high level vaccine skeptics

Something to consider.
What does a vaccination do?
Does it attack the viral agent directly?
Does it trigger the body to do so?
Is this current therapy doing anything different?
How can a shot be more effective if it requires the body/immune system to do all the work?
How can a shot developed in the last year outperform thousands of years of earned immunity?

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You don't know what I've done or sacrificed for this country, so I suggest you leave your personal attacks out of this and focus on the merits of what we're discussing.

If you have to attack the speaker instead of the ideas expressed, it demonstrates that you probably don't have any good arguments to everyone who listens. I'm not so sure I'm right that I don't wish to hear other people's arguments. I want to hear good arguments for things I don't believe to be true. Insulting the speaker because you don't like his arguments is not that.
Don't play the victim card and insinuate any ad hominem attack. To dismiss any and all argument that doesn't fit your narrative is not a rebuttal, it's a dismissal. There are plenty of counter arguments to the vaccine narrative everywhere, you don't need my arguments. No argument you are a "true believer"...
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Don't play the victim card and insinuate any ad hominem attack. To dismiss any and all argument that doesn't fit your narrative is not a rebuttal, it's a dismissal. There are plenty of counter arguments to the vaccine narrative everywhere, you don't need my arguments. No argument you are a "true believer"...
What you did is a textbook ad hominem attack. At least you didn't engage in name calling, but personally directed insults indicate to me that you have no real response. If you don't need to argue it, you probably don't know what you're talking about anyway. But don't take my word for it, John Stuart Mill said it best almost 200 years ago:

“He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion... Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them...he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form.”

Your responses indicate, to me and probably others as well, that you probably don't have any idea what you're talking about, or even any idea that you have no idea what you're talking about.
Why are you so worried about a "tiny minority"?
Persuading your fellow citizens of the truth is what republican government is all about. There are a great deal of people out there consuming and digging into misinformation campaigns that are bad for all of us. The choices are to talk to these people about the truth or engage in violence to rid the world of people who are, at this point, a threat to the remainder. I prefer the former.
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what argument is that?
that the left has turned "science" into their own propaganda weapon?
Persuading your fellow citizens of the truth is what republican government is all about. There are a great deal of people out there consuming and digging into misinformation campaigns that are bad for all of us. The choices are to talk to these people about the truth or engage in violence to rid the world of people who are, at this point, a threat to the remainder. I prefer the former.

How are you testing what is truth vs misinformation?
I am pretty sure this is literally 100% false. Executive branch is definitely mandated, including FDA and CDC, all those pharma companies, and the post office, fall under the 100 employee limit once the OSHA is released. Not sure about congress, because they aren't technically employees of anything. I think congress and the judiciary can't be mandated by the executive because of separation of powers, but they could, theoretically, self mandate. I think. The immigrants issue is hugely problematic, though.
Are you sure that congress and their staff is not exempt from the Covid Vaccination?

not following.
they are all liars. it doesn't mean they are purposely trying to kill people...it could be simple incompetence or greed.
Are you sure that congress and their staff is not exempt from the Covid Vaccination?

No, I believe congress is exempt, but not because they were exempted, but because the separation of powers does not allow the executive branch to mandate something for the legislative branch. If it were an individual mandate, instead of a business mandate, I don't think they would be exempt.
it is hilarious that some "patriots" actually believe the current administration has any connection to facts or truth.

Tell me about Article 6 Paragraph 2 of the Constitution. The tenth amendment deals with powers, the supremacy clause deals with which laws would override. So she is right here. Where she may be wrong is about whether the feds have the power to do this, but not, if they have the power, whether federal law is supreme.
not following.
they are all liars. it doesn't mean they are purposely trying to kill people...it could be simple incompetence or greed.
That is what I said above. You are talking about an example, but what I was talking about is the form of they did this, so they would obviously do that, because that is how the have structured the institutions to sustain and grow their own power. It is, as I said, an analytical framework that underlies all Marxist thought.
Are we still missing the fact that these mRNA vaxs are literally the most dangerous vaccines ever released bar none? You can’t deboonk that.

And that ^ is 100% true. Add monoclonal antibody treatment in there too

someone please dig up a case of someone have a heart attack or stroke from taking any of the above.

these vaccines are not needed with effective treatment that works broadly. These vaccines work narrowly, every time these viruses mutate it makes the vax less and less effective, which is 100% inevitable. Not to mention that the efficacy of the vaccines starts dropping like a rock 6-12 months after the last dose.

right now it’s looking like you will need your booster shots every years indefinitely, forever, at this rate and it will be a crap shoot if they get it right same as the flu.

the vax is bullshit and unneeded now that effective therapies can be used, every shot you take is opening yourself up to the risk of stroke, heart attacks, and other extreme reactions, when the disease you are “protecting” from is easily treatable and minor for most people.

right now, Still, the Protocall for treatment is wait until you can’t breathe, then go to the hospital and we will put you on a ventilator. You want to see hospitalizations drop like a rock? Start treatment early with any of the above methods.
What you did is a textbook ad hominem attack. At least you didn't engage in name calling, but personally directed insults indicate to me that you have no real response. If you don't need to argue it, you probably don't know what you're talking about anyway. But don't take my word for it, John Stuart Mill said it best almost 200 years ago:

“He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion... Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them...he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form.”

Your responses indicate, to me and probably others as well, that you probably don't have any idea what you're talking about, or even any idea that you have no idea what you're talking about.
Because your young...I have only responded when your narrative was demonstrably false in its certainty. I've given little thought to you... And you have no idea what I know or don't know. To attack me or my credibility shows how much you fear any dissent. The vaccine remains an unknown...and in fact, the Mill quote above proves my point.
Are we still missing the fact that these mRNA vaxs are literally the most dangerous vaccines ever released bar none? You can’t deboonk that.

And that ^ is 100% true. Add monoclonal antibody treatment in there too

someone please dig up a case of someone have a heart attack or stroke from taking any of the above.

these vaccines are not needed with effective treatment that works broadly. These vaccines work narrowly, every time these viruses mutate it makes the vax less and less effective, which is 100% inevitable. Not to mention that the efficacy of the vaccines starts dropping like a rock 6-12 months after the last dose.

right now it’s looking like you will need your booster shots every years indefinitely, forever, at this rate and it will be a crap shoot if they get it right same as the flu.

the vax is bullshit and unneeded now that effective therapies can be used, every shot you take is opening yourself up to the risk of stroke, heart attacks, and other extreme reactions, when the disease you are “protecting” from is easily treatable and minor for most people.

right now, Still, the Protocall for treatment is wait until you can’t breathe, then go to the hospital and we will put you on a ventilator. You want to see hospitalizations drop like a rock? Start treatment early with any of the above methods.

So with this fancy plan of yours calling for early treatment....how exactly can I control global society with it? Does it let me leverage a social credit system under the label of covid passports? How much can I virtue signal that I care about helping others without doing anything? Does it provide some sort of sects that divide people into righteous and heathen? What type of control will I have over others when I point out those who don't follow your new "rules"? 🤔
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Persuading your fellow citizens of the truth is what republican government is all about. There are a great deal of people out there consuming and digging into misinformation campaigns that are bad for all of us. The choices are to talk to these people about the truth or engage in violence to rid the world of people who are, at this point, a threat to the remainder. I prefer the former.
Before you threaten violence you'd better check your ego at the door...
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So with this fancy plan of yours calling for early treatment....how exactly can I control global society with it? Does it let me leverage a social credit system under the label of covid passports? How much can I virtue signal that I care about helping others without doing anything? Does it provide some sort of sects that divide people into righteous and heathen? What type of control will I have over others when I point out those who don't follow your new "rules"? 🤔
Since ivm is only for cattle and horse, it will slowly turn you into a farm animal with each dose, until we are walking around on all 4s. We can put a tags on our ears when we are dosed to know if we are allowed into the feed lots with the other animals
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Someone ask @Downzero what test he uses to determine truth vs misinformation that he feels is his duty to persuade fellow citizens. I can't get a response 🤷‍♀️

We have been talking about the data and debating its methods and collection for about 20 pages. I have repeatedly stated "the data are the truth." I don't know why you needed a response directly to you to get your answer when it was there the whole time, but now you have it.
We have been talking about the data and debating its methods and collection for about 20 pages. I have repeatedly stated "the data are the truth." I don't know why you needed a response directly to you to get your answer when it was there the whole time, but now you have it.

How do you know the data is truth? That's why I'm asking. How do you test the data?
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So you got the J&J, right? Right?!
No I didn’t get any fucking vax because any disease it is supposedly preventing against is of zero consequence to me since the virus poses next to zero risk to me and poses zero risk with effective early treatment. I have 2 kids 2 and under that are little germ factories that manage to pass us the sniffles all the time. The coof is just another sniffle for me. Whoopty fucking doo
Persuading your fellow citizens of the truth is what republican government is all about. There are a great deal of people out there consuming and digging into misinformation campaigns that are bad for all of us. The choices are to talk to these people about the truth or engage in violence to rid the world of people who are, at this point, a threat to the remainder. I prefer the former.
And there it is...you held the lie together for a couple pages. Here is some free advise...you are NOT the beacon of moral clarity, the avatar of virtue you view yourself. Sorry, but rethink that.
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How do you know the data is truth? That's why I'm asking. How do you test the data?
and who is providing the data? who is analyzing the data?

i only need to see 2 things to know for certain the FDA is full of shit and controlled by big pharma.


Logo of lwwopen

American Journal of Therapeutics

Am J Ther. 2021 May-Jun; 28(3): e299–e318.
Published online 2021 Apr 22. doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001377


Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.

and 2)

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and who is providing the data? who is analyzing the data?

i only need to see 2 things to know for certain the FDA is full of shit and controlled by big pharma.


Logo of lwwopen

American Journal of Therapeutics

Am J Ther. 2021 May-Jun; 28(3): e299–e318.
Published online 2021 Apr 22. doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001377


Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.

and 2)

View attachment 7725335

We are giving @Downzero an opportunity to teach us misinformed people on how to test truth vs misinformation when we come across any kind of data source. I'm surprised he hasn't whipped up a paragraph or two on how we can objectively discern the difference between conspiracy theory and fact. 😢
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Persuading your fellow citizens of the truth is what republican government is all about. There are a great deal of people out there consuming and digging into misinformation campaigns that are bad for all of us. The choices are to talk to these people about the truth or engage in violence to rid the world of people who are, at this point, a threat to the remainder. I prefer the former.
Some how missed this post

You and your kind are thr threat to the remainder, this is the exact rhetoric of pre ww2 nazi Germans. You want a fight come fucking get it. You are on the wrong side of history. Individual freedom reign supreme no matter what, and the founding fathers of this country all agree that freedom is more important than temporary safety. If you are so scared of the cough you can do whatever you deem necessary to protect yoursef. Full haz mat suit and tank oxygen in all public settings. It is not my duty to protect you from anything.

this dude is a troll or a fed.
We have been talking about the data and debating its methods and collection for about 20 pages. I have repeatedly stated "the data are the truth." I don't know why you needed a response directly to you to get your answer when it was there the whole time, but now you have it.
You should read Mill, and for that matter more, not just post random quotes. He was referring to you...
We are giving @Downzero an opportunity to teach us misinformed people on how to test truth vs misinformation when we come across any kind of data source. I'm surprised he hasn't whipped up a paragraph or two on how we can objectively discern the difference between conspiracy theory and fact. 😢
he just changes the subject whenever he knows he is wrong, or when he gets pwnt (like his retarded defense of forbes).
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We have been talking about the data and debating its methods and collection for about 20 pages. I have repeatedly stated "the data are the truth." I don't know why you needed a response directly to you to get your answer when it was there the whole time, but now you have it.
Run along...you can't sit at the big table this holiday season...maybe next year?
What you did is a textbook ad hominem attack. At least you didn't engage in name calling, but personally directed insults indicate to me that you have no real response. If you don't need to argue it, you probably don't know what you're talking about anyway. But don't take my word for it, John Stuart Mill said it best almost 200 years ago:

“He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion... Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them...he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form.”

Your responses indicate, to me and probably others as well, that you probably don't have any idea what you're talking about, or even any idea that you have no idea what you're talking about.
You have been dismissed
