high level vaccine skeptics

I have no problem with that as it comes to public health where there is a true public health issue. And neither have the majority of our citizens throughout the history of this country, with exceedingly limited exception not relevant here. And when the tiny minority of you protest because you don't think we have that authority, I say let the chips fall where they may.

Personally, I can't wait until precisely that issue reaches the Supreme Court of the United States. Because there are libertarian scholars who agree with the government on this point, that's how small of a minority position among the relevant experts that you represent.

I hope we don't ever have to use force to get people vaccinated, but I also know history and I know the government has the power to do so and that the judges will not refuse to carry it out even if challenged. I hope it never comes to that, but if someone told you that the government lacks the authority to do so, or that courts would entertain challenges to a requirement that people do so, just stay tuned for the next 12 months of constitutional law.
Why are you so worried about a "tiny minority"?
I can make the argument, but I can't understand it for you. Even if you were to assume the shot does nothing, that doesn't provide any evidence not to get it. Obviously the assumption is false--billions of people and studies across the entire world show otherwise. But if your worst fear was that the shot would do nothing to you, you could still choose to get vaccinated under the remote possibility that every credible expert on earth was right. And if the worst thing that could happen was nothing, there would be no costs.

Or, in simple logic, a decision is logical if Marginal Benefit > Marginal Cost. (MB>MC).

If MC=0, even if the probability is remote that it has some positive effect (not true, but assumed for this purpose), literally any positive effect, even if 1 in a 1000 or 1 in a million chance, makes the decision logical.

Others have explained this to you above, for example, that you could think that natural immunity will protect you. But the costs associated with sending your immune system into battle unarmed are costly, costly in terms of health care costs, costly in terms of human life, and costly in terms of spreading the virus to others. You know, like the 80 year old father who got infected by his 50 and 60 something children in my community. Both of them recovered. He's dead as a doornail. The probability of him being alive if he had been vaccinated is very high.

If you can actually hold a conversation long enough, this is where it will always devolve.

And here you go, plain as day. Much of the data is garbage, so...in the end, call it what it is...

Its for your safety.
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Mighty tough talk from the safety of your little faggoty office somewhere. Stand up for your position, pick up a needle and go door to door in support of your cause.

You exhibit the same flawed logic as other typical liberals. "I know the government has the authority" and "I know how the courts and scholars will decide this issue"

I'll point the flaw out for you because you're still missing it... I don't care if you find some judge or lawyer or doctor or whoever that agrees with you. The only medical shit that happens to me will be of my choosing.

If you want to try to force the issue, well, good luck with that.


As usual you liberal nutbags have it backwards. What's alarming isn't that people choose not to go along with what you see as the consensus and you believe, whether correctly or not, that there's risk to the majority in that refusal.

What's alarming is your failure to grasp the founding principles of this country and realize that individual liberty is never secondary to collective security / safety / health / whatever the fuck you want to call it.

Whether you agree or not, I really don't care. See you on the front porch, bring a needle and a lot of friends.

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This is all that needs to be said about THE vaccine(s). Mac
What, that Bill Gates has diversified his investments amongst companies that were already winners?
BTW, what's the obsession in certain quarters with Bill Gates?
You realize that picture is of a newspaper that published whacky conspiracy theories and that headline didn't apply to the picture of Bill Gates, right? You do investigate the memes you share, right?
oh, you mean that story was deboonked? by who?
the same media that brought you "trump is a russian agent"?
oh, you mean that story was deboonked? by who?
the same media that brought you "trump is a russian agent"?
Rather than having to refute it, please produce a copy of that front page that's legible. You've seen one, haven't you, so you're 100% confident in your assertion. Right?
here is why i believe it...because reuters says it isn' true...

here is why i believe it...because reuters says it isn' true...

Considered the Sovereign Independent to be a reliable source, did you? How frequently did you read it? If he really said what they claimed, doncha think it would have been a huge story?
I'm curious about the future of medicine in this country. 1. I think many would say we're over using prescription medicine. 2. There is a strong reluctance for centralized medicine. 3. With the vaccine we have massive skepticism of the pharmaceutical companies and their reps.. 4. Also, with the vaccine, we have the implication that some professionals are being silenced or coerced. There's no trust.
I'm curious about the future of medicine in this country. 1. I think many would say we're over using prescription medicine. 2. There is a strong reluctance for centralized medicine. 3. With the vaccine we have massive skepticism of the pharmaceutical companies and their reps.. 4. Also, with the vaccine, we have the implication that some professionals are being silenced or coerced. There's no trust.
3 and 4 are the result of certain factions casting doubt based upon no or anecdotal evidence. Sort of like something else that certain people think wasn't legitimate, yet have no proof to the contrary.
Perhaps the facts don't fit the narrative that's been posted here, but you're getting them anyway.
That quote from Gates refers to curbing population growth, not depopulation, and how reducing childhood deaths could slow population growth.

From the Gates Foundation Annual Letter, published 2 YEARS BEFORE that headline:
When Melinda and I first started our giving, in the late 1990s, our focus was on reproductive health rather than childhood deaths. We felt that giving mothers the tools to limit their family size to what they wanted would have a catalytic effect by reducing population growth and making it easier to feed, educate, and provide jobs for the children who were born.

We were surprised when we saw a newspaper article in 1998 showing that only a few diseases cause most childhood deaths and showing how little money was being invested in creating and providing vaccines for these diseases. A chart in the article showed that a particular type of diarrheal disease—rotavirus—was killing over 400,000 children per year. How could a disease we had never heard of get so little attention and kill this many children? We sent the article to my father and asked him to look into how we could help.

A surprising but critical fact we learned was that reducing the number of deaths actually reduces population growth. Chart 3 shows the strong connection between infant mortality rates and fertility rates. Contrary to the Malthusian view that population will grow to the limit of however many kids can be fed, in fact parents choose to have enough kids to give them a high chance that several will survive to support them as they grow old. As the number of kids who survive to adulthood goes up, parents can achieve this goal without having as many children.

That rag published bullshit and they knew it or they were too lazy to do any investigation. Looked this up on my own and it's all in the public domain.

Any other dumb conspiracies you'd like to discuss? Perhaps the VAERS data that shows almost 10k deaths from the vaccine?
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Imagine having to beg, bribe, threaten and mandate people to get a vaccine for a disease so deadly you have to take a test to see if you even have it.

DR Hubris is at the peak of Mt Stupid on the Dunning-Krugger graph. I can't imagine being this smug and condescending. But he has that $200k dollar piece of paper that lets him know how god damn right he is.

You are everything i have come to expect from "modern medicine"
do you know what happens when medical doctors serve the interest of the State instead of the patient?
see "the Doctors Trial"

and then we get things like the Nuremberg Code, which state that

* The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential
*No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur etc.

So, in regard to Doctors Kevorkian and Mengele here, if they even are doctors and not just agents of disinformation, the fact remains that their opinions are going down a path which has already been tread. And "I was just following orders" didn't work for a defense then, either.
And you first semester geniuses kill a quarter million people EVERY year, year after year, with malpractice while you "practice" medicine.

No problem, brother. You diss the MD’s and go for that faith healing….or seek med treatment from you auto mechanic. Or maybe just tell the ER doc that you think he’s a retard.

Let me know how all that works out for you.
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No problem, brother. You diss the MD’s and go for that faith healing….or seek med treatment from you auto mechanic. Or maybe just tell the ER doc that you think he’s a retard.

Let me know how all that works out for you.

It’s ain’t linear bud

Not all docs are created equal, some are artists in what they do, others I wouldn’t trust to work on a dead hamster

had help from doctors and pharmacists for millions to be addicted and dying from opiate addiction.
i have a lot of respect for surgeons and oncologists....
This seems to fit here...

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re: above & doctors & nuremberg. they would never excuse idiotic or flawed practices with the excuse "i was just following orders". they get their prestige,power and money due to state monopolies on licensure. their excuse is almost always " i was just doing as the government called for with the latest (pop) protocol. the gov/industry says they must so they do often fully believing in the thing and not having to think about the problem in front of them. patient takes a dump-oh well,works for 80-90% so why bother questioning when your ass is covered liabiltywise by just going along.
we are seeing a few exceptions here, even by some highly advanced MDs who are still speaking and seeking truth. for those who believe the current scaming,here or anywhere,glad you can believe in the institution that gave us afganistan,vietnam, watergate,pearl harbor,the lusitania,iraq 2nd round,deep horizon,trump russiagate,the wuhan lab and a whole bunch of other stuff we'll probably never hear about. the current covid narrative is so distorted,propagandised,manipulated and obscured that if you believe anything about it coming from any government,especially ours,you just need to believe them and quit listening to any contrary discussion. guppies have no need to question their betters and leaders.
I dated a girl that believes the cure for cancer is known. It just isn't implemented for monetary reasons. Her mother had passed of lung cancer.
I had that theory...
Then RBG survived pancreatic cancer for 10 years, after everyone I've ever known with it died PFQ.
Now this Covid shit and covering up real cheap therapeutics. Sending people home till they can vent them.....
Yeah....they can cure cancer, I'd bet on it.
Every time I read one of these threads I realize that "conservatism" has really just become conspiratorial Marxism without the economic bits.
It’s ain’t linear bud

Not all docs are created equal, some are artists in what they do, others I wouldn’t trust to work on a dead hamster

You are absolutely right. They are not god and are def fallible. There are good ones and bad ones just like every profession. It’s an extremely difficult profession that is high risk (see not god part) and req a great deal of commitment and dedication.

But I don’t think calling an MD a retard on a rifle board because one you don’t agree w their more highly informed opinions is ever justified.

Also, I have not ever agreed with the view that one should blindly defer to a Dr on your personal treatment. Your life, your health, and a smart patient always should demand coherent and cogent justification for whatever treatment is recommended.

But retard….nah.

and make no mistake, I have zero problem w Bender who posted that throw away line. I enjoy a lot of what he posts and I don’t want to appear to be attacking him. I merely thought that line was…well, I’ll leave it at that.

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