First - Disclaimer: The linked article has a leftist bent, i.e. white nationalist bullshit . And yes, the left is in a panic - ban everything mode.
That said, it has a lot of useful information so it is always worth reading about where they are coming from. And, it includes an animation on how the auto sear works so, easy to identify a Glock that has one installed (time to find cover!). Glocks in hands of criminals will soon be firing 20 rounds per second - for $20 bucks apiece.
Coming soon to a city near you: full auto fire fights.
The Chinese are clever. With our non-existent border they have pushed tons of fentanyl clone drugs into our country. That was step one. Now in step two they are pushing thousands of 3D printed auto sears through for Glocks. The price of the auto sear? $20 bucks....
99.9 of law abiding citizens will never buy one. So, we all know who the target buyers are. China doesn't have that problem. They don't have a 2A. They are in this dominance fiight for the long run. Thousands of criminals coming through our non-existing border and now capable of buying a full auto pistol for the price of the pistol + $20 bucks.
This is the definition of chaos, exactly what the Chinese want. What the F*** is the ATF going to do? Well, the easy way out will be to confiscate all Glocks, or force Glock to modify the pistol and make all others illegal. This except for those Glocks that they don't know where they are, which of course will be in the hands of criminals.
Be careful out there!!!
The Article:
That said, it has a lot of useful information so it is always worth reading about where they are coming from. And, it includes an animation on how the auto sear works so, easy to identify a Glock that has one installed (time to find cover!). Glocks in hands of criminals will soon be firing 20 rounds per second - for $20 bucks apiece.
Coming soon to a city near you: full auto fire fights.
The Chinese are clever. With our non-existent border they have pushed tons of fentanyl clone drugs into our country. That was step one. Now in step two they are pushing thousands of 3D printed auto sears through for Glocks. The price of the auto sear? $20 bucks....
99.9 of law abiding citizens will never buy one. So, we all know who the target buyers are. China doesn't have that problem. They don't have a 2A. They are in this dominance fiight for the long run. Thousands of criminals coming through our non-existing border and now capable of buying a full auto pistol for the price of the pistol + $20 bucks.
This is the definition of chaos, exactly what the Chinese want. What the F*** is the ATF going to do? Well, the easy way out will be to confiscate all Glocks, or force Glock to modify the pistol and make all others illegal. This except for those Glocks that they don't know where they are, which of course will be in the hands of criminals.
Be careful out there!!!
The Article:

‘Glock Switches’ Are Turning Pistols Into Deadly Machine Guns
An investigation by VICE News and The Trace uncovered an alarming surge in criminal cases involving “auto sears” or “switches,” which convert Glock pistols and other common weapons into fully automatic machine guns.