Had a very rough morning and day yesterday. Woke up to my wife saying there is something wrong with Jaegie(pronounced Yaw-gee)....our female pup(12 year old German Shorthair Pointer). She was stumbling to her left and having difficulty even standing up. Our immediate thought was STROKE!
Scared me very badly! She has been my friend, hunting buddy(cannot imagine going without her), comforter, counselor, my pillow, my bed heater, and I will argue the best puppy ever!!!!
Took her to our normal vet's office and things were looking very bleak. The consensus was something wrong in the central brain area. Referred us to a neurologist in Carrolton and took her straight there as an emergency. She rested really well and received lots of prayer that morning. Neurologist did an array of physical tests and really could not see any outstanding issues. Jaegie had regained her composure and there was just the slightest instability.
Neurologist thinks she had/has and inner ear condition due to age and went through a bad episode. We are still waiting on some blood work.
I just got home and she seems all back to normal! Got my usual hugs and kisses when I walked in.
Take time tonight to hug your puppies and slip them a special treat....I know I will!
There is nothing like the friendship and companionship of Man's Best Friend!!!!
This is her general look on rainy days when she cannot go outside to play........
Scared me very badly! She has been my friend, hunting buddy(cannot imagine going without her), comforter, counselor, my pillow, my bed heater, and I will argue the best puppy ever!!!!
Took her to our normal vet's office and things were looking very bleak. The consensus was something wrong in the central brain area. Referred us to a neurologist in Carrolton and took her straight there as an emergency. She rested really well and received lots of prayer that morning. Neurologist did an array of physical tests and really could not see any outstanding issues. Jaegie had regained her composure and there was just the slightest instability.
Neurologist thinks she had/has and inner ear condition due to age and went through a bad episode. We are still waiting on some blood work.
I just got home and she seems all back to normal! Got my usual hugs and kisses when I walked in.
Take time tonight to hug your puppies and slip them a special treat....I know I will!
There is nothing like the friendship and companionship of Man's Best Friend!!!!
This is her general look on rainy days when she cannot go outside to play........