Funny how no one walked into Winchester and did the same? Or, Savage, Or Marlin? They all had deals made before transferring to the Gov't.
Oh but they did.
Lots of Remington Model 11's with duck engravings got a bursting bomb ordinance stamp and became riot guns or aerial gun trainers.
If it wasn't federal govt taking inventory it was state govts taking whatever was on the shelf to supply their police forces.
The owner of my gun honey hole had the opportunity to get some 1000 or more pre WWII, new in the box Colt revolvers in some obscure caliber during the 1970s.
The State Police had bought them from Hartford when the war broke out and they never used them. He couldn't get them because the state had no means to accept cash from him. The State Police wanted a trade of holsters, radios and other police gear in kind which he had no access to.
Just about everything that was available in manufacturer inventory was locked down by some govt entity, perhaps even just before, but in anticipation of, hostilities.
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