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I got pulled over.


Karma Enforcer
Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
So a funny (and not so funny) thing happened to me over the weekend. I got pulled over. I drive a standard cab 2 seater. To get into the story, I was at a local sports bar. When I left, I saw a friend (an ADULT)of mine walking down the street with another girl, her 17 yr old cousin whom I didnt know. We chatted for a few and the friend asked me if I could drive them to wal mart. I said, sure. So they piled in. Now, 99 times out of 100 I could have made this trip with no problem. But not this time. While driving down main, I guess I failed to use my blinker to make a lane change. This is around midnight, with absolutely zero traffic. Damn, I really put peoples lives in danger. Trooper spots me and does a U turn and blazes up to me. Pulls me over. Asks me for my info, which I give. He walks back to his car to run my info. I wait for about 5 minutes. He returns and asks me to get out of the vehicle. Having a spotless record, I was surprised by the request, but I complied. He pats me down and asks me to walk back to his cruiser and sit in the back. Umm, what?!? I get in. He shuts the door. He gets in the front and starts interrogating me about how I know these 2 girls. I tell him. I also ask, why am I sitting in the back of this car? He replies..."Oh, we'll get to that." Keep in mind he still hasnt told me why he even pulled me over. He exits the vehicle and returns to my truck to interrogate the 2 girls about how they know me. They tell him, he returns....."Well bud, Im getting conflicting stories here. That one girl is only 17, you know that, right?" I reply..."Oh yeah? Ok. I dont know her." Hes like..."uh huh, yeah." And why the fuck is it ANY of his business how I know people? As if its "illegal" to give a minor a ride? For real? Fuck off. He proceeds to tell me that he got the 17 yr old dads phone number and is going to call him to let him know what is going on and if he knows shes "out" with an older guy. I say..."Go for it." He steps out of the vehicle to call. He calls. Call lasts about 30 seconds. He returns and says im good to go. Yeah, no shit.

He eventually told me why he pulled me over. Failure to signal lane change. I ended up getting a seatbelt violation. But I know its because he saw a guy with 2 cute girls in the truck. Because thats ALL he was concerned about. This guy was clearly trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill and get me into some sort of trouble. I didnt have to exit my truck, but I did. I didnt have to get in the back of the cruiser, but I did. Not wanting tased or shot, I complied. Next time I wont. And LE wonder why they are losing support from the public. I have 2 lifelong friends who are cops and Ive always supported LE. But this leaves a bad impression on me about how cops harass and collect.

Can you imagine what would happen to cops back in 1800 if they stalked the wagon trails and tried to give shake downs and speeding tickets? Im not even mad about the sealtbelt ticket. I deserved it. Was 100% my call and I got nabbed. What pisses me off the most is that I was treated like a career criminal and that I just committed the most unlawful act by having this minor in my truck. Is it illegal to give somebody a ride now? No. But apparently VERY frowned upon! Glad theyre "cleaning up" the streets! Good work! Road pirates.
So a funny (and not so funny) thing happened to me over the weekend. I got pulled over. I drive a standard cab 2 seater. To get into the story, I was at a local sports bar. When I left, I saw a friend (an ADULT)of mine walking down the street with another girl, her 17 yr old cousin whom I didnt know. We chatted for a few and the friend asked me if I could drive them to wal mart. I said, sure. So they piled in. Now, 99 times out of 100 I could have made this trip with no problem. But not this time. While driving down main, I guess I failed to use my blinker to make a lane change. This is around midnight, with absolutely zero traffic. Damn, I really put peoples lives in danger. Trooper spots me and does a U turn and blazes up to me. Pulls me over. Asks me for my info, which I give. He walks back to his car to run my info. I wait for about 5 minutes. He returns and asks me to get out of the vehicle. Having a spotless record, I was surprised by the request, but I complied. He pats me down and asks me to walk back to his cruiser and sit in the back. Umm, what?!? I get in. He shuts the door. He gets in the front and starts interrogating me about how I know these 2 girls. I tell him. I also ask, why am I sitting in the back of this car? He replies..."Oh, we'll get to that." Keep in mind he still hasnt told me why he even pulled me over. He exits the vehicle and returns to my truck to interrogate the 2 girls about how they know me. They tell him, he returns....."Well bud, Im getting conflicting stories here. That one girl is only 17, you know that, right?" I reply..."Oh yeah? Ok. I dont know her." Hes like..."uh huh, yeah." And why the fuck is it ANY of his business how I know people? As if its "illegal" to give a minor a ride? For real? Fuck off. He proceeds to tell me that he got the 17 yr old dads phone number and is going to call him to let him know what is going on and if he knows shes "out" with an older guy. I say..."Go for it." He steps out of the vehicle to call. He calls. Call lasts about 30 seconds. He returns and says im good to go. Yeah, no shit.

He eventually told me why he pulled me over. Failure to signal lane change. I ended up getting a seatbelt violation. But I know its because he saw a guy with 2 cute girls in the truck. Because thats ALL he was concerned about. This guy was clearly trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill and get me into some sort of trouble. I didnt have to exit my truck, but I did. I didnt have to get in the back of the cruiser, but I did. Not wanting tased or shot, I complied. Next time I wont. And LE wonder why they are losing support from the public. I have 2 lifelong friends who are cops and Ive always supported LE. But this leaves a bad impression on me about how cops harass and collect.

Can you imagine what would happen to cops back in 1800 if they stalked the wagon trails and tried to give shake downs and speeding tickets? Im not even mad about the sealtbelt ticket. I deserved it. Was 100% my call and I got nabbed. What pisses me off the most is that I was treated like a career criminal and that I just committed the most unlawful act by having this minor in my truck. Is it illegal to give somebody a ride now? No. But apparently VERY frowned upon! Glad theyre "cleaning up" the streets! Good work! Road pirates.

It sounds like he thought you were pimping those girls out, or you were a john, or a trafficker. Your feelings are exactly what mine would have been in the same situation. I'm sure both of our feelings would be the exact opposite if instead of driving friends to Walmart we were on the phone with police begging them to help find a missing daughter. I guess in the end I gotta come down on the side of the officer. He had cause (the turning signal) to pull you over, and in exchange for cooperating while he made sure the seventeen year old was safe, he let you go with no ticket.
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It sounds like he thought you were pimping those girls out, or you were a john, or a trafficker. Your feelings are exactly what mine would have been in the same situation. I'm sure both of our feelings would be the exact opposite if instead of driving friends to Walmart we were on the phone with police begging them to help find a missing daughter. I guess in the end I gotta come down on the side of the officer. He had cause (the turning signal) to pull you over, and in exchange to cooperating while he made sure the seventeen year old was safe, he let you go with no ticket.
Yeah no shit. I don’t see an issue here at all. Right, wrong, or indifferent you had a minor in your truck past midnight that he MAY have seen walking with her cousin earlier. He stopped you for a legitimate reason and investigated/did his job. You were not berated or attacked and he let you go with no issue after confirming your story.
So it was totally ok and "professional" to pat me down and put me in the back of the cruiser (detain me) while he investigates? I commited no crime. And he could clearly see my record was spotless when he ran my info. So its ok for a cop to roll up on anybody walking down the street or pull anybody over and detain them if its dark and youre with girls? Also, he asked me if I had been drinking. Apparently I was "swerving" all over the road also. Never gave me any sobriety tests. If he REALLY thought I was drunk, he would have had me do some jumping jacks or some shit. But nope, took my word on it when I said..."No, I dont drink." Which I dont. Now, I know there are a lot of LE thumpers here and will back them no matter what, and thats ok. Just wait until it happens to you. And it will.

A little note. The same Trooper station pulled over a friend of mine 2 months ago. Accused her of having drugs. This girl has never been in trouble in her life. Her dad was police chief for nearly 25 years and her brother is a deputy 1 county over. Totally gutted her car and treated her like trash. No drugs found. Surprise surprise. She was also driving past midnight with passengers. On the same road. Big crime around here.
I am sorry you are upset, I still gotta side with the officer about the case where you have firsthand experience. About the case you heard about third hand: 1) Has the child of a police chief ever had drugs 2) Should being related to a police chief put one above the law.

I would content myself to being happy that no drugs were planted during the search.
I can understand the cop checking to see if I was a pimp or whatever. But why couldnt he do all that while I sat in my own vehicle? Thats what pisses me off the most. He automatically made up his mind I was up to no good and needed to detain me.
Im 33. My friend is 26.
I think he did a good job. He pulled you over for a legit reason, he had the intuition to realize that there was a minor in the vehicle with a 33 yr old male she didn’t know after midnight, he investigated and came to the conclusion that there was nothing nefarious going on and sent you on your way. Sure it was inconvenient and maybe embarrassing but it would have been much more inconvenient for the 17 year old had you and the other adult been a creeps that were trying to traffic a 17 yr old runaway(which is very common actually) and the cop just said here’s your ticket now go do what you wish with the girl.
I can understand the cop checking to see if I was a pimp or whatever. But why couldnt he do all that while I sat in my own vehicle? Thats what pisses me off the most. He automatically made up his mind I was up to no good and needed to detain me.
He separated you from them so he could see if your stories matched. That’s how it’s done.
Where i live, if the trooper who did the girls car was in the wrong, the chiefs mafia will handle it, and the brothers "brothers in blue/brown" will extract "something" on the trooper said trooper will regret.
Last couple like that here are no longer employed as troopers and unless they go out of state, won't be in le again.

You don't appreciate the stop now, but all the parents of girl children do, and their security is a law enforcement priority. What he did, calling the parent, happens nightly, somewhere, in a protection effort by le.

Your description of the detention, doesn't meet the usual quality of treatment of a career criminal.
He could have been a bit more courteous explaining the stop and properly thanked you for your very quality response to the detention.
Your response to it, on the scene, is worthy of a thank you.
Thank you.
I have some interesting driving habits , like wearing a seatbelt even when I’m driving
downrange to paint targets . In fact one of my mates was taking the piss out of me for
it : that and using turn signal to turn off a bush track ...... Both actions are automatic
for me , thanks to a diligent father . All’s well that ends well .
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To effectively address the human trafficking problem that is becoming increasingly prevalent, LE needs to take a more active approach to identifying and investigating suspicious situations. Had that been one of my daughters in the truck, I would be very appreciative of the trooper's actions. I suspect the same would hold true for you. If we want "clean streets" we have to be supportive of LE activities that are necessary for achieving and maintaining those clean streets. Sometimes, as citizens, we also have to participate in the process, even if that means taking a few minutes out of our day to be cooperative and compliant in the course of a traffic stop. And I've been there man... I once got pulled over because my vehicle and appearance matched the information they had on a robbery suspect. Unfortunately I was on my way to a competition, so (in the words of the MSP Trooper who pulled me over) I was "armed well enough to invade France by myself." Suffice to say, I was cuffed and put in the back of the car while they worked to clear a few things up. Sure, it sucked at the time. But that's a very small price to pay in exchange for having our LE folks working diligently to get the bad guys off the streets. I'm sorry for what was certainly an inconvenience for you, but based on the information provided I have to side with the trooper.
Inconvenient yes but in the scheme of things I side with the officer, at the end of it all you got a ticket you deserved and went on your way, you didn't end up eating jail food and sleeping on a jail mattress, which will happen if you actually do what you say your going to do " next time".
Hey @ least he was out doing something. Around here if your house gets broken into it usually takes them a week to show up. All our deputies are interested in is DUIs'.
I have some interesting driving habits , like wearing a seatbelt even when I’m driving
downrange to paint targets . In fact one of my mates was taking the piss out of me for
it : that and using turn signal to turn off a bush track ...... Both actions are automatic
for me , thanks to a diligent father . All’s well that ends well .

LOL. Me too. People make fun of me, but I use my blinker to turn no matter where I am.
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Inconvenient yes but in the scheme of things I side with the officer, at the end of it all you got a ticket you deserved and went on your way, you didn't end up eating jail food and sleeping on a jail mattress, which will happen if you actually do what you say your going to do " next time".

... to say nothing of the 1J factor. :eek:
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Proactive policing. The turn signal was an excuse to dig. It was nothing more than a mining expedition to find something bigger. Whether it was drugs, dui or something more it is the SOP. The reason for putting you in his car was to cover his six for the pat down. At the time he separated you from the others he had no idea if the girls were family. For him they were a reason to go deeper into the expedition. He drew a blank a he did his duty to the state by handing out a tax to a citizen.

Flame on.
Firstly, I wasn’t there & have no idea what articulable facts (aside from the turn signal) the trooper used to justify the stop.

You were stopped & lawfully detained. The trooper separated all parties & performed a brief investigation. It’s Saturday night a guy gets stopped w/ two attractive women, one obviously being a minor, I’d have a few questions to ask as well. The trooper also did a pat-down (Terry Frisk) & placed you in his vehicle for your safety as well as his own as an officer safety measure. We’re all tracking so far, right? If you take umbrage w/ this google “Terry v Ohio.”

Where did the trooper violate anyone’s rights? At no time were you “tuned up,” etc or I’m sure you would’ve mentioned it. The trooper asked a few questions, was satisfied w/ the answers & you were on your way w/ a ticket (you admitted to deserving).

Let’s be honest; everyone in the LE game has been lied to countless times. You should be thankful the trooper is actually doing what he is paid to do versus sleeping or otherwise wasting his time, ie anything other than what he is being paid to do such as actual “policing.”
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Proactive policing. The turn signal was an excuse to dig. It was nothing more than a mining expedition to find something bigger. Whether it was drugs, dui or something more it is the SOP. The reason for putting you in his car was to cover his six for the pat down. At the time he separated you from the others he had no idea if the girls were family. For him they were a reason to go deeper into the expedition. He drew a blank a he did his duty to the state by handing out a tax to a citizen.

Flame on.
How about we burn the village.
I can understand the cop checking to see if I was a pimp or whatever. But why couldnt he do all that while I sat in my own vehicle? Thats what pisses me off the most. He automatically made up his mind I was up to no good and needed to detain me.
They almost always seperate the guy from the girls in aituations like this so they can’t coordinate their story and so the guy can’t intimidate the lady .

What they did was SOP

Now you admitted to a traffic infraction.... which gave the officer reason to stop you.... and upon your situation he saw something and looked into it.

Now if he had just randomly pulled you over without cause..... and started grilling you about the girls.... then yes, you would have a point
Can we agree that failure to signal for a lane change, while a legal reason to stop, is about as ticky-tacky as a moving violation gets...especially in the middle of the night when there is no traffic?

Where are those cops when people are driving 10 under the limit in the passing lane, or in the rain without their headlights on?
Can we agree that failure to signal for a lane change, while a legal reason to stop, is about as ticky-tacky as a moving violation gets...especially in the middle of the night when there is no traffic?
Legally speaking... no

Between us guys.... yes

Unfortunately cops don’t have to follow the “bro code”
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Its like making a traffic stop because a driver is doing 2 over the speed limit on the interstate.

Is that a legal/legitimate reason for a traffic stop? Yes, it sure is. Does it make the officer who makes such a stop "that guy"? Yes, it sure does.
Can we agree that failure to signal for a lane change, while a legal reason to stop, is about as ticky-tacky as a moving violation gets...especially in the middle of the night when there is no traffic?

Where are those cops when people are driving 10 under the limit in the passing lane, or in the rain without their headlights on?

I guess the possibility of being pulled over is one of two things that keep me in the practice of using signals, the other being a strong desire to avoid being in an accident.

Its like making a traffic stop because a driver is doing 2 over the speed limit on the interstate.

Is that a legal/legitimate reason for a traffic stop? Yes, it sure is. Does it make the officer who makes such a stop "that guy"? Yes, it sure does.

It is not quite the same. Todays speedometers do not provide info to the driver to that level of precision so you really have no way to tell if you are going 55 or 57 mph. You can choose to signal.
You all mostly assume way too much if those are the full details of the stop.

What is the Probable Cause? No turn signal

The investigstive phase starts at the point of interaction with the driver. There was no way the Trooper knew the age of the passengers from the pass by.

Is a detainment an arrest? Are you free to leave, then Its a custodial arrest and a telinquishment of your 4th Amendment.

He issues a seatbelt ticket at the end which is NOT the reason for the stop. Long story short luckily for the Trooper it was a non moving citation (seatbelt).
Failure to signal is one of the leading causes of accidents, and since cars kill more people than guns I would say it’s a legit reason for a stop. However, when ones by themselves in the middle of the night it’s more of a fishing move on the Leo’s side.

More dope dealers and legit hardcore criminals have been caught over simple traffic infractions. My trucks a no fishing zone! I signal And buckle up, and give no reason for the stop.
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On the way back from the North farm I got pulled over this AM.
I was on my way back to town after feeding the animals at my Best Partner in Crime's place, who is out of town for a few days, so I take over when he and his Old Lady are gone.
The Miserable Prick stopped me and let me know that I was the only person he had radared this morning who was at the 25MPH speed limit in that zone after it drops from 35 MPH. on a downhill,--- let the fuel off and let it coast.
He walked up to my truck and said,"Good morning Foul one, you are the only person that I have seen this morning that obeyed the the speed limits."
He asked for no Driver's license or proof of insurance as he knew I had them. All he wanted to know was if I would be up for shooting at the 1000 yd range in the morning.
"Hell ya, Good Buddy, can you be there at 07:20?"
"Ya, I will be there." was his reply.
Such as it is in rural NE Colorado. FM Damn I am glad I live where I am.
I can understand the cop checking to see if I was a pimp or whatever. But why couldnt he do all that while I sat in my own vehicle? Thats what pisses me off the most. He automatically made up his mind I was up to no good and needed to detain me.

You had committed a violation. The traffic stop is a detention, and you’re not free to do as you please. It wouldn’t be smart for him to intereview the girls in your presence, that would just be a bad interview technique. We always separate the parties to see if the stories conflict.

It’s unfortunate for you, and I know exactly how you feel, but this was pretty textbook. Think of it from all sides.
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Can we agree that failure to signal for a lane change, while a legal reason to stop, is about as ticky-tacky as a moving violation gets...especially in the middle of the night when there is no traffic?

Where are those cops when people are driving 10 under the limit in the passing lane, or in the rain without their headlights on?

Funny side note on this, you may find relevant. I agree, minor violation, but this exact probable cause was challenged in the US supreme court in the last couple years. Could have been a state Supreme Court, can’t recall exactly, I just remember reading the summary. The stop was upheld, because a turn signal is for the traffic you see, AND the traffic you dont.
I didn’t know we had 33 year old snowflakes. Damn now I guess I get t start whining about everything too!

You committed a crime (traffic violation), you were driving a sports car (which is a target), and you got to go home.

Pay the fine and donate to the police station.

Move on and stop bitching about nothing.
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I would content myself to being happy that no drugs were planted during the search.

^^^This is the most concerning trend.

You deserved a ticket, you got one. I totally agree about it being a BS excuse for a search. Your only options now are to learn from this experience and be "That guy" the next time. Educate yourself about what you have to comply with and what you don't. In the end unless you are 100% in the right the cop will always win. Your only recourse at this point is to file a complaint with the PD which will amount to nothing other than to give you some satisfaction.

I don't agree with the mentality that we have to put up with abusive policing because it helps track down drug dealers, human traffickers, etc. These same minor abuses lead to major abuses (think about the 2A fights going on right now). We must be familiar with our Constitution and defend our rights in the appropriate moments, if not we lose them one small step at a time.
If you want to get a bit of payback, you can do so legally but it will cost you money, so your choice.
Most likely you won't get your money back but if you want to pay to share the butt hurt, you can do so.

Get a good lawyer, contest the ticket, if allowed in your jurisdiction demand a jury trial.
If you get trial, make sure your lawyer makes the officer as uncomfortable as possible, request information for all his prior interactions.

Also pay the lawyer to file a complaint against the officer.

Most likely you'll loose at trial and have to pay the ticket anyways in addition to the money you pay your lawyer
Most likely your complaint will also go nowhere.

But at least you'll feel you made them work for their money.

If you would like to take it further, check your local political structure and see which politician(s) are responsible for paying and overseeing the police department, then proceed to take it up with them or discuss taking it up by helping their political opponents.
Again probably not going to get you anywhere, but you might at least rattle a couple people's cages.

It might in the end make the local department a bit more reluctant to be heavy handed
There is also the chance, you might get a target put on your back for a bit of "special attention".
I've known both things to happen to people.

Last time I got picked to pay an extra contribution to a local government, I did wind up sitting in the back seat of the cruiser for a bit (probably because I had a pile of rifle cases in the back seat), in my opinion the entire premise was strictly a rain dance for money, but it was what it was. I paid my contribution to the local government and my lawyer got a little bit to keep the lights on as well (I always like to make sure my lawyer is involved for anything just to make sure everybody plays by the rules) & I left it at that.
As time turned around eventually karma caught up and that same county spent more cleaning up from weather disasters than they had earned by shaking people down in a long time.
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See both sides - it was a legitimate but BS reason for the stop and investigation, and I have a soon-to-be-teenage daughter. So not taking sides.

But I have a hypothetical question for the LEO's on the board - if the OP had decided to be a dick and invoke his 5th amendment rights and refused to answer any questions about anything after being put in the back of the car, what would have happened?

Personally, hassle or not I would think it best to fully cooperate if you live in that area. You never know when you will need that officer's help and you never know when he may cut you a break in the future.
Funny side note on this, you may find relevant. I agree, minor violation, but this exact probable cause was challenged in the US supreme court in the last couple years. Could have been a state Supreme Court, can’t recall exactly, I just remember reading the summary. The stop was upheld, because a turn signal is for the traffic you see, AND the traffic you dont.

I'm not at all questioning the legality of the stop; failure to signal is clearly a traffic violation...but it *is* a ticky-tack violation.

When I was 17, I got a ticket for running a red light. I was making a right turn, in a marked right turn lane, and failed to come to a full and complete stop before making the turn. Cop saw it, crossed 3 lanes of traffic and pulled me over. Legally, he had me 100% dead to rights, a fact I acknowledged then and still do today. I was in the wrong, I should have stopped.

But what the hell ever happened to an officer exercising discretion???

Is a "California stop" while making a right turn on a red light, with no oncoming traffic, a violation worthy of crossing multiple lanes of traffic (arguably FAR more a risk to public safety than what I did) to execute a traffic stop? Evidently so...just like pulling over a lone car on a stretch of road at night over for failure to signal a lane change.

Let me emphasize - the solution to not getting pulled over is not to commit a violation. But I'd rather resources be used on actual crimes and/or substantial traffic risks to public safety, and not singular petty violations as an excuse to go on a fishing expedition.

In the end, I see OP's point about the origins of the stop but don't have any issue with the officer's actions to ensure HIS safety.
He was probably patroling that area because it is close to the bar...and after midnight. He probably saw your car leaving the vicinity of the bar. He probably saw you stop and talk to the girls on the side of the road.

The way the whole thing would look from an outside observer is fairly obvious. The traffic violation just made the stop easy. All that transpired after that was necessary for a safe, quick, investigation.

You think it was an insulting intrusion because you are probably a stand up guy. But a career of dealing with dangerous shitheads at night, on the side of the road... by yourself, tends to affect the way you do things.
Try using your turn signals and wearing the seatbelt ! ... and don't have three people in a two seat cab . You should be fine..lol
If it is a full sized truck with a bench seat, or 60/40 split bench, there is room for three and three seat belts in front.
See both sides - it was a legitimate but BS reason for the stop and investigation, and I have a soon-to-be-teenage daughter. So not taking sides.

But I have a hypothetical question for the LEO's on the board - if the OP had decided to be a dick and invoke his 5th amendment rights and refused to answer any questions about anything after being put in the back of the car, what would have happened?

Personally, hassle or not I would think it best to fully cooperate if you live in that area. You never know when you will need that officer's help and you never know when he may cut you a break in the future.
The officer would have just continued with the investigation, but it would have taken longer. He would have dug deeper because that type of reaction typically signals that A) you hate the police, because B) you are a frequent flyer.

It would also depend on the attitude that went with it. The officer can tell fairly easily by the reaction they get what the deal is. Policing is observing and reading people all day, everyday.
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Kadams, a snowflake would have been either extremely mouthy, violent, or both. I was neither. The cop even told me appreciated the cooperation and level headedness. Because I calmly followed his orders and answered his questions truthfully. Sports car? I drive pickup. Standard cab. With a TOOLBOX mounted in the bed. Ya know, for work. Is that a target too? If it has wheels, its a target.

Just seemed like overkill. The guy did a U turn (he was coming at me) in the same stretch of road (double yellow line) in which I didnt signal a lane change. Seems very hypocritical. I was putting peoples lives in danger, but he wasnt? Lol yeah ok. And at the distance he was away from me, it would have been very difficult to see if I used a signal or not. Because I was turning onto the stretch of road he was already patrolling. I like how they always want to detain you, for his safety and "yours". Next time Ill choose to remain in my own vehicle. For my safety. Because the back of those cruisers are a mobile jail. No getting out. Bought a nice dashcam too. Been wanting to buy one for awhile anyway. Between that and my phone camera, ill be good. Since cops always expect the worst from people, Ill always expect the worst from cops. Always guilty until proven innocent. And why do cops get so pissed when they figure out theyre being recorded? If they have nothing to hide, or arent stepping on anybodys rights, why does it matter? Thats what they tell us. Not saying thats what happened to me, but in general. They want to record you (when it benefits them) but you cant record the officers. Makes sense.

Like I said earlier, 2 lifelong friends who are officers. Brother served in the Army. Pro LE and military. Im just going to cover my bases, for my safety. Even my 2 officer buddies admit there are power hungry cops on their force. And the local Trooper station is a prime example in regards to what happened to my friend. If id had ANY criminal history this may not have been such a "pleasant" traffic stop.
He drives a standard cab 2 seater.

Reviewing what the OP said, you are correct. In most states you can not have more passengers than you have seat belts.

I have one friend who is a big guy with a shoulder problem. He refuses to buckle-up because it hurts his shoulder. On those occasions where we are going anywhere together I ask him to drive so I don't get the ticket.
Kadams, a snowflake would have been either extremely mouthy, violent, or both. I was neither. The cop even told me appreciated the cooperation and level headedness. Because I calmly followed his orders and answered his questions truthfully. Sports car? I drive pickup. Standard cab. With a TOOLBOX mounted in the bed. Ya know, for work. Is that a target too? If it has wheels, its a target.

Just seemed like overkill. The guy did a U turn (he was coming at me) in the same stretch of road (double yellow line) in which I didnt signal a lane change. Seems very hypocritical. I was putting peoples lives in danger, but he wasnt? Lol yeah ok. And at the distance he was away from me, it would have been very difficult to see if I used a signal or not. Because I was turning onto the stretch of road he was already patrolling. I like how they always want to detain you, for his safety and "yours". Next time Ill choose to remain in my own vehicle. For my safety. Because the back of those cruisers are a mobile jail. No getting out. Bought a nice dashcam too. Been wanting to buy one for awhile anyway. Between that and my phone camera, ill be good. Since cops always expect the worst from people, Ill always expect the worst from cops. Always guilty until proven innocent. And why do cops get so pissed when they figure out theyre being recorded? If they have nothing to hide, or arent stepping on anybodys rights, why does it matter? Thats what they tell us. Not saying thats what happened to me, but in general. They want to record you (when it benefits them) but you cant record the officers. Makes sense.

Like I said earlier, 2 lifelong friends who are officers. Brother served in the Army. Pro LE and military. Im just going to cover my bases, for my safety. Even my 2 officer buddies admit there are power hungry cops on their force. And the local Trooper station is a prime example in regards to what happened to my friend. If id had ANY criminal history this may not have been such a "pleasant" traffic stop.
For this type of investigation you wouldn't be allowed to remain in the car. Separating the people involved is key to the investigation.

You can refuse to get out if you want... but it will not go well.
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