Here is our Flier for this year's Iowa Precision Rifle Matches. (IPRM)
We are hosting monthly club level, entry level, shooting matches at Sureshot in Iowa this year. We are trying to gear these club level matches towards the new shooters.
After Match Clinics
After each match we will be offering shooters the opportunity to go back on the range with experienced shooters and review a couple stages they had trouble with. Clinic fees will be and additional $20.
Last Place Prize
The last place finisher will get a certificate to come shoot one of the next 3 months matches for free. hopefully this will bring shooters back.
Short Range Match
We are offing a short range match in May to draw in the AR or shy competitors. Targets will be big and close.
Course of Fire Design
Each stage of fire will have a basic course of fire for the new shooters and advanced option for the guys that regularly shoot matches. Since the targets will be fairly generous we will need to challenge the advanced shooters with added positional options, movement, shorter times or fine motor skill challenges.