
HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    I’ve spent my career working behind the scenes across the firearm industry making connectionsand building brands. I do my best to avoid the limelight, supporting the folks who are drivingthe 2A community forward.

    Making the Vortakt Connection

    This story began this past SHOT Show, where I was working at the U.S. Concealed CarryAssociation booth as part of the USCCA Official Partner Marketing team. I’d been a long timelistener of “The Everyday Sniper” and had managed a few ad accounts on the platform over theyears, so I had a fairly solid baseline understanding of the Sniper’s Hide brand and the history ofthe website.

    While my 9-5 occupation currently finds me working more with handgun and carbinecurriculum, my true passion (and career background) has been in the precision rifle space. I stillcontract with a handful of different manufacturers in my off time to stay active in...

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    The guys who attended
    LOL...got it :cool:

    I don't know that it's not Black Magic... I mean, who can tell what Frank or Mark do after they leave the Sizzler after a day on the range... Besides, I've seen Frank pull wind calls out of nowhere and be dead on... I'm positive that voodoo is involved!
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