domain.

Any other dumb conspiracies you'd like to discuss? Perhaps the VAERS data that shows almost 10k deaths from the vaccine?
Neville Chamberlain ......... is that you ? I didn't realize you were still alive , how you been doing ?
"DDT exposure has been linked to breast cancer, birth defects, reduced fertility, and an increased risk of diabetes."

To malarial locations, yes it has been and is helpful in areas where stuff like Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, and malaria are prevalent. But, in some of those areas the mortality rate is relatively low anyways so, what is the greater risk?

Bathing in any chemical increases risk.

I am happy to see raptors flying in the air again.

I woul also like to see every ten years we drop some DDT and wipe out the pest population to the degree its ten years before they can return with lyme, west nile and all the other shit they bring to the table.
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