How Are You Handling .22LR Availability

Re: How Are You Handling .22LR Availability

I have found the Wolf MT and the CCI Standard velocity I need to run the sub sonic stuff with its preferred fodder, and I have barrels that shoot the inexpensive ammos like Federal 510 and such exceptionally well, and every time I get the chance I will cruise the aisles of the local Sporting Goods stores, and if they have some of the ammo I like, I grab a brick or at least a few boxes. Shipping isn't bad online if you buy at least 2000 rounds.........
Re: How Are You Handling .22LR Availability

I've recently found that the CCI Standard Velocity Target in the blue box is functionally identical to the FGMM I'd been using i my improved 10/22 with the bolt modified to handle subsonics reliably, but is a lot more affordable, and while not in abundance, is occasionally enough available through my local sources.

Heanwhile, the Fed and Rem bulk hollowpoint stuff works quite well enough in my Sav MKII, Rem521, and Mossie M44 bolt guns and Win M77 semi.

Re: How Are You Handling .22LR Availability

Our local Wal Marts usually have .22 ammo on the shelf now, & I've noticed that most rifle calibers are avaiable also. Not much hand gun stuff though.
Re: How Are You Handling .22LR Availability

Yesterday I picked up 100 RWS sub sonics, 100 CCI Standard Velocity, and a brick of Federal 40 gr bulk stuff. The brick was $24!!!!!!! Welcome to Alaska shortage pricing. I'd love to order a bunch online, but I can never find someone that is willing to ship ammo to Alaska.
