"I do use vapes and weed because of high stress construction and kitchen jobs."
"I have purposely isolated myself while training to mimick real combat situations and not have my mentality break (not talking to other humans for extended time)"
If you're that bad assed, why do you need weed to get through a work day?
"My physical and mental shape is not in question. I was born to be an assassin. Tier 1 delta level physical conditioning and metal fortitude. It's hard for me to quit because where I grew up so many people died before age 25 as well as my own personal near death experiences and it fuels the inferno within me."
Way up there, ^^^^^^, you stated you use weed to get through stressful workdays, yet here ^^^^ you say your mental state is not in question.
So many people died before age 25?
In Bradenton? Are you sure you're not from PalmGhetto or North Port? What kind of people do you hang around with? Nevermind, you're out in the woods for days at a time, tying animals up in knots.
What the fuck kind of White Claw fueled nonsense is this?