"I Survived Scout" SH Morale Patch -- EXTRA PATCHES NOW AVAILABLE

You gotta do Combat Swag or something ... until i get some rev moving I cannot order it right now

But Combat Swag will make it look very cool

LL... Get the site back and running. You're doing a great job, despite the rantings of a few twats.

Don't go back to CBS (even though I'd enjoy some Dan Rather deep throat...) and get things going over the next few weeks.

Then we'll get a design and I'll help a Morale Patch get off the ground.

But we have time. Things are still in flux! So let's put priorities where they need to go. And glad to ride herd on this when we get the right design.

Keep up the good work!


I'm not sure it would be a good idea to use anything resembleing a parody of scouts trademark or logo untill Lowlight has all his issues settled. Even then I would not wear it.
I got bored and decided to fire up Illustrator this weekend. I am by no means an artist and will never advertise myself as one... This is a solid vector graphic, so it can be resized infinitely. Still some cleanup to do on it if anyone is "feeling it".

That is actually pretty darn good, the Star Ratings made me chuckle

Thanks! Yeah, I HAD to throw that in there. That star rating system sucked so bad, minor in comparison to other shit there of course.

This hypothetically would turn out pretty well as-is if made into a rubber patch I think.

I have the AI file if anyone wants to screw around with it. The text spacing is the hardest damn thing to manipulate with this.
Thanks! Yeah, I HAD to throw that in there. That star rating system sucked so bad, minor in comparison to other shit there of course.

This hypothetically would turn out pretty well as-is if made into a rubber patch I think.

I have the AI file if anyone wants to screw around with it. The text spacing is the hardest damn thing to manipulate with this.

Put in stars behind the front one of decreasing opacity and evenly spaced to denote the damned wait time for page load, and slide in the SH logo front an d center over the star. Other than that, the wolves were more like annoying lapdogs, and the precipice in front of us is what exactly?
Put in stars behind the front one of decreasing opacity and evenly spaced to denote the damned wait time for page load, and slide in the SH logo front an d center over the star. Other than that, the wolves were more like annoying lapdogs, and the precipice in front of us is what exactly?

I would, but I believe that if ultimately something like this is destined to be made into a rubberized patch then any items that have varying translucence won't show up (rather they might end up as separate "cutouts" so to speak.

The wording - more of a placeholder. Stuck in there to get the overall text spacing.

My goal was to just create this as an idea and let someone else run with it. I am by far out of my league when it comes to digital artistry!
Challenge coins would be easier and the artwork could be "fancier". The artwork for the patch versus a coin needs to be much more simple due to the process in which they are either sewn or molded.
Patches ? Still waiting on my 100 yard challenge winning patch … A new SH patch wouldn't be a bad idea to promote this place ,
and stickers make everything faster . Having the right stickers on my dirt bike when I was a kid was worth an extra 5 seconds a mile ![/QUOTE

Yes it did. Remember, that older we get, the faster we were :)
Ok... I'm going to start talking to Combat Swag about PVC patches.

Pricing looks like if we can sell 250 of them, they are pretty dirt cheap. Basically $2 each, not including their setup fees, shipping, etc. This is for a 1.5" diameter round patch. If we make them 'glow in the dark' add another .15 each. My guess is that by the time they are in the mail to member, we are looking at $5 - $6 each at cost. If we only did 100 of them it adds $1.25 per patch we are talking about $6.25 to $7.25 each, shipped.

The advantage of doing more... is that lots more people can get them. Disadvantage is that if I get stuck with 100 patches.... I get stuck with 100 patches. And mailing out and managing 250 patches is 2.5 times the work. For equal reward... which is none. Except the satisfaction of seeing you guys get patches and, probably, the forbearance of reptiles.

I know we can sell 100 easily and they will be more 'exclusive.'




Lord Blackadder, I have a cunning plan. Affix them with epoxy to the nether region of motor cars displaying the crest of the House of Odumbo.
So I just placed the order for 120 of these... Some subtle changes from AI's drawing, mainly because of the complexity of fine lines. But they made the 'star' box bigger. Classic!


If you are interested in one: READ ON and read it all before posting.

According to Combat SWAG's estimate these will arrive on my doorstep in 3 - 5 weeks at a 'delivered' cost of $4.36 each. I'm fronting the cost.

After I give a few gratis to our design contest entrants (Tucker, AI and a couple of others), keep one for myself and give the rest to Frank, there will be 100 available on first-come first served basis one to a customer. Just 100. We're going to keep this small! Price will be... $4.36 each and whatever postage costs. Some kind of flat-rate first class, I am sure. It will be cheap. I am making no markup on these. Just my cost, plus postage and an envelope.

We need to do this on first-come basis, one each, please. So those who have already posted here with an "I'll Take one" are automatically in line and their names are below. I have counted up the folks early in this thread who have said they want one and we have 27 who have committed clearly enough for me to accept their input. Those who posted funny stuff or quips without a definite "I want one" or "I'll take one" are NOT in the list yet.

Note the count-off number. When you put in your I want one and number 'count off' please look at the last post with an "I'll take one" and please put in the next number in line! It's easy.

The guys I have in right now are:

JJbrand11 1.
Timmyb 2.
rotorjager 3.
stag556 4.
TheGerman (it does not say '***k CBS, but I'll take your comment as a yes) 5.
ianhusaberg 6.
Bogeybrown (looks like you are saying you want one...) 7.
Clearlight (looks like you are saying you want one?) 8.
OZtrg 9.
Jethro3898 10.
jrassy 11.
amateur9er 12.
Nikh 13.
Triggered 14.
1j04 15.
2ndamendfan (not sure if I spelled that right... we know who you are). 16.
waveslayer 17.
abizdafuzz 18.
Gordonfreeman 19.
Switchblade 20.
Sierracharlie338 21.
bigdaddydmd 22.
alphatreedog 23.
gatorbait308 24.
devildog 25.
ironman675 26.
veerg (I know you didn't say it loud and clear, but I know you want one. You have a velcro Dastaar, right?) 27.

Anyone after this post with a firm "I'll take one" with the next number in line (that is number 28) ... is also in line.

Once reach "I'll take one... 100" here in this thread. we're done. Don't send me your addresses or info or anything until later... and please don't PM me! Post a firm "I'll take one" plus your number in line here in public. Once we have 100 spoken for... they are sold. I won't collect anything until I get the patches in my hands!

Again to be in line... the format for the next post is is:

I'll take one 28"
Next post after that should read "I'll take one 29"
Next post after that should read "I'll take one 30."

And noone please say "I'll take 5.... 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35. ONE to a person, please!!

Easy enough? From there, I'll compile the last 73 names and then once I get the patches in hand... get them out to you and collect, etc.

So there will be just 100 lucky Scount survivors who get one

That is unless Frank wants to take the 10 patches I send to him free... and auction him for the benefit of the Scout Sniper Association... I bought some of their rifle raffle tickets, BTW,. And we should all be getting in on that! I think that's a worthy cause that Frank supports.

So if you don't get in on the original 100 I'll take it list, perhaps you can still be one of 10 additional people who can get a patch and benefit the Marine Scout Sniper Assn. Fair enough?

So let the "I'll Take One's" Begin. And try not to turn this into a goat rope ;-)



Excellent news. That was much quicker/easier than I anticipated this potential clusterfuck to be. Just post up when and how you want your payment. I'll be watching the thread. Thanks for taking the lead on this.