I can’t say I’m a libertarian anymore

McStain was never going to win.
It was Bush thought it was going to be a simple setup to hand the presidency over to Hilary to keep it all in the club.
But the guys actually running the world swooped Barry in at the last moment to grab the fix away from Hilary.

McStain's team did more to destroy his own VP pick in the media than the Democrats did.

Hillary was promised the Presidency in 1998 when the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke. “Stand by your man and you will be President.”

So she did the Senator thing while waiting her turn in 2008.

Problem was that after 2004, the Dem party was bifurcated into the Clinton wing and the (communist) Howard Dean wing. The Clinton’s were more conservative and really only interested in their own bank accounts. The Dean wing were communist zealots.

First they trashed Bush using the media and Katrina… and took Senate and House. With those levers of power, and media in their pockets, they dismantled the Republicans with a huge anti-war push and they crashed the economy in Sept 2008… an event precipitated by Chuck Schumer (rewarded with Senate presidency) who pulled the rug out of the housing market… intentionally… right after Labor Day 2008. The blame was immediately put on McCain and Bush…

And Obama was turned into Black Jesus…. Roosevelt’s second coming here to save the world from evil Republican plutocrats….

Obama was the choice of the Dean wing. Remember “the democratic wing of the Democratic Party” slogan!). That was Dean backed by Soros and others.

Hillary was a lousy candidate and 2008 was when the far left seized their opportunity to primary Clinton out. And steal the party. And put in place 8 years of indoctrination and bureaucracy reporting to… the cult of Obama Party. Not the government.

2012… Romney was a joke and “in on the” plan. Mass RINO… threw the election that republicans knew they could not win anyway. Obama was solidly ensconced… and the rising “patriot” movement was crushed by the IRS and FBI with all the efficiency of Jan. 6.

Hillary was, again, supposed to win in 2016. This was her done deal. She would be a puppet to the left masters, but like Biden… she would have been a useful idiot. But she was a worse candidate and reeling from health issues. Hid in her basement. But the “fix” was in. She was supposed to slide in to the White House and had pivoted far left to secure the nomination.

But the Trump Train came out of nowhere and they couldn’t even cheat Hillary into office in 2016. People hated Hillary and Trump ran a brilliant campaign.

A lesson the Communists learned by 2020 when Biden was backed by the most massive voter fraud since Kennedy “beat”‘Nixon in 1960. Winning by a few thousand votes in Mayor Daley’s Chicago machine…( just enough to get the electoral college vote he needed.) Biden, again, spend the campaign hiding in his basement. And, of course… Covid and vote by mail. And illegals. And boxes of ballots. And voting machines.

Kennedy won by voter fraud, too.

Folks say “things changed when Kennedy was shot.” Nope… they changed when he was cheated into office. That was the coup. He just turned out to be too conservative.

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Libertarianism is basically not having to give a shit who gets elected to an Office because they don’t have enough power to negatively influence your life. Libertarianism is the belief that no government has any right to hurt you or take what’s yours.

Reagan criminalized pieces of metal and Trump pieces of plastic.

Anyone having the “power” to legally steal from you or kill you is your enemy.
Conservative-Libertarians, a.k.a. Conserva-tarians, are usually decent people who vote for conservative Republicans. The problem is the 'Libertarian Party' has been hijacked by Leftists.
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Also the OP flying the stars n bars and calling yourself a libertarian is the same as putting a Gasden flag next to your thin blue line sticker. Lincoln was a tyrant but thinking it’s ok to own people is just as retarded as the .gov making it a crime to own inanimate objects.
I've always said the Libertarians are too far to the left of me.

When asked, I say I'm a Constitutionalist, and when asked for what I believe in , I give out pocket copies of the US Constitution.

What could be more straightforward?

Oh, and I ask people to get back to me if/when they find the part about special rights for LBGTQ+++ and pedophiles, and I'll give them $100.

So far, no one has found it. But, it forces them to read the entire thing to the end.
Exactly, the .gov has no rights. It does have an incredible amount of “power” the gov should also have no power to do anything, especially kill people, especially its own people.
The federal gov has done literally everything our constitution was designed to keep them from doing.
I’ve considered myself a libertarian for decades, although I’ve never voted for the libertarian party simply because voting for someone who will get 2% of the vote is just pointless. I have voted for the closet thing to a libertarian locally.

My problem is after watching the libertarian convention, they are simply unhinged and no other way to put it but fucking nuts. I can’t see myself ever voting for a Democrat, nor have I in almost 30 years. That leaves me with the Republican Party, which I do agree on most issues but I don’t like big government conservatives, although they are obviously the lesser of two evils compared with big government liberals.

So I’m left with one party where I literally don’t agree with them on a single issue, the other party where I detest the chamber of commerce influence and the short sightedness of passing something like the Patriot Act, then a handful of small parties that seem devoted to trying to prove which one is the least sane. I faithfully vote and that won’t stop, so I’m left with no other choice but being a straight up a republican now.
I'd say the Trump/America first movement is the third party. He's just wearing the republican party as a skin suit.

If you want to feel better about libertarians, watch some stuff from Dave Smith.
I have a buddy I served with that’s on the inside of the America first crew and the core of them are the most legit sensible people in Washington. Not trump fanatics either they have the same criticisms of trump as Dave smith actually. Of which I agree 100%.
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Another good reason for voting is that when they fake a vote in your name, you can legitimately dispute it. This does not stop them from lying, it just documents their lies. And they must be reminded of their lies, daily. Whether they respond or not. At least on this one thing, no retreat, no surrender. I am not saying be as evil as they are.

But be resolute and unstoppable in pointing the evil they create. Until your very last breath. And then, on your tombstone or grave marker, write, "The dems are lying again. I am dead, don't let me vote Democrat."