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Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!


Full Member
Feb 10, 2005
Had a very rough morning and day yesterday. Woke up to my wife saying there is something wrong with Jaegie(pronounced Yaw-gee)....our female pup(12 year old German Shorthair Pointer). She was stumbling to her left and having difficulty even standing up. Our immediate thought was STROKE!

Scared me very badly! She has been my friend, hunting buddy(cannot imagine going without her), comforter, counselor, my pillow, my bed heater, and I will argue the best puppy ever!!!!

Took her to our normal vet's office and things were looking very bleak. The consensus was something wrong in the central brain area. Referred us to a neurologist in Carrolton and took her straight there as an emergency. She rested really well and received lots of prayer that morning. Neurologist did an array of physical tests and really could not see any outstanding issues. Jaegie had regained her composure and there was just the slightest instability.

Neurologist thinks she had/has and inner ear condition due to age and went through a bad episode. We are still waiting on some blood work.

I just got home and she seems all back to normal! Got my usual hugs and kisses when I walked in.

Take time tonight to hug your puppies and slip them a special treat....I know I will!

There is nothing like the friendship and companionship of Man's Best Friend!!!!

This is her general look on rainy days when she cannot go outside to play........
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

Good lookin pup.

Was that the neuro vet at Frankford / 35? I live a stone's throw away from there.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

Glad to hear things worked out. I had to put one of my oldest GSP's down just over a year ago at age 15. He was a great hunter, companion, friend, and member of the family. We still have two GSP's but Diamond Jim will always hold a special place in my heart.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!</div></div>

Even dumb ones

Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

Here's a very easy to make, inexpensive, simple treat that dogs will speak LOUD for:

Take a big Yam, peel that sucker then cut it long ways into 1/4" x 1/4" 'fries'. Now take them fries, and put them into the oven on 150* - 170* for about four to six hours. In two days I have Bulleit making a LOUD bark when I say,"Speak!" Before it was just a low growl/whine sound.
Love your dog? Show it by giving them only the best natural foods for a long healthy life full of good times (PLUG)
We use http://bluebuffalo.com/dry-dog-food
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

What he said ^^^^^ Blindly feeding "grocery store" food to a dog is akin to setting up your new GAP rifle with a $20 scope. Sure natural "good" dog food is expensive... but you will make up for the cost with a healthy dog with few Vet bills and less poop to scoop <grin>.

Being heavily into animal nutrition I could expound... the ingredients in low cost dog food would make you puke once you know how to decipher the food label "speak".

Save time and check out your food at one of the several available web sites... one of the unbiased food review sites not connected with any manufacturer that does a good job is here .

BTW Blue Buffalo Wilderness that Switchblade mentioned in his link above is one of the very few 5 Star foods to be had... I've been feeding my new pooch Acana and am very satisfied, also a 5 Star food.

Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Parallax</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What he said ^^^^^ Blindly feeding "grocery store" food to a dog is akin to setting up your new GAP rifle with a $20 scope. Sure natural "good" dog food is expensive... but you will make up for the cost with a healthy dog with few Vet bills and less poop to scoop <grin>.

Being heavily into animal nutrition I could expound... the ingredients in low cost dog food would make you puke once you know how to decipher the food label "speak".

Save time and check out your food at one of the several available web sites... one of the unbiased food review sites not connected with any manufacturer that does a good job is here .

BTW Blue Buffalo Wilderness that Switchblade mentioned in his link above is one of the very few 5 Star foods to be had... I've been feeding my new pooch Acana and am very satisfied, also a 5 Star food.


Hmmmmmm, I thought Iams was a good dog food. Looks like I'm going to have to do a little bit of dog food shopping for my bud.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

Have been using Solid Gold Hund-N-Flocken for years on my GSD's and Schnauzer. Great stuff just a little expensive.

Got a bag about two weeks ago of a treat called Yam Good dog treats. Just as you described Switch, they are yam french fries that are wrapped in bacon. Dogs go friggin' NUTS over them.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bryan27</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Hmmmmmm, I thought Iams was a good dog food. Looks like I'm going to have to do a little bit of dog food shopping for my bud. </div></div>

I thought so too until I did a little research. With that and some advice from those that take their dogs health very seriously, I switched to Blue Buffalo grain free. It is $50 for 24 lbs vs. $35 for 40 lbs of Iams. But really, its a small increase per day to provide better health for your pooch.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Got a bag about two weeks ago of a treat called Yam Good dog treats. Just as you described Switch, <span style="font-weight: bold">they are yam french fries that are wrapped in bacon</span>. Dogs go friggin' NUTS over them. </div></div>

Hell, those sound tasty to <span style="font-style: italic">me</span>
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RobG</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bryan27</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Hmmmmmm, I thought Iams was a good dog food. Looks like I'm going to have to do a little bit of dog food shopping for my bud. </div></div>

I thought so too until I did a little research. With that and some advice from those that take their dogs health very seriously, I switched to Blue Buffalo grain free. It is $50 for 24 lbs vs. $35 for 40 lbs of Iams. But really, its a small increase per day to provide better health for your pooch.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Got a bag about two weeks ago of a treat called Yam Good dog treats. Just as you described Switch, <span style="font-weight: bold">they are yam french fries that are wrapped in bacon</span>. Dogs go friggin' NUTS over them. </div></div>

Hell, those sound tasty to me
I almost gave one a try until I saw it was made in china. Says in big letters on the package it says American owned company but in little letters on the back at the bottom "made in china". To say the least I will be making some now.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RobG</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bryan27</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Hmmmmmm, I thought Iams was a good dog food. Looks like I'm going to have to do a little bit of dog food shopping for my bud. </div></div>

I thought so too until I did a little research. With that and some advice from those that take their dogs health very seriously, I switched to Blue Buffalo grain free. It is $50 for 24 lbs vs. $35 for 40 lbs of Iams. But really, its a small increase per day to provide better health for your pooch.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Got a bag about two weeks ago of a treat called Yam Good dog treats. Just as you described Switch, <span style="font-weight: bold">they are yam french fries that are wrapped in bacon</span>. Dogs go friggin' NUTS over them. </div></div>

Hell, those sound tasty to <span style="font-style: italic">me</span>

After a little reading, I'm going to pick up a bag of either Blue Buffalo or Taste of the Wild for my dog. I found the feeding table for Taste of the Wild online, but can't find the Blue Buffalo feeding table. I usually feed 3 1/2 cups of Iams a day, 2 cups in the morning and 1 1/2 cup at night, which is right in range for what the bag says to feed a 90 pound adult dog. Anyone who feeds the Blue Buffalo, I'd appreciate if you could let me know what the feed table would suggest for my dog per day. I've been considering switching feed for a while, he eats his food well and is healthy, but I need to cut about 5 pounds from him and his coat could use a little bit of shine. I know that when I switched foods to higher quality for my lab a long time ago, her coat took on a good healthy shine, she shit less and I fed her about a cup less food a day. Money wise, the higher cost, higher quality foods seem to be just as affordable when you figure in the better health of your dog and that they get more dense nutrition with less food.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

when i first got my weimaraner, i went to petsmart and they recommended "Nutro Max". it was fairly inexpensive so i decided to go with it. A few weeks later, i noticed him scratching real bad, weird bumps (almost like ant bites), and his coat was thinning. Also he got REAL constipated. I did a little research and found blue buffalo. It was about double the price, but figured i would try it.
Within a few days, i noticed a difference in energy, skin condition, and less scratching. To this day, i still use blue buffalo salmon and sweet potatoes mix. I even use their treats as well.
in short: another +1 for Blue Buffalo.

You get what you pay for. Its like trying to survive off of jack in the box tacos.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

First I hope that your pup gets better ! I feed my German Shepherd noting but raw food. We use Blue Ridge Beef. Ricco likes the Venison,Fresh Green tripe, Beef with bone, and chicken with bone. He also gets Plane yogurt and cottage cheese. I give him vitamin E and an oz. of salmon oil with every meal. He also gets frozen sardines for a treat. Once a mo. i will get 40lb. of chicken back to give him when we are training alot. He eats everything raw do not give you dog any chicken that has been cooked the bones are too brittle and can cause serious damage. If and when you change their diet make sure you make a slow transition from the old to the new, as it can cause upset stomach.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

Dogs are the best, hope yours feels better soon. Another thing about inexpensive treats: use ice cubes. They are as close to free as you can get and my dogs all love them. No mess, no clean up, all joy.

I have to add this to "even the dumb ones." Great dog, not the smartest though.

Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

On the yam treats: I looked at the bag they came in. They take the yams after they are cut, and roll them in natural raw sugar(just a bit, because we all[animals]need glucose for our brains to work right) then dry them out in a dehydrator. An oven set on 170 will do the job in about 4 - 6 hours, just until the yam is a bit translucent. Using 2" pieces, it only took me two days to get Bulleit, who would only growl upon 'SPEAK' to give a good, loud, WOOF! Now when he sees any, and I mean ANY zip loc looking bag, he starts wagging his tail, sits and waits...that is when he isn't stretched out on the couch
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

That blue buffalo stuff gave all our dogs explosive diarrhea.....evidently its a fairly common thing with it.

...You've been warned.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

^^^ Interesting. Have experienced nothing but firm piles. Maybe it was the formulation of the BB that gave your dogs trouble. They have different meats and such. Of course, not every dog food works for every dog.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

It can't be as bad as the time my first dog ate a dead baby goat. You truly don't know the meaning of the word explosive until you have cleaned off liquified dog crap off the garage ceiling.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

It was def something. We returned the 2 unopened bags and were told it happens a lot.

We feed exclusive performance now. All the dogs have seemed to respond well to it.

Usually throw an egg on top a few times
A week as well.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Switchblade</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Here's a very easy to make, inexpensive, simple treat that dogs will speak LOUD for:

Take a big Yam, peel that sucker then cut it long ways into 1/4" x 1/4" 'fries'. Now take them fries, and put them into the oven on 150* - 170* for about four to six hours. In two days I have Bulleit making a LOUD bark when I say,"Speak!" Before it was just a low growl/whine sound.
Love your dog? Show it by giving them only the best natural foods for a long healthy life full of good times (PLUG)
We use http://bluebuffalo.com/dry-dog-food
</div></div>I've been feeding my jack russell mutt the natural chicken & brown rice from Blue Buffalo for a few months now. At first he seemed to be put off by it because it wasnt what he's used to. Now he loves it. Its about double the price of the other crap I was feeding him but he's worth it.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kraigWY</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!</div></div>

Even dumb ones


You poor guy. I use to own one, so I feel your pain, or at least half of it. Never again will I own a basset.
Re: Hug Your Puppies!....and give them a treat!

We used to give our pups the compressed rawhide to chew. We started to worry about blockages a nd such when Mercy practically inhaled one whole. Our alternative? Whole raw carrots! Both dogs love em. Buy em in the 5 lb bags and they last a while and are a whole lot cheaper.