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Hmm. U.S. stay out of Venezuela or it’s on


Boring old bastard
Full Member
  • Feb 27, 2014
    Central Ohio
    My guess is the Communist leader there is pretty afraid that he will wake up dead before long & doesn't trust his own bodyguards / troops etc.
    So he is hiring some foreign soldiers to try to keep him alive.
    My Russian friend said the same thing as they were gearing up and just before their plane took off.
    Trump is fueling the fire on Venezuela...with sanctions, that only boosts the price of oil for his corporate oil fuck buddies --- including Putin.
    Trump is fueling the fire on Venezuela...with sanctions, that only boosts the price of oil for his corporate oil fuck buddies --- including Putin.

    In case you haven't heard, it was irrefutably shown the other day that there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians, so you may want to update your talking points.
    Well, I am getting pumped, opportunities might be in the offing,,, I hate fucking Russians as much as I hate the DEep state and DC.

    I think I hate the deep state more. They are traitors, atleast the Russians are doing what they are for their country right or wrong. Fuck the deep state. If trump was putin the deep state wouldnt exist bc they would all be in mass shallow graves.
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    It is not like Russian Military in Venezuela is anything new.
    An additional 100 personnel means nothing in the scheme of things.
    But I wonder why MSM is focusing on that instead of the La Orchila Island Facility that is home to a Russian Bomber Outpost that houses the Tu-160 Blackjack bombers along with the nuclear bombs to go with them.

    Feel free to g down there and welcome them as part of he American National Socialists you fucktard,, stay there for a while, we can meet up in the jungle and have some papaya, Ill show you around..

    Trump is fueling the fire on Venezuela...with sanctions, that only boosts the price of oil for his corporate oil fuck buddies --- including Putin.
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    In case you haven't heard, it was irrefutably shown the other day that there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians, so you may want to update your talking points.

    Yeah, I think they're onto "We received bad information" now. All a mistake, based on some shoddy investigative journalism.

    @Erno86 - Might want to check on that one. IIRC you won't get your $3.50 if you're going off script.
    Yes I have, quite a bit.
    Interesting as I use to feel the same way,... until I spent alot of time with their civi's, an worked with some in mil rags. Not everyone of them rubber stamps their govs shit, much like us. I was brain washed while in green rags, but my first trip in civi rags was an eye opening for me. Not just the people but the gear we were selling them during Ray-Guns time all the while calling them the evil empire, but sucking up the dollar from them.
    Wasn't there an engagement during the middle of the Syrian civil war when a US SOF team and Marine unit basically devastated a far larger Russian force? (Was discussed here too) Seems like some people just CANNOT learn or are too stupid to wake up from just one ass-kicking.

    And besides, what the fuck are the people of that country still waiting for? Your leadership is FUBAR. It is making you drink sewage water now. It is not even treating you with the most basic dignity any more.
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    And besides, what the fuck are the people of that country still waiting for? Your leadership is FUBAR. It is making you drink sewage water now. It is not even treating you with the most basic dignity any more.

    They are waiting because they gave up all their guns at the start of the Communist regime you know... "Just following orders", so now the Communists are the only ones with guns & they don't care how many starving people they murder to stay in power.
    Trump is fueling the fire on Venezuela...with sanctions, that only boosts the price of oil for his corporate oil fuck buddies --- including Putin.
    That must be why Trump stomped the shit out of the russian crew a short while back.
    Your understanding of geopolitical economics is akin to a Ray Charles eye exam.

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    Trump is fueling the fire on Venezuela...with sanctions, that only boosts the price of oil for his corporate oil fuck buddies --- including Putin.

    What causes a lefty to sport wood? A starved populace, the concentration of power in the hands of a few people, a police state, sports venues filled to the brim with political prisoners, firing tear gas on people who have been shuffling in long food lines for days on end...

    And of course the support of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. No socialist state can be bestowed with its bonafides, no matter how many women are raped and then shot by your leaders personal paramilitary force, unless and until you have the very public support of this guy.

    But when inconvenient images like the one below begin to show up (obviously a band on ingrates not appreciative of the states benevolence) you can just blame Trump.

    Demonstrators protest against human rights violations in Venezuela outside the National Gallery in London on 10 June.
    Yes and no on the 117. There are still 4 that are on "training missions" These 4 were never retired like the rest were. However,
    it's unlikely that they will be used in any real world capacity. I mean, that's soooooo 1991.
    I heard the F117 stealth fighter is coming out of mothballs...........
    (guess this means the F135 is a piece of crap....shocker)
    The F-35, is no piece. It's not the second coming of the F-22, but that isn't its role. Yes, it has its share of bugs to be worked out. But it is a true game changer.
    The F-35, is no piece. It's not the second coming of the F-22, but that isn't its role. Yes, it has its share of bugs to be worked out. But it is a true game changer.

    The F16 had a rather large share of problems when it was first being developed, tested & training programs worked out.
    It was just in a different era when everybody wasn't out to find cheap headlines.
    Eventually it became a very long lasting, well regarded, versatile platform.

    I'm assuming the F35 will eventually become the same once they work all the issues out of the first few iterations.
    Just curious, do you support the socialist dictator starving his own people?

    I haven't read through this whole thread yet, but don't expect an answer. People of his persuasion don't/won't answer those types of questions. The truth cuts a little to close to home and it lets all the air out of the agenda tires........
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    We should invade Mexico. I don't give a damn about venezuela.

    Honestly, if we just took about 40 miles of the other side of the border it would seriously fuck a lot of shit up. There's a lot of black market infrastructure and personal connections in that area specifically, to traffic into the USA. Maybe give it back to them, maybe don't. Big dick move and all, but fuck, their entire country wants to be Americans anyway.

    Venezuela should be integrated and turned into a stable government like Peurto Rico if we give so much of a hot fuck about them. Kill communism and reap the rewards of Venezuelan resources and allegiance, get two birds stoned at once. Frankly, the only pause I have is that I can find no immediate potential for elevating their society to a point where the Venezuelan people would be overtly constructive to American values at home. They have communism for a reason, sadly. Economically and strategically, however, they are useful.
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