Is something going on in Ukraine?

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If that were truly the case, bitch ass Lenin would have been buried long ago. But they love their red roots formed by bitch Lenin! And the people that are running Russia are still people that have lived during that time and didn’t mind! The USSR was one of the few nations where communism fell because it could not sustain itself. Where as an others shed blood to over throw communism in in their countries. Are statues not enough? You have to spend millions keeping a communist in shape for display? Naaa more to it than that.

Well, they also Sainted the Czar and his family, murdered by the bolsheviks.
And built a church over the site where they were murdered.

and then you get into the whole statistics thing. there are only 4 communists elected in the Federation Council (red, of course)
and 57 in the Duma


I daresay we have more communists in our government.

And I hate to use the US MSM as a source, but you know.....
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This is what people who lived in the 30's and 40's remember and fear.
Maybe Russia will continue where Stalin left off. Nazino island
Toss 6,700 'counter-revolutionaries' and Communisms' undesirables onto an island, in the winter, with nothing but the clothes on their backs and see who lives.

  • "I saw that her calves had been cut off. I asked and she said, 'They did that to me on the Island of Death – cut them off and cooked them.' All the meat on her calves was cut away. "
  • "government reinstated the hated system of domestic passports that had been banned after the 1917 Bolshevik coup."
  • "arrested everyone who wasn't carrying documents. Everyone – including women and children – was loaded onto a barge and sent to Nazino Island.""

That doesn’t link Biben to putin like he proported, or prove Putin pulled billions out of the company, who’s max revenue yearly is less than 500 million…

Please go back and show me were I claimed there is not corruption around burisma. Post 2014 control of the company moved west… out of Russia Control. We literally stole it from them. Pretty gangster shit, and one of the reasons the war is going on.
Never said that Biden was dealing with Putin. Simply stated that your assessment is wrong and that posting and typing without back up in regards to reality does it make you right. Fact is what I posted can be found in research of paper trails. And that their Burisma is not worth only millions. And that creepy uncle Joey would not have gone in there for only dealings in millions because the millions can be achieved through China.
Never said that Biden was dealing with Putin. Simply stated that your assessment is wrong and that posting and typing without back up in regards to reality does it make you right. Fact is what I posted can be found in research of paper trails. And that their Burisma is not worth only millions. And that creepy uncle Joey would not have gone in there for only dealings in millions because the millions can be achieved through China.
I never said you did, it was a reference to lrrp52’s comments.


You are mis representing understanding what I said. “ like he proported” not like you…

So na… try again
I never said you did, it was a reference to lrrp52’s comments.

View attachment 8067494

You are mis representing understanding what I said. “ like he proported” not like you…

So na… try again
If you’re gonna reference someone else after the fact does not work. Nice to say it from the start. I don’t do assumptions. So you might want to try again. 😉
Jumped in to correct your statement about millions only with Burisma. But hey carry on if false info is your thing. Who am I to stop you. We do live in the land where free speech is still a thing.
They as a company have never taken in more than 500 million in revenue in a year…

If the have prove it.

Good luck!
Well, they also Sainted the Czar and his family, murdered by the bolsheviks.
And built a church over the site where they were murdered.

and then you get into the whole statistics thing. there are only 4 communists elected in the Federation Council (red, of course)
View attachment 8067378
and 57 in the Duma

View attachment 8067379

I daresay we have more communists in our government.

And I hate to use the US MSM as a source, but you know.....
To that point, in the 50s this fuck would have been justly thrown to the curb, or worse, now we tolerate this shit.

In the vacuume of communist shell states only corruption prevails. Once you are exposed to that civic dynamic there is no to little recovery. That's why Ukraine will never be a democracy or a republic, it's foolish for anyone to believe otherwise.
To my knowledge Burisma has not released anything about its worth. So could ask the same of you. But I will stand corrected if they did specify.
Exactly… you dont know.

You can look at what the own and estimate potential. That is where I am drawing this number Through the assets they possess its been ESTIMATED to have revenues well south of 500 million.

I have looked into this.

THEY ARENT NOT THAT BIG OF A COMPANY! They do not have that much to steal. Definitely not Billions!
You can look at what the own and estimate potential. That is where I am drawing this number Through the assets they possess its been ESTIMATED to have revenues well south of 500 million.

I have looked into this.

THEY ARENT NOT THAT BIG OF A COMPANY! They do not have that much to steal. Definitely not Billions!

All I see is “I have looked into it.” That does not prove anything. So back to square one. We don’t know what Burisma was truly making. And this goes into laundering to. Or do we not count that. During that time an investigation came up that at least 7.6 billion was laundered by owner of the company. There are several articles on the World Wide Web talking about this. But nothing to see beyond a few millions.
those numbers look a LOT more realistic than the huge numbers Western media are putting up in terms of Russian losses

They're still holding back the bulk of the RF and using primarily militia and mercenaries/Wagner group.
Still huge casualties by any standard and its possible that Wagners Penal batalions are not counted in but huge firepower overmatch throughout war the is doing its thing , and one of the things that has been noted for a while extreme mortality of the wounded due to lack of medical care or evacuation from front lines.

This has to be first combat ejection from a helicopter caught on tape ,Ka-52 have ejection systems similar to Yankee systems where only pilot is pulled out of the plane , .

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All I see is “I have looked into it.” That does not prove anything. So back to square one. We don’t know what Burisma was truly making. And this goes into laundering to. Or do we not count that. During that time an investigation came up that at least 7.6 billion was laundered by owner of the company. There are several articles on the World Wide Web talking about this. But nothing to see beyond a few millions.
You can look at their assests… and estimate potential revenue.

Sorry if thats a concept you fail to grasp. To be honest I don’t expect you to get it.
You can look at their assests… and estimate potential revenue.

Sorry if thats a concept you fail to grasp. To be honest I don’t expect you to get it.
Right because behind the scenes of a corrupt company sure is telling the truth in paper work haha. On the minimum scale the company was making 400 million. Again taking numbers from the low end of the known world. Is that really the case though? You honestly with a straight face are willing to say that a company in bed with the Biden's, is making minimum? Please don't tell me you're this naive.
Right because behind the scenes of a corrupt company sure is telling the truth in paper work haha. On the minimum scale the company was making 400 million. Again taking numbers from the low end of the known world. Is that really the case though? You honestly with a straight face are willing to say that a company in bed with the Biden's, is making minimum? Please don't tell me you're this naive.
His son was making a 50k a month salary with zero experience in the industry.

The corruption is not stealing from what Burisma was producing. It was installing westerners in its board, basically strong arming these selves into the $ making positions

That is the corruption. Hunter, Devon, and others getting the jobs they did. 50k a year.

There is nothing else there to take…

Billions is a massive hell no, from burisma alone.

50K a month is more than Biden makes from his pay as President… Did you see how much Hunter was paying in rent at the home the vette was at… $48,000 ish… a month. Where the comps in the area rent in the 3-5,000 range.

Yes the Bidens are crooked as fuck… no they weren’t getting billions out of Burisma.
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Right because behind the scenes of a corrupt company sure is telling the truth in paper work haha. On the minimum scale the company was making 400 million. Again taking numbers from the low end of the known world. Is that really the case though? You honestly with a straight face are willing to say that a company in bed with the Biden's, is making minimum? Please don't tell me you're this naive.
Listen to this shit… Pelosi was trying to get her kid in Ukraine too…

His son was making a 50k a month salary with zero experience in the industry.

The corruption is not stealing from what Burisma was producing. It was installing westerners in its board, basically strong arming these selves into the $ making positions

That is the corruption. Hunter, Devon, and others getting the jobs they did. 50k a year.

There is nothing else there to take…

Billions is a massive hell no, from burisma alone.

50K a month is more than Biden makes from his pay as President… Did you see how much Hunter was paying in rent at the home the vette was at… $48,000 ish… a month. Where the comps in the area rent in the 3-5,000 range.

Yes the Bidens are crooked as fuck… no they weren’t getting billions out of Burisma.
So this war is only about border security. Gotchya... Nothing about UA having quite a bit of natural resources. Makes sense now.
Israeli assessments of Ukrainian war casualties also don't quite rhyme with what Pentagon has been spewing out , but that is understandable would not bode well with support for the war, foolks seeing that they are basically cheering for the Ukrainian equivalent fo a human wave , trying to drain Russians of ammo by throwing meat at it while lining the pockets fo global oligarchic cabal with billions in taxpayer money. And its the same folks that gave out assessment Kabul will not fall for at least 6 months months literally days before the fall.

Even though Russian casualties are more than the whole of Afghan war , its a very lopsided fight for Ukraine , millions of artillery shells and extremely limited medical care for the wounded extract huge toll on Ukrainians. Of course as long as billions keep pouring in they will continue to press more bodies into the meatgrinder its great for business.

State as of January 2023
Russian losses in the field ,with 418 thousand soldiers and a growing number of Wagner mercenaries :

18,480 KIA
44,500 WIA
323 POW

The casualties of Ukraine, which fields 734 thousand soldiers (plus 100 thousand reserve soldiers) are as follows:

157,000 KIA (of these cca 34.000 officially declared MIA)
234,000 WIA
17,230 POW
7,800 KIA foreign fighters

Well new laws to get body bags filled
Did these same inteli agencies state that Kyiv will fall? I stated this way back in this thread. I dont trust anyone with numbers, and that we might get accurate numbers after this craziness is done with between UA and RU. But until then good luck getting numbers. All we see are these half videos from both sides spinning their bullshit to fit their goals and agenda. Nothing more nothing less.

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His son was making a 50k a month salary with zero experience in the industry.

The corruption is not stealing from what Burisma was producing. It was installing westerners in its board, basically strong arming these selves into the $ making positions

That is the corruption. Hunter, Devon, and others getting the jobs they did. 50k a year.

There is nothing else there to take…

Billions is a massive hell no, from burisma alone.

50K a month is more than Biden makes from his pay as President… Did you see how much Hunter was paying in rent at the home the vette was at… $48,000 ish… a month. Where the comps in the area rent in the 3-5,000 range.

Yes the Bidens are crooked as fuck… no they weren’t getting billions out of Burisma.
It looks like we have CIA assets in this thread as well as one or more accounts run by chatgpt. Keep them going till I figure out for sure which is which. I'm pretty sure one cia agent is looking to chatgpt for answers and then rephrasing to seem first person.
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It looks like we have CIA assets in this thread as well as one or more accounts run by chatgpt. Keep them going till I figure out for sure which is which. I'm pretty sure one cia agent is looking to chatgpt for answers and then rephrasing to seem first person.
some of it sounds like shared talking points out of a database. Or just a shared Borg brain compliments of public education and the msm.

Either way, they just aren't very good talking points. lol. I guess the quality of government-funded sockpuppet operators has declined, like everything else in our society these days. sad. Can't even get our tax money's worth out of the spies we have reading our posts. They are probably recent "diversity" hires from Somalia and Iraq, now drawing a government paycheck.

The "Finnish persona" guy being totally clueless about the Continuation War was a good one. Go back to studying wikipedia, Habib. You'll never make GLG20 if you fuckup like that again.

And Brianf might sound like a chat bot, but I think he's a real person, just retarded.
Sad thing is they are all real. It would be great if it were just paid shills doing their thing for money. Scary shit is that they really hate Russians that much that they are unable to process reality that is staring them right in the face. Living late 1930 Germany in the flesh is fucking eyeopener to “how its made” in social sphere. Its like 5D documentary on NatGeo History, down side its real and it aint gonna stop in 45min, has the commercials and in the end theater might burn down with all of us in it… but 5D man!!!Almost worth it!

PS: Go watch “The Menu” that movie is gem or a recipe dunno ?
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It looks like we have CIA assets in this thread as well as one or more accounts run by chatgpt. Keep them going till I figure out for sure which is which. I'm pretty sure one cia agent is looking to chatgpt for answers and then rephrasing to seem first person.
Just think of all the polymaths, brains, boffins, misanthropes, fakes, clowns, tolls, know it alls, jerk offs, goons, goofs, beta version Ai's, and alphabet dick weeds that have inhabited this virtual space. We all fit in there somewhere.

Then again, I could be an Ai just writing this to throw you off my trail. right....
  • Haha
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Sad thing is they are all real. It would be great if it were just paid shills doing their thing for money. Scary shit is that they really hate Russians that much that they are unable to process reality that is staring them right in the face. Living late 1930 Germany in the flesh is fucking eyeopener to “how its made” in social sphere. Its like 5D documentary on NatGeo History, down side its real and it aint gonna stop in 45min, has the commercials and in the end theater might burn down with all of us in it… but 5D man!!!Almost worth it!

PS: Go watch “The Menu” that movie is gem or a recipe dunno ?
As stated before the cultural memory of many is stuck in the yesteryear of the USSR being the specter of democracy and western ethos. To some extent the Soviets being a natural enemy of free thought was true. We grew up on movies of Rambo fighting the Soviets, and Red Dawn type flicks peppered the big screen for decades. We have had several generations of conditioning where by Russia = the USSR = the Communists, and they were all equivalent and evil. The irony is that Russia has evolved for the most part, it's not perfect, there is still a lot of corruption, but now the West in many ways is no better, we have our own problems and issues that have rotted us to our core. It's not black and white, it never has been, but anyone who is even slightly worldly realizes it's not the people of our countries, or our culture, it's our governance that is the enemy of all humanity.

I think about how sad it is that Russia and Ukraine were forced into this position, and how evil it is as it's been cousin killing cousins. If it is the fault of the US, due to our interventions then I can only think how damed we may all be, or how possibly we may all pay the ultimate price for the foolishness of our leaders who have failed us. Me, well I wish the Russians victory, and now it's probably the best thing that they take Ukraine as soon as possible so the bloodshed can end.
fault of the US
It is not (absolute and only) as there are those always "willing" and ultimate fault lies with those. The devil is universal and weak mind naturally gravitates to it. Why the fuck you think schools and families are always targeted first... Free speech equals free thought without it there cannot be free society.
In very very crude summary, devil first got to Tzarist Russia (from the West at that time as it was well established but hidden there), then to post WWI Germany and now in couple of decades its coming out of the shadows in the West as it appears to be sure in its victory and is no longer hiding that much. Will West be able to conquer it i believe eventually (if we survive), it will but price will be steep.
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There is no middle class in Russia.

There is the connected political class with layers of boyars, and then the peasants.

Guys like Putin have more money than Elon Musk and Warren Buffet, while peasants living in vandalized and crumbling apartments get $200/mo if they’re lucky.

I lived in Saint Petersburg, near Moscow, and in Obninsk.

Putin just might be the richest dude in the world.

Life for the average person in Russia offers more potential right now than it did under Communism.

They don't live under that lowest common denominator misery that while grinding allowed them to see the next day

There is the opportunity to work and make something of your own.

Yes the oligarchy is corruption and that area is where we should have provided something to get beyond that which is the historical system in Russia.

I was in Finland celebrating on Dec 6, 1988. Ended up drinking with a winter war vet the morning of Dec 7. After his kids invited me to their house after partying at the Hot Apple in Helsinki.

I remember the Finn kids saying they never knew true freedom because they lived next to Communist Russia.

I feel their pain seeing we are losing true freedom here.
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Let's take a moment to appreciate how beautiful both Ukraine and Russia can be.

War is so horrific it tears the fabric of humanity.

Wouldn't we all rather spend our time and money getting to know the beautiful people of Ukraine or Russia better over fighting a war and risking nuclear annihilation?




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It looks like we have CIA assets in this thread as well as one or more accounts run by chatgpt. Keep them going till I figure out for sure which is which. I'm pretty sure one cia agent is looking to chatgpt for answers and then rephrasing to seem first person.
You are so far off base you are not even on the felid… you are still stuck in traffic on your way to the stadium.

Agency has much more important things to do than read any of the shit posts in here…
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