You could not have said it better. Believe it or not, I myself am looking at this and shaking my head asking myself...WTF? Again as I've said it had nothing to do with his product, his Company or even himself for that matter since I do not know the man. I simply, for whatever reason took offense to his comment.........
The moral position stated by some members here is symbolic of what is wrong with America. After all it is all about me.....
Now, could I have responded in a different way so I was to make my point without offending him as much? Most definitely. But what came out was slightly emotional defense. I have many flaws, one of them might having a hard time backing down from a challenge. At this point, what is to happen seems inevitable. But truly all I wanted was for Kasey to rephrase his comment.....that was directed to members he didn't point out but posted on this thread.
You and others responded like gentlemen and I appreciate that very much, for what it's worth, Thank you.
To those who tried to intimidate me with threats, slurs and challenges, well.........good luck.
I understand your emotional defense but, you've taken his intent COMPLETELY out of context.
This was the "original":
- Again, you are exposing your ignorance on this subject, I have no idea what you might be a subject matter expert in but I sure hope it’s not business, but it’s certainly not my business model. Differences in Materials, Metal finishes and treatments on and on and all you see is the price tag. You are a perfect example of what is wrong with America, you rial against manufacturers for having their products made "off-shore" but expect to pay peanuts for the things that are made here.
And then, it was followed by:
Kasey said:
On the cost of doing business, now due to the counterfeits, we are getting weekly emails and phone calls about these fakes failing, not working, breaking. We have had a few customers rage that they bought a real Atlas at a gunshow for 275.00 cash only to find out its a fake.... A no-win for us as we are suppose to "do something about it", Like what? Ask Americans to say no to buying fakes? The FBI says it is too small of a case for them, our Government is too busy socializing our nation to be concerned about the livelihood of 14 Americans and their jobs. So even if we sold out and went off shore, we'd still have the additional cost of doing business stated above with zero benefit.
The moral position stated by some members here is symbolic of what is wrong with America. After all it is all about me.....
That statement in the entirety of it's context, is absolutely in line with his point...I can understand it being offensive if you snip the last line but, that would be outside of his purpose.
Let's say you buy a counterfeit product because "it's a good deal". - An Atlas for $50, OMGZ. - Then it breaks and you call Kasey, expecting a replacement at cost when you failed to make sure it was the real deal. How is that his problem?
In the 90's, it was your fault because you the buyer, had the responsibility to make sure it was a proper purchase. Now, it's the "age of entitlement" everywhere and it's wrong. America at large has "Honey Boo-Boo'd" themselves into stupidity...and in the year 2013, the onus is now more on the business than it's ever been, before.
While Kasey does have the onus to send out a quality product, the onus is on you, the buyer, to ensure it's the real deal - That's how it's always been. It is YOUR job to do the research because it's YOUR money. He'll do his best to guarantee there are no fakes but, that doesn't alleviate your responsibility when you fork over that cash...
You don't just go to Best Buy and buy a computer case with nothing inside of it because it's guaranteed to be a working computer, do you? -- Well, most of modern America, does...That's a problem.
I realize that you took offense to what was said, I just find it ironic whom you chose to take offense at.
Kasey has again, arguably, the best accessory in this entire market. It works, it's quality, it's made here in America and when it breaks, if it ever breaks, I can call Atlas and have a bonafide replacement here ASAP.
As a business owner, recently dealing with the stupidity of middle America, I completely agree with Kasey...People expect to get perfection for less because they're entitled to receive that product, for less...That's not how it works...
Like I said, we could have a discussion all day about American firearms companies that have done amazing harm to this industry and it's service members...There are far better and easier targets to take aim at...Just point in a random direction, you're almost guaranteed to hit one in that direction
