Nice shooting
How well does the piston system and Abel work together? Gassy? Harsh recoil?
Thank you.
So this rifle in OEM config while loud is actually very softly gassed and pleasant shooting, gassed just right imho. Really low recoil for a .308 gas gun. H buffer with T308T ammo has been the winning combo, right out of the gate. The H3 buffer it came with wasn’t needed at all, for that ammo atleast. It wouldn’t even lock back on empty mag with an H2 buffer.
I actually bought the Abel Theorem for this LMT piston rifle because my Magnus was causing crazy high backpressure, even with the gas plug in the S mode.
It’s way less backpressure, I hate to say night and day, but it really is a drastic improvement.
It’s exactly what I was after, thankfully. I can now run an H buffer when loud in N position, and when suppressed as well, with the plug in S mode. Before, with the Magnus I was having to run an H3 buffer.
And to my surprise, this combo is actually much quieter than I had expected. Not quite Magnus quiet, but not too far off either.
Brass while using Theorem is on the left, Magnus brass on the right, everything else the same, minus the H vs H3 buffer.