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I Don’t Need A Man!

Saw this same shit when I came back from Vietnam and went into the guard. The guard was integrating women into our unit. The “girls” chummed up to the older NCO’s and the rest of us had to take on their workload as well as ours as they were too busy romancing the stripes. (And most of those stripes were married men who should have known better).

Brother-in-law saw the same thing when he was working in one of the local paper mills.

Now I have known quite a few women who are outstanding workers, who more than carried their load, and had literally to be forced to sit down and take a break (When they really needed to take a break). I am proud to say my Brenda is one of them. However, too many women have used their “charms” to avoid the task at Hand.

My wife is one as well. We are "re doing" the barn, running power out, getting battery tenders on all the mowers and tractors, should have done it years ago, but when you really hurt you don't feel like doing much. I start running power and she is right there wanting to know and learn. Click off the main first, see this long silver thing, and this one over here, this is where power goes to the breakers. See these two big cables, these are still alive they could kill you in a bad way. White is common, black is hot, goes to gold. How do you remember this....easy, black gold, do I need to say more.

She was out in the barn putting up shelf after shelf in 90f heat. I have a great photo on my home PC of her in the engine bay of my race car painting it.

There are good women out there, not many but they do exist and they are cute too. I really think a big part of the issue men have with these gold digging sluts is they pick the wrong female.

Choose with the heart and the head on your shoulders, not the one between your legs. You stand more of a chance of getting "a good one". Me I just got lucky, she was working at a book store in blue corduroy pants that fit fantastic, the little head was doing all the thinking....but I did get lucky.
My wife is one as well. We are "re doing" the barn, running power out, getting battery tenders on all the mowers and tractors, should have done it years ago, but when you really hurt you don't feel like doing much. I start running power and she is right there wanting to know and learn. Click off the main first, see this long silver thing, and this one over here, this is where power goes to the breakers. See these two big cables, these are still alive they could kill you in a bad way. White is common, black is hot, goes to gold. How do you remember this....easy, black gold, do I need to say more.

She was out in the barn putting up shelf after shelf in 90f heat. I have a great photo on my home PC of her in the engine bay of my race car painting it.

There are good women out there, not many but they do exist and they are cute too. I really think a big part of the issue men have with these gold digging sluts is they pick the wrong female.

Choose with the heart and the head on your shoulders, not the one between your legs. You stand more of a chance of getting "a good one". Me I just got lucky, she was working at a book store in blue corduroy pants that fit fantastic, the little head was doing all the thinking....but I did get lucky.
Rent women. Buy assets.

I had a girlfriend once, who could drink me under the table. She would fix me drink after drink then have her way with me. Later, she would say I made promises that I didn't remember making.

I'm much happier living a sober life with my guns to keep me warm.
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My wife is one as well. We are "re doing" the barn, running power out, getting battery tenders on all the mowers and tractors, should have done it years ago, but when you really hurt you don't feel like doing much. I start running power and she is right there wanting to know and learn. Click off the main first, see this long silver thing, and this one over here, this is where power goes to the breakers. See these two big cables, these are still alive they could kill you in a bad way. White is common, black is hot, goes to gold. How do you remember this....easy, black gold, do I need to say more.

She was out in the barn putting up shelf after shelf in 90f heat. I have a great photo on my home PC of her in the engine bay of my race car painting it.

There are good women out there, not many but they do exist and they are cute too. I really think a big part of the issue men have with these gold digging sluts is they pick the wrong female.

Choose with the heart and the head on your shoulders, not the one between your legs. You stand more of a chance of getting "a good one". Me I just got lucky, she was working at a book store in blue corduroy pants that fit fantastic, the little head was doing all the thinking....but I did get lucky.
I learned a little saying that I use, "black to brass will save your ass".

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Men and women are too different to spend a life time in love and happy together. You can get something close, but the ups/downs not worth it.

Most married men I know seem to be generally unhappy. Unhappy, might be the wrong word. Maybe the correct word is.......defeated.

Western society has destroyed the definition and role of a woman. Actually, women have destroyed women.

I dont believe any woman should be in a role of authority or posses any kind of manly traits. Its a huge turn-off for me.

Any man contemplating kids with a woman in this country is a fucking fool!!!
I for one completely agree I don't need or want another male , putting up with my own crap is hard enough . add another guy to the mix and we'd be fighting all the time . Girls or women are needed to keep balance Id put up with a lot of junk from a cute girl that would not be tolerated by another guy . besides two girls is a party two dudes is a sausage fest
The trend of women being feminists is part of destroying the family unit. Strong nuclear families (used to) make all of western society strong and resilient. This….whatever this society is currently is part of the overall push toward Brave New World or Camp Of The Saints.

I have a unicorn, my wife. Will work side by side with me all day and then cook dinner. Loves and respects me, and I love and protect her. It’s symbiotic (hate that misused word) and we compliment and yes….complete each other (Jerry McQuire be damned).

If something ever happens and she passes and I’m alone, I will never find another. I’m old and not the dashing figure of manhood I once was …. so this is it. As such I truly value her, a diamond, a treasure, a rare and valuable thing.

A cliche I know but she is my best friend. She is still a woman, I still cannot convince her to tell me where she wants to eat but it’s ok because we like the same foods….except Chinese, she hates Chinese.

I shudder to imagine what dating for a mate would be like in this current field of indoctrinated western women. I probably would just give up. Young men today should probably look to an immigrant from a conservative country like Poland or yes … certain African locales.

I love you Angie, think about where you want to dine this evening (yeah right).
Going along with the theme of not needing a man, this dingbat doesn’t want her man to have a gun. She has more compassion for home invaders than her husband.

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This is only possible when times are so good you don't need a strong man. Other than having a sunserviant pussy for a husband who can't protect you in rare occasions there is not much downside. Let America hit a real rough patch and see these ignorant women clamoring for traditional men.
Or the draft.

It's a two way street. I have seen some of those naked and afraid gals that are pretty damn handy and can do some gnarly shit, but they are probably the exception. It's a sad truth that modern women have been sold a lie, it's actually the smartest ones that don't buy into it. That said, and this is the big one... most women I know who are hard core feminists are ones you wouldn't want to date in the first place and usually score pretty low in the attractiveness scale, they become so lonely at some point the turn into feminists or lesbians. I think it might be out of desperation that they veer towards feminism. Of course I have met a few attractive feminists but they are always the most unhappy people I have ever met.

I did have a neighbor that married a gal from Iceland, she was a uber feminist and had his guy running 24/7 on baby patrol, doing basically all the labor with the house, and driving the kids everywhere, always doing just about everything while she sat around eating ice cream. Fucking guy was miserable. I told my son if he wants to be unhappy the rest of his life marry a feminist from Iceland.

The dating pool is so tainted now in most western countries it's probably best to go to a country where strong men and traditional values are still in high demand. Basically any second and third world country, or Asia where men are still held in high regard.
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It's a two way street. I have seen some of those naked and afraid gals that are pretty damn handy and can do some gnarly shit, but they are probably the exception. It's a sad truth that modern women have been sold a lie, it's actually the smartest ones that don't buy into it. That said, and this is the big one... most women I know who are hard core feminists are ones you wouldn't want to date in the first place and usually score pretty low in the attractiveness scale, they become so lonely at some point the turn into feminists or lesbians. I think it might be out of desperation that they veer towards feminism. Of course I have met a few attractive feminists but they are always the most unhappy people I have ever met.

I did have a neighbor that married a gal from Iceland, she was a uber feminist and had his guy running 24/7 on baby patrol, doing basically all the labor with the house, and driving the kids everywhere, always doing just about everything while she sat around eating ice cream. Fucking guy was miserable. I told my son if he wants to be unhappy the rest of his life marry a feminist from Iceland.

The dating pool is so tainted now in most wester countries it's probably best to go to a country where strong men and traditional values are still in high demand. Basically any second and third world country, or Asia where men are still held in high regard.
The feminist doesn't have to be from Iceland to make you unhappy. Any feminist will do that.
it's been said before, and i'll say it again..... if it wasnt for the beaver, we would happily hunt them from horseback.

on of my sons is 22, and a damn fine man. he can't find a woman that is honest. it's starting to wear on him, and i told him to keep those standards high. keep being brutally honest and the first time they lie, dx their ass ricky tick.

the only thing i ask of the Lord is to bring my sons a woman that will treat them as well as they will treat her. that is the only thing i want.
The right woman is an asset when they match your own income as well as doing the skirt work, while also knowing and respecting the distinct difference between women and men. It takes a while to find a hen's tooth, but they're out there.
I couldn’t care less how much a woman makes. My job is to provide resources for my family. My wife handles everything else including staying home to raise our children. When I come home she makes sure I can relax and unwind if I need to. She makes my plate and brings me a drink. She does it because she wants to. She doesn’t nag or ever question a decision I make. I’m the leader and she follows just as it should be. Heck of a lady.
I couldn’t care less how much a woman makes. My job is to provide resources for my family. My wife handles everything else including staying home to raise our children. When I come home she makes sure I can relax and unwind if I need to. She makes my plate and brings me a drink. She does it because she wants to. She doesn’t nag or ever question a decision I make. I’m the leader and she follows just as it should be. Heck of a lady.
Fuck.....no young man is going to find that today. 95% of women today, are the same caliber as those found in the MPT!
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Fuck.....no young man is going to find that today. 95% of women today, are the same caliber as those found in the MPT!
It’s unlikely for sure. This isn’t by accident either. The feminist equality movement is destructive to both women and men. Neither are better off or happier for it just as intended.
I couldn’t care less how much a woman makes. My job is to provide resources for my family. My wife handles everything else including staying home to raise our children. When I come home she makes sure I can relax and unwind if I need to. She makes my plate and brings me a drink. She does it because she wants to. She doesn’t nag or ever question a decision I make. I’m the leader and she follows just as it should be. Heck of a lady.
Your wife is the exception rather than the rule. You have a unicorn. Regardless of that, it's great that you have a fantastic wife. Congratulations.
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If youre all so pissed about bad women... stop raising bad daughters.

Get your kids involved in church.
Get your kids into 4h
Get them into conservative groups.

Theyll meet like minded folks and become the generations we want/need.

Evryone can see the problem, nobody want to provide a solution.
All that is good advice. Except the women will try to stop a good man from doing that. Worst of all, the women will be successful at it because the laws, courts, society and the media will be on their side. The best thing men can do is go on strike.
All that is good advice. Except the women will try to stop a good man from doing that. Worst of all, the women will be successful at it because the laws, courts, society and the media will be on their side. The best thing men can do is go on strike.
I say this all the time, you can be the best father and raise angels, but the cards are stacked against you when they reach the teenage years. It becomes you against all the evil of the world. I feel for those with children today!

I sit here at work and ask these young, well educated men if they have girlfriends. 75% of them, shake their head "no". I don't even have to ask why. I can see the look in their face. They look at me like a fucking retard for asking. They are not risking all that education they worked their ass off for, the great money they now make, just to have some "woman" take that from them. It's sad!

One guy has a GF, and this girl is working on her medical degree, the others are dating girls that are squared away. Usually, girls working toward something greater than the young men I ask. I can safely say none of these "GFs" are going to be found 90% naked on a website somewhere.
I couldn’t care less how much a woman makes. My job is to provide resources for my family. My wife handles everything else including staying home to raise our children. When I come home she makes sure I can relax and unwind if I need to. She makes my plate and brings me a drink. She does it because she wants to. She doesn’t nag or ever question a decision I make. I’m the leader and she follows just as it should be. Heck of a lady.
I’ll take all that, minus the kids who are long grown and out of the house, plus another $110k a year. Another heck of a lady.
Sick of feminist BS? Tired of hearing about the stunning and brave women? Tired of hearing that women can do anything a man can do?

Let’s see stories, memes or videos about women who think they’re better and smarter than men but are complete failures. I’ll start first.

I remember being a virgin too.
I remember being a virgin too.
It was not too many centuries ago that retirement accounts and social security didn't exist.

It was the goal of every young woman to get married and have a lot of children. When I say "a lot," I'm talking enough kids to start a baseball team.

The woman wanted to raise sons to become big strong handsome men to marry other women to have lots of grand kids. Now we're not talking about just a baseball team but an entire league!

Why did they want so many children and grandchildren. That WAS their retirement account. They needed strong healthy children to take care of them when they got old.

One day, that could happen again. On the other hand, there will always be the gold digger to contend with.

There's lots of good videos like this but this one is priceless. Watch this gold digger's reaction at the end.

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