Up here, things are different. The "Tim Horton's" franchise has put nearly every mom-n-pop coffee shop out of business, some decades ago. Chinesium progress.
Then, right here on the Hide, about 15ish years ago, there was a big clammoring about how great Starbuck's was, in that they supported the 2nd Amendment. So much so, that there were many touted "I Love Gun's 'n Coffee 'n Titties" badges and patches around.
Seeing as we only have the choice of the two, on the odd occasion where we hit a drive-through for a coffee, the Starbucks is definitely the better of the two. It is only in the past few months, where we (this city) got our first "Krispy Creme" donut shop. I'll say this, in short-order. 3 day old Krispy Kreme donuts are STILL better than what they call 'fresh' Tim Horton's donuts. That's saying something.
And the coffee at Krispy Kreme is definitely better too. Than both Timmy-Ho's AND Starbucks. But I've only had it there once, because we make our own mega-shots of espresso here at the house each morning, and thanks to another member here (Dewey) he's gotten us onto roasting our own beans and such too. So yes, it IS best to simply do it yourself. Keeps the coins in our own pockets, and lets us decide further as to where to direct them.
But my, how things change. When they had their 2nd A. support thing going on, this here site was touting how awesomest'er they were. Wind changes direction quite a bit, in reality and on 'marketing' and such.