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Hmm. U.S. stay out of Venezuela or it’s on

Honestly, if we just took about 40 miles of the other side of the border it would seriously fuck a lot of shit up. There's a lot of black market infrastructure and personal connections in that area specifically, to traffic into the USA. Maybe give it back to them, maybe don't. Big dick move and all, but fuck, their entire country wants to be Americans anyway.

Venezuela should be integrated and turned into a stable government like Peurto Rico if we give so much of a hot fuck about them. Kill communism and reap the rewards of Venezuelan resources and allegiance, get two birds stoned at once. Frankly, the only pause I have is that I can find no immediate potential for elevating their society to a point where the Venezuelan people would be overtly constructive to American values at home. They have communism for a reason, sadly. Economically and strategically, however, they are useful.

We can't even stop communism here... Just look at that stupid ass AOC.
Thanks to the socialists failed policies, at least there shouldn't be any fat chicks left in Venezuela. Whatever happens I hope it doesn't result in millions of refugees heading towards the usa like the Syrians and Africans headed into Europe
Have to see the half full glass.
Without Venezuela we wouldn't have a recent and perfect example of how fucked up
socialism is and works for the average subject.
Pics of eating out of a garbage truck and subjects being shot and beat down by
their "caring" government.
Endless brain dead politicians and celebrities spewing forth their admiration
of the fat bastard Maduro.

Endless brain dead politicians and celebrities spewing forth their admiration
of the fat bastard Maduro.

Much like the Communists in North Korea, the average person in the countryside is slowly starving to death, the ones that survive are the ones that know how to raise rats & eat insects & roots...

But have you noticed Rocket Man looks like he never missed a meal... or a snack... or just anything about food in general?
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