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I got pulled over.

Due to budget restraints and the increasing militarization of LE the only mrap in your future is this ..

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This is like the one shot where you can utilize a large platform and speak your mind about the police oppression and it can’t even make 14 pages!!!!?

What the fuckin FUCK

It’s like those fuck the police rallies, everyone all about fuck the police but individuals can’t string any valid reasons other than

“they’re mean”
“They shot that unarmed man”
“Road pirates”
“I know my rights”

If the first true professional police force was in Baltimore around 1838 or sumthing, New York followed 1840 sumthing and by the 1890’s virtually every metropolitan area had uniformed, armed, and professional police forces. They protected and served “Commerce”.. Whaaaat? They don’t protect and serve us individuals ? In short no

We as individuals are collectively those that fuck with commerce, and the roots of policing is making city’s safe to sale shit in. So we HAVE to follow the rules, have drivers license, answer questions and all that shit. My little o town of 200.. has two full time and 3 reserve officers because part of the city charter states “if they sale alcohol in the city, they have to provide a police force”.

If society was morally capable of keeping their shit together. We wouldn’t need cops.
Cops can't even go question or talk to the kid that stole and wrecked my truck. They could however put an "investigative hold"'on it for 2 weeks so the tow fees were $1200

They can go fuck themselves. Would be better off without them. Would be less criminals and less innocents shot harassed and taxed.

If that were some scumbag badge holders truck the thief would have been in jail that night.

Cops have made the bed they are currently sleeping in. No time for property crimes. All the time in the world to fuck with taxpayers, shoot innocents and run radar on the people rushing to and from work to pay their pension, dental and settlement payments.
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If one was to wait for the police to protect and serve them.. well as it stands now that’s about a 15 min eta . Hope you can wait!

Protect yourself and your property, one shouldn’t rely on anyone else to do that for them.

How did they steal the truck? Only ask cause most modern vehicles are adequately equipped to thwart theft.
And wait for the police? To do what? File a report then go back to fucking over taxpayers?

If ir weren't for cops people wouldn't do things like steal trucks because they would catch a bullet. If I were to touch the person stealing my truck those cops would have plenty of time to come up with stuff to charge me with.

Get over yourself, in most states you just protect the criminals.
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Prime example why nobody gives a fuck when cops get shot, this attitude. Dont ever whine that woe is me bullshit here. I dont need a cop to protect any goddam thing I have, the police are a threat, more of a threat than not. No upside having contact in any way with you all. Fuck, the gang in blue literally just watched 17 kids get slaughtered in a school, I see no reason for their existence at all.

This is like the one shot where you can utilize a large platform and speak your mind about the police oppression and it can’t even make 14 pages!!!!?

What the fuckin FUCK

It’s like those fuck the police rallies, everyone all about fuck the police but individuals can’t string any valid reasons other than

“they’re mean”
“They shot that unarmed man”
“Road pirates”
“I know my rights”

If the first true professional police force was in Baltimore around 1838 or sumthing, New York followed 1840 sumthing and by the 1890’s virtually every metropolitan area had uniformed, armed, and professional police forces. They protected and served “Commerce”.. Whaaaat? They don’t protect and serve us individuals ? In short no

We as individuals are collectively those that fuck with commerce, and the roots of policing is making city’s safe to sale shit in. So we HAVE to follow the rules, have drivers license, answer questions and all that shit. My little o town of 200.. has two full time and 3 reserve officers because part of the city charter states “if they sale alcohol in the city, they have to provide a police force”.

If society was morally capable of keeping their shit together. We wouldn’t need cops.
I have to support the police... so they keep the liquor stores in town.. exactly what I’m saying protect your own shit, you wouldn’t have to bitch about how shitty the police reporting was if you secured your own vehicle.

Get all butt hurt cause the boys in blue didn’t save you.

I’m not gonna defend the actions of those deputies that waited. I’ll again refer to our responsibilities to protect ourselves and the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is give all the good guys one.

Arm up the schools and they won’t look like such a easy target. At the same time who’s to say a teacher with a gun would’ve actively engaged the shooter?

If it were me there, I would’ve stormed the place with my two 45’s akimbo and did some R&G on the bastard. Prolly why I’m not the cops :rolleyes:
I have to support the police... so they keep the liquor stores in town.. exactly what I’m saying protect your own shit, you wouldn’t have to bitch about how shitty the police reporting was if you secured your own vehicle.

Get all butt hurt cause the boys in blue didn’t save you.

I’m not gonna defend the actions of those deputies that waited. I’ll again refer to our responsibilities to protect ourselves and the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is give all the good guys one.

Arm up the schools and they won’t look like such a easy target. At the same time who’s to say a teacher with a gun would’ve actively engaged the shooter?

If it were me there, I would’ve stormed the place with my two 45’s akimbo and did some R&G on the bastard. Prolly why I’m not the cops :rolleyes:
Isreal has been doing this for exactly how many years? And exactly how many schools/No Carry Area have been shot up since they started?

I guess the brains and intelligence is measured differently, over there.