Hot Take; Putin needs to just level Ukraine to save us from ourselves

Today in downtown Boise, ID. thought of you.
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All you have to do is look at the list of people who are crying and whining over Ukraine ranging from Schumer and Pelosi to Sean Penn and George Clooney. And realize that it has nothing to do with freedom, but is every bit of the money laundromat that people have said it is for years.

If that crowd is for Ukraine I’m against it.
But in other news, fuck Ukraine. Whoever owns that property after the dust settles will sell whatever minerals we need.

I am willing, though, to adopt 1-3 hot Ukrainian 18 year old females to do my part to "help refugees", regardless of blond/brunette/redhead hair color.

Regarding the US goobermint and foreign "aid" - absolutely zero money should be sent to foreign countries until every US child is fed and every US military veteran has a roof over their head. Every single day.
So ok. I got into this whole OMG OMG Russians in Ukraine!1!1!! thing on day 1 because I was very interested in the David v Goliath tactics and wanted to see what the Russians were capable of against a country everyone looked at as a total underdog.

Not only are the Russians LOL bad at war but apparently Ukraine is just an ungrateful welfare state that reminds me a lot of the faggots in Kosovo we should have spent way less time protecting (against their will) and spent way more time rounding them up and dumping their entitled welfare asses into a giant hole in the ground.

From another thread, here is how that went.

Day 1 - Oh shit, the Russians invaded Ukraine

Days 2 & 3 - Trying to find videos that aren't fucking fake, or from a video game. Seems to be a gigantic lack of anything.

Day 4 - Wow, Ukraine is fighting back and isn't caving. Good for them. Kill some communists. Still looking for LiveLeak type shit. Nothing.

Day 6 - This is my total lack of surprise at the world's realization that the EU is a bunch of euroweenie faggots (this was around the time when Potato got on TV and was all like, we want to do sanctions but not too bad of sanctions because the EU asked us not to)

Day 10 - Wait, yeah, no, we're not fucking getting involved with this shit. So stop fucking asking Ukraine. Bunch of human trafficking money laundering whiny ass bitches.

Day 14 - I believe absolutely zero point zero of anything being reported and/or allegedly coming out of Ukraine or Russia about basically anything.

Day 20 - Ukraine flags start going up on houses in the US. I realize this is an indicator that you are retarded and 'support the current thing.'

Day 30 - I just do not give a fuck as to what is happening with Russia and Ukraine. They're still killing each other? Oh no, anyways.

Today - The only news from Ukraine I care about is if the gas prices are coming back down (and yes, I know this has very little to do with the price of gas)

So between everything going full bore retarded, to the guy 3 houses down from me flying a Ukraine flag (upside down for the first week) and now our .gov jumping over themselves to throw billions of dollars at this shit while Americans are struggling, due to .gov's mismanagement of basically everything they touch, I have adopted a new stance.

Putin should just level Ukraine and basically everyone, everywhere will be better off in the end. Except some Ukrainians. And US politicians. Therefore its like a trifecta or a sign from God that its a totally a good idea, or something.

OMG OMG German!1!1!!1 You're saying you're ok with killing Ukrainains?!???

Let me give that some thought. Ok..thought about it.

Yes, yes I am. And before you start feigning hurt feels over it, lets not forget that you didn't give a shit about Ukraine before any of this. The only difference is that I'm totally willing to admit it. Up until like 3 weeks ago your dumb ass was still calling it The Ukraine, nor could you even have found it on a map if I had pointed a gun at your dick and told you is was somewhere in Asia. So shut your face. Nobody cares.

We basically have two scenarios at this point.

Scenario 1 has us trying to prop up Ukraine thought money that we don't have, nor should be even remotely even thinking about sending them, let alone in a time with rampant inflation (which this is literally causing more of, WHILE inflation is already going on, what is that, inflation squared?), ridiculously high gas prices (how much fucking diesel are all those fucking tanks and planes using??) and just a total malaise of basically.....everything here at home.

This scenario results in something I'll call a Cold Vietnam. We're going to get so deep into it financially with horrible success/return that we continue to keep going deeper due solely on the fact that we already spent X amount of money and we 'stand with Ukraine'. None of that means fuck about shit. Let alone is it going to pay off in any meaningful way (you guys still waiting for .25 cent a gallon gas from the Iraq invasion?) to literally anyone who is indirectly paying the retards in Ukraine (RIU) tax every time they cash their paycheck or buy something. This will go on for literally FOR-EV-ER and will achieve 1 thing, and 1 thing only; the complete reliance on the US to prop up Ukraine in a way that would make Puerto Rico and Israel blush. And let's not even get into the human trafficking, money laundering and total corrupt kickback bullshit going on with everything; I mean seriously, how much of that $40B do you think the 'citizens of Ukraine' are getting? I'll tell you how much, $LOLOLOL

Or, we run with Scenario 2. You had a good run, but you're on your own Ukraine. Kill as many commies on the way out and good luck. Let's be serious here for a minute; why are WE involved? Take the horrible economy and state of our .gov out of the equation for a minute. Why are we involved at all? Let alone in a position that could pull us into a protracted conflict that has us not only propping up Ukraine but physically being at war? Over what? Whats to gain here? Risk vs reward is literally nonexistent regardless of if we even 'win'. What does winning even look like?

So anyways. Bye Ukraine, Imma head out.

In the short term, it'll be ugly. Large causalities on both the Ukrainian and Russian side. CNN will be butthurt about all the bullshit propaganda Ukraine puts out about how they set a school on fire and planted a Russian gas can next to the school building or some shit.

Meanwhile, the rest of us


And I mean, there will be consequences from that strong and diverse European Union right, right??


Yeah, I thought so.

So Ukraine fights back, takes loses, so does Russia and we're not involved at all. So we can now take all that money you faggots just 'found' to go build a border wall, remove gas tax prices and make sure Americans are taken care of, right?

Let it burn.
Amen. Feel bad for the people caught in the middle but we have our own issues.
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Tell me why?
…what happens next is the dust bowl like 1930.

Or potatoe famine because the whole country of Ireland only grew 1-2 types of potatoe. Which were the largest /profitable. One fungus/virus and the entire system craps out.

Crop rotation etc, not just the easy or most profitable crops

Lots of reasons to not let farmers do what they want.

…I could also be wrong as I’m not a farmer but all realize examples happened because of “growing” how and what they wanted.
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…what happens next is the dust bowl like 1930.

Or potatoe famine because the whole country of Ireland only grew 1-2 types of potatoe. Which were the largest /profitable. One fungus/virus and the entire system craps out.

Crop rotation etc, not just the easy or most profitable crops

Lots of reasons to not let farmers do what they want.

…I could also be wrong as I’m not a farmer but all realize examples happened because of “growing” how and what they wanted.
You amaze me sometimes and not in a good way in the slightest. The bear pit is full of statists.
I’m all ears…

I just cited history and what happened.

Instead of being crass why don’t you educate the masses , myself included why they shouldn’t choose.
I have no words......I’ll let someone else explain to you why gov’t should fuck off. Your NY is showing.

Who would you suggest should be in charge of making the decision of what farmers are forced to farm?
I have no words......I’ll let someone else explain to you why gov’t should fuck off. Your NY is showing.

Who would you suggest should be in charge of making the decision of what farmers are forced to farm?
I’m not sure who should tell anyone to do anything.

But farmland is a national resource, which should be utilized the most efficient and sustainable way possible.

From beginning of time through every empire, the ability to self sustain food for the population has always separated winners from losers.

That’s why China is throwing money in south and Central America. Their farmland was overused when mao took over in the 60’s and they can’t survive with out immense imports.

Additionally as soon as a farmer takes one penny or tax break they are now entering a contract of sorts.

Contracts have criteria.

I would think you of all people would want to protect it. You’d scream until your lungs popped out if the US needed to import “food” because we let the farmers build shopping malls and condos.
All good points about staying out and not being involved, but I disagree. What's wrong with the communist, senile, puppet's policy is not supporting Ukraine against the invading Russians. It's being a fucking idiot and talking about it openly for supposed political benefit. However, asking these woke, anti-American motherfuckers to do something for our nation rather than for themselves is a bridge way too far.

We should have let Europe gnash their teeth and lament the poor Ukrainians while we deployed Army SF to Poland to train Uke commandos, and covertly got weapons and munitions into Ukrainian fighter's hands sans NATO, EU, or God forbid UN. This giving of financial aid to a notoriously corrupt government is is just stupid, and my guess is that the vast majority of the $40+B will never been seen in Ukraine, but will go to the friends and families of big Dems who run 501c3s, and NGOs.

This administrations rhetoric (like in everything else) does not match their actions, and why would a thoroughly corrupt and ideologically blinkered gaggle of fools do anything remotely intelligent or logical? This country is being run by Marxist clowns.

…what happens next is the dust bowl like 1930.

Or potatoe famine because the whole country of Ireland only grew 1-2 types of potatoe. Which were the largest /profitable. One fungus/virus and the entire system craps out.

Crop rotation etc, not just the easy or most profitable crops

Lots of reasons to not let farmers do what they want.

…I could also be wrong as I’m not a farmer but all realize examples happened because of “growing” how and what they wanted.
By the time the government studies on what is the correct potatoe to grow, award a contract after multi year bid process, environmental impact studies are done after PETA sues to protect some stupid beetle, all tractors are retrofitted with “clean fuel” hybrid motors, the solar and wind turbines are built to charge them, the EPA finishes its full investigation of the contents of the river 20 miles away, the congressional subcommittee for the procurement of environmentally friendly and ethically sourced fertilizer (PEFESF) has award contracts, the People for the ethical treatment of refugee fauna (weeds is offensive) have successful relocated all the non crop producing Fauna, we can finally grow the correct species of potatoes.

Meanwhile the field sat empty for 20 years and we all fucking starved before anything was planted.
on one hand i 100% agree with letting europe deal with it

they knew it was coming and they funded it, so let them burn for always trying to stick it to the US

but on the other hand we all know that 10 years from now we will be fighting the same proxy war just in poland or on germanys boarder...and then we have to send in american troops

we send money now and let it be a shit show, but its saving us more money and american blood in the future

its a bad deal wither way but im not sending amreican lives to countries that can take care of themselves....and we know we have to save their ass again

I for one will never forget that German piece of shit laughing at Trump on the worlds stage during a live broadcast. Does anyone remember when Trump told them that you guys are setting yourselves up with Russia and their natural gan and petroleum products.
I also remember the other state leaders laughing harder.

They can all eat shit and forget about begging us for help and money like they always do.
add to it the CRP programs are the biggest scam there is, should be forced to plant and grow or loose it to someone who will

not saying build condos on it, but if "your" a should have to farm the land or get penalized

Wow, you just showed you ass with that statement.

We all know the current climate Biden has toward the gun industry.

"If you own a gun manufacturing co, make guns or lose it.
I for one will never forget that German piece of shit laughing at Trump on the worlds stage during a live broadcast. Does anyone remember when Trump told them that you guys are setting yourselves up with Russia and their natural gan and petroleum products.
I also remember the other state leaders laughing harder.

They can all eat shit and forget about begging us for help and money like they always do.
I couldn’t agree more. They were warned of this, but they were far more intelligent than Trump.
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By the time the government studies on what is the correct potatoe to grow, award a contract after multi year bid process, environmental impact studies are done after PETA sues to protect some stupid beetle, all tractors are retrofitted with “clean fuel” hybrid motors, the solar and wind turbines are built to charge them, the EPA finishes its full investigation of the contents of the river 20 miles away, the congressional subcommittee for the procurement of environmentally friendly and ethically sourced fertilizer (PEFESF) has award contracts, the People for the ethical treatment of refugee fauna (weeds is offensive) have successful relocated all the non crop producing Fauna, we can finally grow the correct species of potatoes.

Meanwhile the field sat empty for 20 years and we all fucking starved before anything was planted.
Wow, you just showed you ass with that statement.

We all know the current climate Biden has toward the gun industry.

"If you own a gun manufacturing co, make guns or lose it.
Trying to equate manufacturing which is scalable to farming which is finite

Do small firearms manufacturers receive government funds for idle machines

And Im the one showing….eh your not worth it.
He’s a pro at showing his ass. This whole thread he’s been hanging it out.
Might be a pro, but not a hypocrite which is all too common around here.

The usual gaggle shows up to poke fun with no reasoning or facts.

Instead of explaining how the govt crp or other programs work (good or bad) they just make useless noise as usual.

I could be totally wrong and those programs could be the solution.

Back to Ukraine

Didn’t think the thread would get detailed about brianf the dictator while talking about how imports and exports work.
But farmland is a national resource, which should be utilized the most efficient and sustainable way possible.
Humans are a natural resource. Does the government get to utilize them the most efficient and sustainable way possible?
With that criteria your government..... Ohh wait, I see that you used china as a good example.
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Humans are a natural resource. Does the government get to utilize them the most efficient and sustainable way possible?
With that criteria your government..... Ohh wait, I see that you used china as a good example.
And what do you call the industrial revolution..,Using labor more efficiently

I’m sure if you are the boss or run a crew you let them drag ass all day for the same wage.
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One thing to keep in mind Ukraine has pretty women.
Be careful falling for the beauty of young Ukrainian women. Been there, done that. Was married to one for 27 years. Her mother has always been crazy as are all the women in that family. My ex kept the crazy mostly under wraps until she was in her 40’s, then she hung it all out for everyone to see. When they go sideways, they go all the way. Our kids are now grown and in or beyond college and none of them want to have much of anything to do with her. Your mileage may vary with a Ukrainian woman; yes they are beautiful and often stay that way when they are old, but beware of the darkness inside. I’ve come to the conclusion that if one is to take a foreign woman as a wife, it’s best to take up residence in that foreign woman’s country and never let them come to the USA; our culture ruins most women, especially foreign women who were raised in a different culture.

Regarding the US goobermint and foreign "aid" - absolutely zero money should be sent to foreign countries until every US child is fed and every US military veteran has a roof over their head. Every single day.

I could not agree more! My intuition tells me that much of the money given to foreign country’s as “aid” somehow makes it back to corrupt politicians here on both sides of the fence hence the reason no one will shut off the faucet.
I’m not sure who should tell anyone to do anything.

But farmland is a national resource, which should be utilized the most efficient and sustainable way possible.

From beginning of time through every empire, the ability to self sustain food for the population has always separated winners from losers.

That’s why China is throwing money in south and Central America. Their farmland was overused when mao took over in the 60’s and they can’t survive with out immense imports.

Additionally as soon as a farmer takes one penny or tax break they are now entering a contract of sorts.

Contracts have criteria.

I would think you of all people would want to protect it. You’d scream until your lungs popped out if the US needed to import “food” because we let the farmers build shopping malls and condos. Farmland is privately owned resource. Capitalism/ supply demand drives crop choices. I don't farm...worked on farms a good bit as a teenager. Prices and water drove crop choices. My land my choice!! Take that government management shit back to Venezuela or China. I need NOTHING from the government. Not safety, not security and certainly not food. Me and mine will take care of ourselves. If the masses can't do that.....too fucking bad Farmland is privately owned resource. Capitalism/ supply demand drives crop choices. I don't farm...worked on farms a good bit as a teenager. Prices and water drove crop choices. My land my choice!! Take that government management shit back to Venezuela or China. I need NOTHING from the government. Not safety, not security and certainly not food. Me and mine will take care of ourselves. If the masses can't do that.....too fucking bad
im of the same ideathat people have free will and should be able to do what they want

but like most things there are limits and thats where it gets fuzzy

your land and you do what you want, grow, not grow, make a putting green...non diff to me

but when its your land you cannot get any aid or tax breaks from the government..then its not only your land anymore

my/our tax dollars are paying for your lifestyle

willingly or not you are a "slave" to government like in the other countries you suggested.

do you get to dump motor oil or industrial waste poisoning the ground water that drains to the next guys farm impeding on his security and ability to take care of himself?

most if not all would say...thats not the right thing to there are laws against it

now, those laws may become overbearing and wasteful but they most likely started out as a common sense solution

you may say, "well if i were the neighbor id go there and shoot him if he was doing that", which is fine too

but now you have to initially spend your money for soil tests and such after several years of bad crop yields

so by you doing what you want you are now impleading on someone else, causing them to spend their "security"

its a slippery slope when trying to separate the libertarian from the system that allows them to be a libertarian Farmland is privately owned resource. Capitalism/ supply demand drives crop choices. I don't farm...worked on farms a good bit as a teenager. Prices and water drove crop choices. My land my choice!! Take that government management shit back to Venezuela or China. I need NOTHING from the government. Not safety, not security and certainly not food. Me and mine will take care of ourselves. If the masses can't do that.....too fucking bad

Poor management is a thing and it's not exclusive to communism or capitalism. The central valley of california is on its way to being really fucked up because of farming techniques and idiot government water management. When I was a kid there was water everywhere, you could dig a well that was 30ft deep in the right spot and find water. Now it's 160-200+ ft or several hundred feet. Wells going dry in San Joaquin valley never thought I would hear that.

Arizona has the same problem, they let foreign companies drill down into the aquifers so they can grow alfalfa out in the desert. Stupid greedy government. Same for all the cookie cutter subdivisions instead of 1/2 or 1 acre parcels, they want the property tax dollars.
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When you try to take farmer's land I will be right next to them killing the fuck out of you and all the commie fucks you bring with you trying to take it.

The Central Valley was a desert before the water projects, and now that Commiefornia hasn't had a new water project in fifty years (while the population has increased by orders of magnitude) it is being reclaimed as desert. Not only was the last dam/reservoir built in 1972, over 100 dams and reservoirs have been REMOVED, including the San Clemente Dam which was the largest dam removal in the US to date. California is being run by people as intelligent as you are, with the same ideas, and the same policies. It's working out real well for them.

It isn't the farmers, in The Central Valley, period. Commiefornia has it's own hands around it's own throat and is squeezing for everything they are worth. You cannot manage "farmland" when your water is cut off. You are totally and completely misinformed about this entire topic. You are completely talking out of your ass on a monumental level.

When a farmer mismanages his land he usually looses it. You are nearly completely ignorant of how strung out most of them are, relying on one harvest to pay for the next. You are a typical communist fuck who is as ignorant as you are arrogant.
im of the same ideathat people have free will and should be able to do what they want

but like most things there are limits and thats where it gets fuzzy

your land and you do what you want, grow, not grow, make a putting green...non diff to me

but when its your land you cannot get any aid or tax breaks from the government..then its not only your land anymore

my/our tax dollars are paying for your lifestyle

willingly or not you are a "slave" to government like in the other countries you suggested.

do you get to dump motor oil or industrial waste poisoning the ground water that drains to the next guys farm impeding on his security and ability to take care of himself?

most if not all would say...thats not the right thing to there are laws against it

now, those laws may become overbearing and wasteful but they most likely started out as a common sense solution

you may say, "well if i were the neighbor id go there and shoot him if he was doing that", which is fine too

but now you have to initially spend your money for soil tests and such after several years of bad crop yields

so by you doing what you want you are now impleading on someone else, causing them to spend their "security"

its a slippery slope when trying to separate the libertarian from the system that allows them to be a libertarian
I have a feeling we agree more than disagree......but...I'd gladly take my chances without government. Agree we're nothing but tax cattle for our government. The thing about farmers and ranchers is that they rely on that land for their life and livelihood. Dumping oil (or insert your heartstring tugging environmental event here) didn't become a thing until corporations got involved. Corporate farms and ranches was the beginning of the end. It became solely about dollars. Employees mostly don't give a shit and do what's easy instead of what's right. Exceptions to this either way exist but as a rule family farmers and ranchers are the best stewards of the land.The family farm was the heart of what made this country great.
As for subsidies to not produce....yeah...fuck all that.....again....government is the problem.
Time to give the rest of the world notice of not giving a fuck. We have more problems that are not a quick fix going on right now than any other time in my life.
I know we can not help but stick our nose in other Countries shit, but really we have serious problems right here that are fucking the economy and our security as a nation. and also Monkey Pox.
What products are EU countries going to import from across the ocean?


Tell me which of these don't spoil crossing the ocean. Garlic, potatoes, dried beans, and onions.

What we are seeing with food prices has nothing to do with Ukraine. Their grain for the year is in the ground. Their grain from last year is in storage.

We control what we grow too. Tens of thousands of acres go into dry land corn that produces minimal yields in this area because of lack of water. The government pays them to grow it. Most of them grew wheat before.
Good thing I don't like veggies that much. LOL. I do notice though that cucumbers and apsaragus are almost always south of the border - save cucumbers from April-Nov which seem to come from Florida.
I have a feeling we agree more than disagree......but...I'd gladly take my chances without government. Agree we're nothing but tax cattle for our government. The thing about farmers and ranchers is that they rely on that land for their life and livelihood. Dumping oil (or insert your heartstring tugging environmental event here) didn't become a thing until corporations got involved. Corporate farms and ranches was the beginning of the end. It became solely about dollars. Employees mostly don't give a shit and do what's easy instead of what's right. Exceptions to this either way exist but as a rule family farmers and ranchers are the best stewards of the land.The family farm was the heart of what made this country great.
As for subsidies to not produce....yeah...fuck all that.....again....government is the problem.

i too want to believe that most "family" farms are doing the right way so they can pass on to their children.

but like most things in the last 20-30 years, the dollars got so big its hard to say no

before when a pay off was a new car and 200k, you could say no

now its 50 million, that can change your family's last name for almost have to sell out in some ways

we all curse biden and his looser son, but that crack addict brought almost 1 billion into the family..10 generations from now he will be the "hero" with a painting on the wall in their mansions like Rockerfeller or JP morgan
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