I can’t stop eating!!!!

Long time ago, I quit smoking. Went a day or two and switched to the Skoal.

Was chewing a tin a day, sometimes more.

Then I switched to the Zyns.

Now am off the Zyn. I’m good as far as the nicotine goes, but god damn if I can’t stop eating.

I hit the gym 4-5 days a week so that helps but how the hell do I get over these cravings of food.

I do chew a lot of gum, and that helps but basically gave up one habit for another.

What worked for you?

Bronkaid. Dirt cheap and over the counter.
Focus lean protein, and when you get hungry, take a Bronkaid. Your stomach will shrink in about a week and you will be satiated by much smaller portions.
1.Are you obese? As in what is your height,weight, and BMI??
2. Do you consider your desire for nicotine and now for food to be addictive tendencies?
I'm sure our healthcare industry would love to point you towards a specific pharmaceutical product...

40% of Americans are obese, but 16% actually have a food addiction.

There is a drug specifically for those whose urges to eat are more of an addictive or dopamine surge issue, called Contrave.

Contrave is a combination of very low dose naltrexone, which is actually the drug used for opioid ODs, and Wellbutrin/bupronion (the stop smoking drug).
Wellbutrin is not an SSRI, it is a NDRI, which is norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor. It has very significant side effects though, including suicidal ideation etc. and shouldn't be taken lightly if at all.

Behavioral modification suggested above, is likely to go to. The only one mentioned I have issue with are sunseeds if you haven't had a recent colonoscopy. A good percent of the population is walking around with diverticulosis, which is little outpouchings of the colonic mucosa. Because they don't produce symptoms, most people don't recognize they have it until they have a problem or happen to have a colonoscopy that reveals it.. Sunseeds can't get stuck in those little pouches and actually caused diverticulitis, which is a severe inflammation and infection of the colon.
Before this thread totally dies, I’ll throw this vid in here, as it pretty much mirrors my experience with “keto.” Especially the early weight loss. I went from 185 to 150 in about 2 months. And, I was able to stay with it for a solid 2 years. But, I tore my ACL in training, and during trecovery realized that I really didn’t enjoy competition bjj. That, coupled with living in a non-keto house ended my strict keto diet. Yeah, I’ve gained weight, but I’m not trying to stay in a weight bracket. And, 6 (?) years after ending keto I’m still below where I started (and I didn’t start particularly fat).

Before this thread totally dies, I’ll throw this vid in here, as it pretty much mirrors my experience with “keto.” Especially the early weight loss. I went from 185 to 150 in about 2 months. And, I was able to stay with it for a solid 2 years. But, I tore my ACL in training, and during trecovery realized that I really didn’t enjoy competition bjj. That, coupled with living in a non-keto house ended my strict keto diet. Yeah, I’ve gained weight, but I’m not trying to stay in a weight bracket. And, 6 (?) years after ending keto I’m still below where I started (and I didn’t start particularly fat).

I've injured myself several times doing bjj comps. Ribs, tendons etc. It can be a rough sport.
I've injured myself several times doing bjj comps. Ribs, tendons etc. It can be a rough sport.
Oh, I didn’t stop training, but there’s plenty of competition in class. Comps just don’t do it for me- I’m not sure if they ever really did. I told myself I enjoyed them, but looking back, I’m not sure. It’s a lot of sitting and waiting for very little action.
Oh, I didn’t stop training, but there’s plenty of competition in class. Comps just don’t do it for me- I’m not sure if they ever really did. I told myself I enjoyed them, but looking back, I’m not sure. It’s a lot of sitting and waiting for very little action.
I'm probably going to do a few comps next year, just to give myself something to work towards. If I can avoid injury, I'll be in better shape at 45 than I was at 35. May as well get out there and get beat up in the masters divisions..
I'm probably going to do a few comps next year, just to give myself something to work towards. If I can avoid injury, I'll be in better shape at 45 than I was at 35. May as well get out there and get beat up in the masters divisions..
Yeah, I’d be in the masters’ division, but I've never competed there. I’d be the ONLY one in my weight bracket. So that means fighting up in weight, or down in age.- typically down in age. Younger and faster are meaningful advantages.

Not gonna lie, though. The wife bragged a lot when I was at “competiton weight…” 😳😏
Yeah, I’d be in the masters’ division, but I've never competed there. I’d be the ONLY one in my weight bracket. So that means fighting up in weight, or down in age.- typically down in age. Younger and faster are meaningful advantages.

Not gonna lie, though. The wife bragged a lot when I was at “competiton weight…” 😳😏
I don't have that problem. My comp weight is between about 195-205 depending on the tournament. It's usually a good mix of obesity, tanks, or guys that are 7' tall. It's usually stacked.
This plus I would add in some fish and veggies such as broccoli. Limit carbs as much as possible. End all alcohol use as well.
Negative. Nothing wrong with booze in moderation. Obviously heavy use is not good for your health, period. Stop drinking BEER, which is like liquid bread and may be worse than straight sugar soda. Cordials, sugary liqueurs, and sugary mixers are a no go as well. Nothing wrong with hard liquor up, over ice, or with a zero sugar mixer.

No one ever dropped out of ketosis because of drinking hard alcohol. People get a beer belly, but alcoholics who drink the hard stuff look like concentration camp victims.

I'm not advocating drinking mind you (do as I say not as I do), but to say that cutting out alcohol is any kind of determinitave of loosing weight is just wrong. Now if you get drunk and eat a whole bag of Fritos I can't help you...
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Long time ago, I quit smoking. Went a day or two and switched to the Skoal.

Was chewing a tin a day, sometimes more.

Then I switched to the Zyns.

Now am off the Zyn. I’m good as far as the nicotine goes, but god damn if I can’t stop eating.

I hit the gym 4-5 days a week so that helps but how the hell do I get over these cravings of food.

I do chew a lot of gum, and that helps but basically gave up one habit for another.

What worked for you?
Honestly, the best and only thing that works for me is intermittent fasting. I eat dinner. That’s it. Yes some days I fail but I just start over again each morning. I actually have better energy doing this.
I aim for fruits and veggies when I’m munching. Sometimes yogurt and granola or cottage cheese.

Occasionally I go for the sweets, but that’s maybe two or three x a week.
Fruits are full of sugar. There is no “good” sugar. Sugar is sugar. Meat, eggs, fat, cheese. Will help not feel full. On a whim I bought a candy bar yesterday because I was on a road trip for work. I couldn’t finish it. Too sweet and made my stomach turn. I don’t crave sugar anymore. Much easier to avoid
Any of the “one simple trick to lose weight! Doctors hate it!” charlatans for starters.

Also, the entire “I just eat chicken and broccoli” group.

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Pretty much every “insta” influencer, ever.

The obviously juiced freaks dancing around “are you natty or on gear?” while trying to bilk the public with their diets to “get shredded, just like me.”

People are lazy. And, people don’t really want to change their habits or put in any actual effort to affect their health. “One simple trick” sells because it sounds easy. “Cut out this one food” sells because it doesn’t take any effort. “Lose weight without dieting or exercise” is amazing, because you don’t need to change your lifestyle.” And, it’s all bullshit.

Don’t even get me started on; organic, non gmo, vegan, gluten free, no high fructose corn syrup, ethically sourced, responsibly grown, conflict free, free range, grass fed, pesticide free, etc…
So there's that group, but what about the "gotta get you on your statin, ACE inhibitor, SSRI, mounjaro, have you had your booster, do you have any guns in your home?, the world would starve to death without Monsanto" clique? You think their motivations are pure?

Also, regarding GMOs/nutrition/etc... where do you think all the autism, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, ADHD, psoriatic arthritis, nut allergies have come from??? You think we've just devolved to all this weakness in the last 30 years? Something is causing it and you're a fool to only be skeptical of the tik tokkers.
Long time ago, I quit smoking. Went a day or two and switched to the Skoal.

Was chewing a tin a day, sometimes more.

Then I switched to the Zyns.

Now am off the Zyn. I’m good as far as the nicotine goes, but god damn if I can’t stop eating.

I hit the gym 4-5 days a week so that helps but how the hell do I get over these cravings of food.

I do chew a lot of gum, and that helps but basically gave up one habit for another.

What worked for you?
Root cause: Clogged liver, gallbladder and lymphatic system. Parasites and heavy metals... UNTIL YOU FIX THE ROOT CAUSE, nothing will work.
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Whatchoo talkin bout Willis?
Everyone wants a reason for their malady that doesn’t t include their own poor decisions.

Parasites and heavy metal poisoning? Really? You ever seen a fat dog with worms? Parasites don’t make you fat. They rob your body of nutrients. Heavy metal poisoning? Being slowly poisoned to death doesn’t make you fat either. FFS.
Parasites and heavy metal poisoning?

I actually agree that the above is relevant - I think the allopaths have completely dismiss this reminiscent of how Lyme/chronic Lyme and babesiosis was dismissed for decades. I would bet most of you that like your steak rare have some worms - how many is a function of your immune system. Some are more susceptible to the effects. I have noticed in the past three years a dramatic increase in the amount of parasites obvious in local grocery store meat, heck even Costco chickens, esp. tapeworms, but also ascaris (and yes, I do know what nerves, arteries and veins look like - from field dressing as well as lab bench work). Areas around fat high seem to have more round worms lately. And if you think that parasites are killed by freezing or cooking, well guess what: their eggs aren't. I wouldn't be surprised if there are parasites resistant to heating in freezing intentionally manipulated in the lab.

A monthly deworming for everyone that eats meat, like you do for your dog is not a bad idea. (I recommend IVM, pyrantel, and praziquantel although parasite resistance has been increasing in the past three years to - gee wonder why). And don't forget to wash your vegetables well, you can add a little white vinegar to water to make a good, simple produce wash.

I think with heavy metals, the bigger issue are environmental contaminants from chemtrailing and industrial processing leaked into our regular day drinking water.

And yes, GMO's, processed food, and sugar are horrible for you.
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