Re: Kestral 4500NV with Horus ATRAG & Blue Tooth - Int
The Gun Library is anything but complete.
On a standard Windows 7 system (x64) it seems to have a few issues.
First, it needs to run as a local administrator. So that's a little dangerous... but I'm paid to be paranoid.
Second, it gives you errors, specifically the first error, as if it expects certain hardware. (Which is not mentioned in the manual...):
"The specified DSN contains an architechture mismatch between the Driver and Application."
1st two times running it it told me that it was creating various .INI files, and then the errors went away, leaving only the error above.
Third, it DOES NOT wipe all of the guns from the Kestrel and replace them. No idea why, but one would have to assume you want to nuke any strays. Odd in general.
Lastly, this is either a compiled Microsoft Access program, or at least is supposed to use an Access Database. However, the Gun Library software doesn't actually seem to be using the database.
Now, I'm using Windows 7 with all of the latest updates, Office 2010 with all of the latest updates, and a decent virus scanner.
Additionally, my standard user account does not have administrator privilages on the computer.
So I'm going to fire up a few other operating systems and see how crappy or good their dev team is. Based on how this software doesn't seem to work, I'm pretty sure I can disassemble this quickly.
Right now, the Gun Library software doesn't work properly in a Windows 7 (64bit) box with latest and greatest soft.
...and there is a driver issue, but that shouldn't cause problems the access database or connections to it.