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Kestrel Meters Ballistics Official Thread

Interesting Observation: Kestrel 5700 Elite Ver 1.42
Gun: 300NM, MV 3004fps, DM Custom, BC 1.000, BW 230gr (Berger OTM Hybrid), BD .308, ZR 100yds, BH 2.20in, ZH 0.00, ZO 0.00, RT 1:10.00in, Eunit mil, Wunit mil
Target: TR 1768 yds, DOF 91 deg, Ideg 0, Icos 1.000, TS 0.00,
Environment: UPDATE LIVE, Lat 40deg, Temp 77F, SP 29.02, RH 53%, Dalt 2410 ft, Spin drift ON, Wcap ALL TARGETS ... * Shooting location about 950 asl, 40deg 10 min N

I was working up a wind rose for an upcoming event and the kestrel povided the following for 1768yds DOF 91 deg
Wind change set to DOF
Wind direction set (manually) to 1 deg the following corrections are given
Wind 1deg 0mph W 0.43L, Wind 4mph W 0.42L, Wind 8mph W 0.40L, Wind 12mph W 0.38L, Wind 16mph W 0.36, Wind 20mph W 0.34L

That should be a full value wind coming from the left of the target line (assuming I have set the parameters correctly). Why the minor windage change from 0 to 20mph wind?
Remember that WD is a relative direction to the Direction of Fire where as the DOF is an absolute direction. So essentially you inputted a headwind. To get a full left wind, you would need to set the DOF to 91 and WD to 270.
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I have a problem with bluetooth connection FW 1.47, the connection is often losing. It's since 1.45 FW. I stand 3-20 feet away and it's happen. Sometimes it reconnect and works for few sec. Do you have any solution for it?

Kestrel 5700 Applied Ballistics
Model 5700AL
SN 227275X
FW 1.47
BOOT 1.01
BLE 0.09
BAL 72
HW Rev 11B
Is there a way to make the kestrel round up to the nearest 10th of a mil? My scope only adjusts in 0.1 mill increments and I know I cant personally hold a hundredth of a mil. So it would be a lot easier if the kestrel just rounded up to the 10th's place for me. Thanks for your help!
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Is there a way to make the kestrel round up to the nearest 10th of a mil? My scope only adjusts in 0.1 mill increments and I know I cant personally hold a hundredth of a mil. So it would be a lot easier if the kestrel just rounded up to the 10th's place for me. Thanks for your help!
Sorry, the Kestrel won't round up or down, you get the choice.
Kestrel 5700 Sportsman w/AB lite

Anyone else having issues with the compass completely losing calibration?

I've calibrated it 3 times now since the last update and it keeps needing recalibrated. With the kestrel facing north, it will read anywhere from 112 degrees to 260 degrees. At a local match today I ended up manually entering direction of fire and wind direction to give me correct data.

I'm also having issues calibrating the compass without it giving me a calibration failed message. I have to try 2 to 4 times to get it to accept. I've tried holding it out at arms length and spinning my whole body around, mounting it to a tripod and spinning it, and manually rotating it on a bench slowly. I've even tried while standing out in an empty field and the results weren't any better.
Kestrel 5700 Sportsman w/AB lite

Anyone else having issues with the compass completely losing calibration?

I've calibrated it 3 times now since the last update and it keeps needing recalibrated. With the kestrel facing north, it will read anywhere from 112 degrees to 260 degrees. At a local match today I ended up manually entering direction of fire and wind direction to give me correct data.

I'm also having issues calibrating the compass without it giving me a calibration failed message. I have to try 2 to 4 times to get it to accept. I've tried holding it out at arms length and spinning my whole body around, mounting it to a tripod and spinning it, and manually rotating it on a bench slowly. I've even tried while standing out in an empty field and the results weren't any better.
FWIW, I've had it lose calibration when near my rifle kuhl or another magnet, but it was just way off, not a fluctuating reading when held at the same point.

I'd suggest contacting kestrel support you probably need to send it in.
I’m cutting my teeth on NRL22 and still figuring out gear that’s needed. I see the kestrel in my future. Will the 2700 give me what I need to use at a NRL22 ? Usually 2 targets at varying distances 67 or 93 or 110 so I’d have a 50 yd zero but I would need holds for 2 different targets Or clicks to first target and hold second still I would need that data on 2 different targets. Does the 2700 have an ability to put different odd distance targets in it or is that only the 5700 Elite models ? Thanks.
22lr are transonic and only the elite meter has the ability to "true" a transonic shot. 2700 and 5700 can "true" supersonic, but not transonic. Most competitors needing to know the hold difference for multitargets use the HUD.
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22lr are transonic and only the elite meter has the ability to "true" a transonic shot. 2700 and 5700 can "true" supersonic, but not transonic. Most competitors needing to know the hold difference for multitargets use the HUD.
Thanks for the response all I’m shooting is SUBS in 22lr to keep it as simple as I can. If I can get data for holds at 2 different yards before the stage starts that would be a very useful tool to have. Especially adding conditions at the range to help generate best data. I wasn’t sure if the 2700 would generate a drop say at 63 yd then in the same gun and same round generate another drop at say 110 yd or if I need to go with the 5700 Elite model to get that option. Using a ballistic app for my CZ 457 gets me close but I think the kestrel can get me closer.
Did you try this:

I am pleased to inform you that today we uploaded a new TERRAPIN X Firmware which solves the Kestrel-TERRAPIN X connectivity issues. Go and check you TERRAPIN X app.

1.) Take you TERRAPIN X and switch into the APP mode
2.) Now take your Kestrel and switch off Bluetooth
3.) Switch Bluetooth on at the Kestrel
4.) Go in your TERRAPIN X in the Kestrel (heSt) mode and they should find each other

I still loose connection to my terrapin whenever the kestrel or terrapin go to sleep. When I turn them they never connect automatically like they should
@Kestrel Ballistics

Mounted a HUD to my spotting/laser setup. The idea being the kestrel is in a wind vane full time feeding wind data and such. I have two questions:

Will a laser (terrapin-x in this case) update any target except target A? For example, when I’m in the large font target card and move to target B and I use laser, it still updates target A and not B. Is this working as intended? If so, is a fix in the works to allow the HUD to control target card updates? Pretty annoying to need to swap back and forth to the kestrel depending on the task.

Next question, is there an option for sound or vibrating for the timer? Being a visual only limits the application in this aspect too.

I was considering getting a weatherflow bluetooth meter set up on a wind vane and then running my balistics software on my phone. These are unavailable at the moment, so I am considering a kestral.

A big boy 5700 is out of my price range, and I don't need balistics solving on my device, id prefer to handle that on the phone, so that I can set it up and let it do its thing, and use the phones UI.

The lower end kestrals are software locked to a specific range, no coriolis and all that jazz, but would I loose any functionality by only using It as an environmental meter and syncing it to lets say geobalistics?

If I were to do this, what would be the best model?

I was considering getting a weatherflow bluetooth meter set up on a wind vane and then running my balistics software on my phone. These are unavailable at the moment, so I am considering a kestral.

A big boy 5700 is out of my price range, and I don't need balistics solving on my device, id prefer to handle that on the phone, so that I can set it up and let it do its thing, and use the phones UI.

The lower end kestrals are software locked to a specific range, no coriolis and all that jazz, but would I loose any functionality by only using It as an environmental meter and syncing it to lets say geobalistics?

If I were to do this, what would be the best model?

I used to think like that.
Now phones are more expensive than a 5700, more prone to damage, overheating, rain and losing it is a nightmare.

Kick myself for not getting a kestrel earlier.
I would save up and see if a shooting buddy would be generous enough to input your gun into their kestrel in the meantime. The 5700 is worth it, tried using a phone for a year until I finally caved. Considerably better and more reliable.

Little different situation, but my GF got into long range and she just uses mine. Just double check it is your profile and it’s not inconvenient
What would I be giving up by not going with the elite? Seems like the major ones are less profiles and lack of zero offset
Elite offers 30 gun storage in the Kestrel, Drop Scale Factor for subsonic truing, zero offset, but the big difference is access to the Applied Ballistic bullet library where you can download all the Custom Curve bullet profiles, they have radar tested for no fee and then give up estimating bullet speed with G1 and G7 by using the known radar measured database.
Elite offers 30 gun storage in the Kestrel, Drop Scale Factor for subsonic truing, zero offset, but the big difference is access to the Applied Ballistic bullet library where you can download all the Custom Curve bullet profiles, they have radar tested for no fee and then give up estimating bullet speed with G1 and G7 by using the known radar measured database.
I hope this is still on topic. Does the HUD give real time data from the Kestrel when set up on the wind vane on a tripod? I find reading this data from my phone to be difficult in the sun.
Elite offers 30 gun storage in the Kestrel, Drop Scale Factor for subsonic truing, zero offset, but the big difference is access to the Applied Ballistic bullet library where you can download all the Custom Curve bullet profiles, they have radar tested for no fee and then give up estimating bullet speed with G1 and G7 by using the known radar measured database.
So if someone wanted to do .22lr elr, the elite would be the way to go?
I hope this is still on topic. Does the HUD give real time data from the Kestrel when set up on the wind vane on a tripod? I find reading this data from my phone to be difficult in the sun.
There are radio refresh rates, so real time is actually 2-3 seconds lag, but that is the same for the phone app.
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So if someone wanted to do .22lr elr, the elite would be the way to go?
Yes, only the Elite can true up 5 test shots and create a trajectory for subsonic distances. If you use ammo in the AB Custom Curve, you may not even need to true DSF once you get MV corrected, some do, some don't.
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One more question, about SK rimfire , why there are so many bullets with same name, if I select one I can see only different BC,
how can I choose a bullet ? I‘m using SK LR, with a .22 there are not so much difference in elevation also with different BC.
PDM bullets are generated from different rifle/bullets ?
One more question, about SK rimfire , why there are so many bullets with same name, if I select one I can see only different BC,
how can I choose a bullet ? I‘m using SK LR, with a .22 there are not so much difference in elevation also with different BC.
PDM bullets are generated from different rifle/bullets ?
Different profiles people have used with that profile possibly
Sometimes helpful if your barrel/combination matches one of them.
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One question about Kestrel 5700 Elite, is it possible to use rechargeable batteries ?
Under the System Settings menu there are battery profiles for alkaline, lithium and NiMH, so yes for that type of rechargeable.

That being said lithium AA are so readily available and perform so well without leaking it is hard to not choose them.
One question about Kestrel 5700 Elite, is it possible to use rechargeable batteries ?
I remember planning on that in a store few weeks back.
I gave up on the idea since:
1. For hard use I want max battery life and cold resistance. The rechargeable batteries do not hold near that much capacity and do not handle cold as well.
2. Regular batteries do very well during summer season, as long as you keep the data auto-store OFF so the battery will not overdrain(?) and leak.
3. Rechargeable batteries, at least I remember that NiMH batteries have all kind of kinks like memory effect etc.

I would say that if you had other devices that could use rechargeable batteries, it could be worth it. But just alone for Kestrel, no.

If you put it to 15min auto shutoff, with regular use it will last a very long time. Actively using a paired laser rangefinder will eat it bit quicker.

Buy few packs of Li batteries for serious shooting activities / cold weather and some longlifes for your training use. Keep 1 spare battery in your competition kit / gun bag in case you remember to have forgotten to change a new one until you arrive to the place of competition / whatever you do. I package the spare watertight with packing tape.
I remember planning on that in a store few weeks back.
I gave up on the idea since:
1. For hard use I want max battery life and cold resistance. The rechargeable batteries do not hold near that much capacity and do not handle cold as well.
2. Regular batteries do very well during summer season, as long as you keep the data auto-store OFF so the battery will not overdrain(?) and leak.
3. Rechargeable batteries, at least I remember that NiMH batteries have all kind of kinks like memory effect etc.

I would say that if you had other devices that could use rechargeable batteries, it could be worth it. But just alone for Kestrel, no.

If you put it to 15min auto shutoff, with regular use it will last a very long time. Actively using a paired laser rangefinder will eat it bit quicker.

Buy few packs of Li batteries for serious shooting activities / cold weather and some longlifes for your training use. Keep 1 spare battery in your competition kit / gun bag in case you remember to have forgotten to change a new one until you arrive to the place of competition / whatever you do. I package the spare watertight with packing tape.
Thanks for info

how can I handle with Kestrel 5700 elite different value for my click ?
my actual click is 0.099 th of a MIL instead of .1 MIL, is it possible to input the real click value ?
When using the Kestrel Link app to collect wind data and observe the current conditions is there a way to lock in the wind direction? I have the unit in capture mode in the ballistic function monitoring wind speed and direction. if I have seen a consistent 4-6 mph wind in my observation from say 2:30 is the a way in the app to lock up the direction of wind From the app on the phone or do I need to stop the capture to achieve this? Kestrel is in the wind vane/bipod away from the rifle.