I knee-jerked a purchase of a Mildot Master so I could stop taking my vintage HP-11C calculator to the range. It looks like the ranging begins at anything that subtends 1.0 mil, but nothing less. I tried to line up 24" at 0.7 mils and - piss - nothing.
Am I missing something, or did Mildot Master never expect anyone to shoot a 24" target 952 yards away?
EDIT: What? Read the manual? No way! (OK, I found the answer in there.) I have time to post here but not read the manual first. Duh.
Am I missing something, or did Mildot Master never expect anyone to shoot a 24" target 952 yards away?
EDIT: What? Read the manual? No way! (OK, I found the answer in there.) I have time to post here but not read the manual first. Duh.