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Maggie’s Most impressive shot?

Re: Most impressive shot?

I once shot a bumblebee in flight with a .45 Auto ...

Taking a Tactical Pistol class, doing drills shooting 3" dots at 7yds. I'd run dry, was reloading, and just as I started extending the gun toward the target I noticed this bee on a flight path right towards the dot I was going to shoot next. Lost sight of the bee as I acquired the front sight, and fired one round to finish the string, safed and holstered - then looked at the target again. One round dead center of the dot, with bee guts splattered around it.

Couldn't do it again if I tried.
Re: Most impressive shot?

In Germany with the army shooting 250-rds with a GPMG at about 800-yrds. My eyesight isn't that good and the target set across the valley blended into the background making it really hard to see. I couldn't for the life of me even see a target and so I was watching everyone elses impact points before my turn. I either had to admit I couldn't see sh*t or admit I was a sh*t shot. I opted for the latter and blatted away whilst waiting for a kick up my ar*e from the sergeant. Instead he patted me on the helmet, said it was some f*king amazing shooting and others should take note. My reward...i got to carry the f*ing thing for the rest of our time there.
Re: Most impressive shot?

I visited Hard Rock many years ago. This was my first visit to HardRock and I just getting familiar with the range...its practice day on a Friday. I set up to sight in at 1000yds. I'm sitting next to a guy who is probably 30 yrs my senior. I ask him what is shooting, he says a win 70 in 30-06. We practice shoot 3rds. I'm scoping my own shots as well as his because I wanted to see what a guy with some experience can do..its really hard to see hits, particularly in the mirage because they look close together. I ask him what he thought he shot..he said "probly couple inches". I offered to look at the hits downrange for him. I drive my truck down to look at the hits, mine are about 8 inches or so, but off the bull by foot and a half...I think that's pretty good for me, but I look at his shots on the left of me...3 hits in EXACTLY 2inches center of the bull. I drive back with a bit of nervousness because I'm a pretty good shooter but this guy, well holy cow. Got back to the line and he didn't say a word. I said I saw his targets and he said ok. I poked him a bit and asked him if he wanted me to tell him, and he said he knew what it was. So anyway, I said it was exactly two inches, and he said "that's 'bout right". Unfortunately I don't recall who it was but it was damn sure the best confidence shooting I've ever seen.
Re: Most impressive shot?

When I was probably 10 years old some friends and I were tought the art of potato gun smithing by one of their older brothers. We all scavenged scraps of pvc and stole the spark ignitors from our parents/neighbors grills and proceeded to shoot up all our mothers potatos. My best friend stayed at my house one night, the next morning we were watching cartoons when he looks out the window into the back yard and sees a rabbit. We get the idea that we're going to shoot this rabbit with a potato, but after raiding the pantry all we could come up with was an onion.......f'it, that'll work! So we slowly crank open the back window, charge the weapon with starter fluid, take carefull aim and BOOM! Peels of onion are flying through the air, but the core is still intact drilling the rabbit right in the ass. It spun around, ran about 5 feet and then stopped, gave that WTF just happened look and then went about being a rabbit again. ~30 yard shot and the rabbit lived to see another day.
Re: Most impressive shot?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bryan27</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When I was probably 10 years old some friends and I were tought the art of potato gun smithing by one of their older brothers. We all scavenged scraps of pvc and stole the spark ignitors from our parents/neighbors grills and proceeded to shoot up all our mothers potatos. My best friend stayed at my house one night, the next morning we were watching cartoons when he looks out the window into the back yard and sees a rabbit. We get the idea that we're going to shoot this rabbit with a potato, but after raiding the pantry all we could come up with was an onion.......f'it, that'll work! So we slowly crank open the back window, charge the weapon with starter fluid, take carefull aim and BOOM! Peels of onion are flying through the air, but the core is still intact drilling the rabbit right in the ass. It spun around, ran about 5 feet and then stopped, gave that WTF just happened look and then went about being a rabbit again. ~30 yard shot and the rabbit lived to see another day. </div></div>

Did you're mother shove the thing up you're ass cause mine sure as hell would have!!!
Re: Most impressive shot?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mr blasty</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bryan27</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When I was probably 10 years old some friends and I were tought the art of potato gun smithing by one of their older brothers. We all scavenged scraps of pvc and stole the spark ignitors from our parents/neighbors grills and proceeded to shoot up all our mothers potatos. My best friend stayed at my house one night, the next morning we were watching cartoons when he looks out the window into the back yard and sees a rabbit. We get the idea that we're going to shoot this rabbit with a potato, but after raiding the pantry all we could come up with was an onion.......f'it, that'll work! So we slowly crank open the back window, charge the weapon with starter fluid, take carefull aim and BOOM! Peels of onion are flying through the air, but the core is still intact drilling the rabbit right in the ass. It spun around, ran about 5 feet and then stopped, gave that WTF just happened look and then went about being a rabbit again. ~30 yard shot and the rabbit lived to see another day. </div></div>

Did you're mother shove the thing up you're ass cause mine sure as hell would have!!!

My parents were always of the mindset of letting kids be kids, as long as we didn't blow ourselves up with our projects or catch the house on fire we could pretty much do what we wanted......after the chores were done. The core of the onion that reached the rabbit was probably the size of a penny, at that distance it's not going to do any damage. If we had a potato, we'd have been eating rabbit for breakfast.
Re: Most impressive shot?

In my younger years in the Army. We were doing a Night Live feild fire power demo for some polititions. We had mortars popping para-illum rounds in front of us to light the target area. Our section was about 200 from the targets. Between fire control orders I took a pot shot at the illum round....... I hit it!! Pure luck and no skill involved at all. It dropped to the ground and the target area was completely dark for the next 30 seconds (a long time in a fire fight)....... I copped a little grief for that one.
Re: Most impressive shot?

I was moving a few years back and had picked up my kids red ryder bb gun. walked out to the trailer and loaded a few things when a cat ran out from under the trailer. I'm not a cat fan so i turned and shot from the hip one handed, drilled the cat in the ass from about 15 yards. My dad was standing there and we both just looked at each other and laughed. I guess the kid from A Christmas Story was right, you cant beat a trusty red ryder.
Re: Most impressive shot?

about two years ago we had squirrels the size size of small ground hogs running around our yard cause they were eating the dog food when the lab was not around. I picked up my boys pellet gun and slowly opened the back door as a squirrel perched on the edge of the food bowl with a chuck of food in its paws. I set the cross hairs on the Purina and pulled the trigger. The chunk of dog food vaporized in the squirrels hands, it looked left then right then bolted up into a tree. total BS shot but still a keeper.
Re: Most impressive shot?

I have some.

walking a trail in the desert I spook a lizard about 20 yards out.
quick draw my 44 Ruger breaking the shot as I clear leather. the shot takes 1/4 of the right rear skull off 1/3 of the neck and some shoulder. the shock wave killed him moving most of his guts to the right lower abdomen.

I spent about 2 months building a sherrifs model .36 cap and ball.
the whole family all went out for a weekend of shooting along the aquiduct out past palm springs. in the middle of the first day I went into the motor home and spent 15 minuets or so loading it and dropped it into the holster. walking out to the fireing line started looking for a target for it's first shot. my father in law notices and suggests A 2 liter green bottle about 80 yards out. so I draw and fire one handed nailing it, then I drop it back into the holster and walk back to the motor home without a word.

My best shot was probably at the range shooting my colt .45acp 1911 when the front sight falls off! I say something bad about the gun. the next guy on the firing line says "looks like your done for the day!" I look down range and see the 12" round 100 yard gong and mutter maybe not! I pop it up and double tap and drop it down flipping the safety on. I see the hits and wait for it... tink tink. he then says "where the hell do you live? I want to stay the hell away from there!"
Re: Most impressive shot?

About 16 years ago I was squirrel hunting alone and shot one off handed that was in mid air jumping from one limb to another. I was shooting a marlin .22 and the stepped yardage was 93 yards.

A more recent shot was about 8 months ago my buddy dropped me off at home and a neighbors dog ran from behind my house. the bastard prolly just shit back there, so i grabbed a bb gun from inside the garage and the dog ducked behind a wood fence out of sight. about 2 minutes later the same damn dog was trotting across the street in my other neighbors yard, i grabbed the bb gun and my buddy said you cant hit him from here, i grinned and did a quick kentucky windage for drop and lead and busted the bastard right in the ass. the dog hunkered up and yelped and took off running and my buddy said I will neve doubt you again. I ranged it later to be 87 yards.
Re: Most impressive shot?

I'm sure we could all discuss amazing shots (real and make believe) all the live long day. This is my all time favorite:

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HbmED5bXsLg&feature=related"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HbmED5bXsLg&feature=related" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: Most impressive shot?

Most impressive shot I ever saw, was around the lakes of Tetlin lake, not far from Northway Alaska, was a duck hunt. One of the guys with us, couldn't hit any ducks, period.

We put him on the front of a boat, paddled in where two groups of ducks were, with perhaps 100 yards between them...

As we came in both groups of ducks crossed right in front of us, max 30 yards distance, 3 shots, zero ducks. Seriously, around 75 ducks crossed in front of us, we asked if he was shooting blanks.

Never figured out why, but he went home, zero ducks, with quite a few jabs of being less than marksman.

Should also add, my father used the Gentleman's gun and ammo to drop two ducks right after this.
Re: Most impressive shot?

Was sighting in and getting dope out to 200 with a 10/22 that I had built.
A Barn Swallow landed on a small tree at 140 so I took a shot. I swear it took off with the bullet in flight, but it came back to the same spot and was not so lucky the second time. Witnessed by mom.

Grouse neck shot with my first .22 at 70, witnessed by mom.

Squirrel on a power line at 10, problem was it fell into the open window of mom's car.

Repeatable off-hand hits on a 200 yard 12" gong with a reddot sighted stock 10/22 in front of out-of-state folks who couldn't hit it with their Weatherby's from the bench and LeadSled.

Clays with an iron sighted tube fed semi .22 took about 6 rounds to connect

The absolute most impressive shot I have ever seen is the first round my oldest son ever touched off...priceless S&W M&P 15-22, Aimpoint C3, 50yds, 12X12 steel first round connect.
Re: Most impressive shot?

I was about 12 and my dad was teaching me how to shoot my grandpas old marlin .22 bolt action in the back 40. we were shooting at pop cans for awhile and in the back of the truck there was an old fishing reel. I pulled 3 feet of line out and hung the reel from a tree about 20-25 feet away. I aimed at the tip of the reel, squeezed the trigger expecting the reel to wrap around the tree branch when all it did was fall straight down. My dad and I looked at each other dumbfounded. We ran over to the reel and noticed I had shot the fishing line about 1/2" above the reel. We had a good laughed and my dad said I should play the lottery with that luck.
Re: Most impressive shot?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trey Warren</div><div class="ubbcode-body">one time many years ago my dad and uncle were deer hunting. well my uncle shot at a deer with a slug from a shotgun that was running dead away from him. Well he didnt think he got it cuz there was no blood. Well luckily it fell right inside the wood line dead as a hammer. Upon further inspection they could not find where he hit the deer. Once they started cleaning it they found that he had perfectly shot it straight up the butthole. so perfect that the hole wasn't even damaged enough to tell he had done it. </div></div>

Is your uncle Mr. Humble? </div></div>

HAHAH - this is ridiculous
Re: Most impressive shot?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lafayette</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Trey Warren</div><div class="ubbcode-body">one time many years ago my dad and uncle were deer hunting. well my uncle shot at a deer with a slug from a shotgun that was running dead away from him. Well he didnt think he got it cuz there was no blood. Well luckily it fell right inside the wood line dead as a hammer. Upon further inspection they could not find where he hit the deer. Once they started cleaning it they found that he had perfectly shot it straight up the butthole. so perfect that the hole wasn't even damaged enough to tell he had done it. </div></div>

Is your uncle Mr. Humble? </div></div>

HAHAH - this is ridiculous </div></div>

Well, I think dudes favorite word, well, is well.
Re: Most impressive shot?

I had been experimenting with a VGM mount on my Freedom Arms 10" 44 mag for long distance shooting and have spent a LOT of time with it. I was at Rayners Range here in Ohio and was hitting a full size IPSC target at 500 yards a bit better than half the time with the rest being very close misses. Wind plays hell with a 44 at 500 yards!

The owner (Tom Rayner) came up to watch and I offered to let him try it. He's an action pistol shooter and this long distance stuff with a handgun is new to him. After a bit of coaching on how to grip (YES grip tension and hold does affect POI
) and where to hold for wind he proceeded to hit that target 3 times in a row. If you figure the angle that 44 cal rock is falling out of the sky that full size IPSC target is probably less than half the size we can see straight on.

Needless to say he was amazed. That is the most I've hit in a row on that target so I was really impressed to say the least.

Re: Most impressive shot?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Topstrap</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had been experimenting with a VGM mount on my Freedom Arms 10" 44 mag for long distance shooting and have spent a LOT of time with it. I was at Rayners Range here in Ohio and was hitting a full size IPSC target at 500 yards a bit better than half the time with the rest being very close misses. Wind plays hell with a 44 at 500 yards!

The owner (Tom Rayner) came up to watch and I offered to let him try it. He's an action pistol shooter and this long distance stuff with a handgun is new to him. After a bit of coaching on how to grip (YES grip tension and hold does affect POI
) and where to hold for wind he proceeded to hit that target 3 times in a row. If you figure the angle that 44 cal rock is falling out of the sky that full size IPSC target is probably less than half the size we can see straight on.

Needless to say he was amazed. That is the most I've hit in a row on that target so I was really impressed to say the least.

Topstrap </div></div>

Shades of Elmer Keith's shot. Except Elmer used a 4" Smith.
Re: Most impressive shot?

Here is the actual story told by Elmer Keith.

Paul Kriley and I hunted up Clear Creek on the right side where it is partly open bunch grass meadows and partly patches of timber. We hunted all day, and although we saw several does at 80-90 yards, one at 60, that I could have killed. We passed them up, as I wanted a buck. Toward evening we topped out on a ridge. There was a swale between us and another small ridge on the side of the mountain slope about 300-400 yards away. Beyond that, out on the open sidehill, no doubt on account of the cougar, were about 20 mule deer, feeding. Two big bucks were in the band, and some lesser ones, the rest were does and long fawns. As it was getting late and the last day of the season, I wanted one of those bucks for meat. Being a half-mile away, I told Paul, “Take the .300 Magnum and duck back through this swale to that next ridge and that should put you within about 500 yards of them. I’ll stay here (the deer had seen us), let them watch me for a decoy.” Paul said, “You take the rifle.”
“I said, how is it sighted?”
He said, “one inch high at a hundred yards.” I told him to go ahead because I wouldn’t know where to hold it. I always sighted a .300 Magnum 3 inches high at a hundred and I wouldn’t know where to hold it at 500.
I said, “You go ahead and kill the biggest buck in the bunch for me.” Paul took off, went across the swale and climbed the ridge, laid down and crawled up to the top. He shot. The lower of the two bucks, which he later said was the biggest one, dropped and rolled down the mountain. I then took off across the swale to join him. Just before I climbed up the ridge to where he was lying, he started shooting again.

When I came up on top, the band of deer was pretty well long gone. They’d gone out to the next ridge top, turned up it slightly and went over. But the old buck was up following their trail, one front leg a-swinging. Paul had hit it. I asked Paul, “Is there any harm in me getting into this show?” He said, “No, go ahead.”

I had to lay down prone, because if I crawled over the hill to assume my old backside positioning, then the blast of his gun would be right in my ear. Shooting prone with a .44 Magnum is something I don’t like at all. The concussion is terrific. It will just about bust your ear drums every time. At any rate Paul shot and missed. I held all of the front sight up, or practically all of it, and perched the running deer on top of the front sight and squeezed one off. Paul said, “I saw it through my scope. It hit in the mud and snow right below him.” There was possibly six inches of wet snow, with muddy ground underneath. I told him “I won’t be low the next shot.” Paul shot again and missed with his .300 Magnum. The next time I held all of the front sight up and a bit of the ramp, just perched the deer on top. After the shot the gun came down out of recoil and the bullet had evidently landed. The buck made a high buck-jump, swapped ends, and came back toward us, shaking his head. I told Paul I must have hit a horn. I asked him to let the buck come back until he was right on us if he would, let him come as close as he would and I’d jump up and kill him. When he came back to where Paul had first rolled him, out about 500 yards, Paul said, “I could hit him now, I think.”

“Well,” I said, “I don’t like to see a deer run on three legs. Go ahead.” He shot again and missed. The buck swapped ends and turned around and went back right over the same trail. Paul said, “I’m out of ammunition. Empty.” I told him to reload, duck back out of sight, go on around the hill and head the old buck off, and I’d chase him on around. Paul took off on a run to go around this bunch-grass hill and get up above the buck and on top. He was young, husky, and could run like a deer himself. I got on the old buck again with all of the front sight and a trifle of the ramp up. Just as I was going to squeeze it off when he got to the ridge, he turned up it just as the band of deer had done. So I moved the sight picture in front of him and shot. After an interval he went down and out of sight. I didn’t think anything of it, thought he had just tipped over the ridge. It took me about half an hour to get across. When I got over there to the ridge, I saw where he’d rolled down the hill about fifty yards, bleeding badly, and then he’d gotten up and walked from the tracks to the ridge in front of us. There were a few pine trees down below, so I cut across to intercept his tracks. I could see he was bleeding out both sides.

Just before I got to the top of the ridge, I heard a shot up above me and then another shot, and I yelled and asked if it was Paul. He answered. I asked, “Did you get him?” He said, “Yes, he’s down there by that big pine tree below you. Climb a little higher and you can see him.” Paul came down and we went down to the buck. Paul said the buck was walking along all humped up very slowly. He held back of the shoulders as he was quartering away. The first shot went between his forelegs and threw up snow. Then he said the buck turned a little more away from him and he held higher and dropped him. Finally we parted the hair in the right flank and found where the 180-grain needle-pointed Remington spitzer had gone in. Later I determined it blew up and lodged in the left shoulder. At any rate I looked his horns over, trying to see where I’d hit a horn. No sign of it. Finally I found a bullet hole back of the right jaw and it came out of the top of his nose. That was the shot I’d hit him with out at 600 yards. Then Paul said, “Who shot him through the lungs broadside? I didn’t, never had that kind of shot at all.” There was an entrance hole fairly high on the right side of the rib cage just under the spine and an exit just about three or four inches lower on the other side. The deer had been approximately the same elevation as I was when I fired that last shot at him. We dressed him, drug him down the trail on Clear Creek, hung him up, and went on down to the ranch. The next day a man named Posy and I came back with a pack horse, loaded him and took him in. I took a few pictures of him hanging in the woodshed along with the Smith & Wesson .44 Mag.

I took him home and hung him up in the garage. About ten days later my son Ted came home from college and I told him, “Ted, go out and skin that big buck and get us some chops. They should be well-ripened and about right for dinner tonight.” After awhile Ted came in and he laid the part jacket of a Remington bullet on the table beside me and he said, “Dad, I found this right beside the exit hole on the left side of that buck’s ribs.” Then I knew that I had hit him at that long range two out of four times. I believe I missed the first shot, we didn’t see it at all, and it was on the second that Paul said he saw snow and mud fly up at his heels. I wrote it up and I’ve been called a liar ever since, but Paul Kriley is still alive and able to vouch for the facts.

Elmer Keith
Re: Most impressive shot?

This is my first post to the hide. I am normally more of a lurker, but I saw this and had to share my shot.

I am Topstrap's son we both shoot pistols at Rayners Range here in Ohio. Early last year after having practiced a good bit I brought to Tom Rayner's attention that 20 yards behind his 710 yard target directly in line ran a high tensile electric fence. With the number of rounds going downrange it was possible it would be hit. The day of the shoot I brought it up jokingly and we agreed it was extremely unlikely that could ever happen. I lined up my first shot at 710 let off a good shot but didn't hold quite enough wind. my shot missed just right of the target, and cut the wire fence. The spotter was speechless for a few seconds. Wish I could have played that off as skill but all I could do was apologize and say that was the luckiest miss I have ever had. I still couldn't hope to guess the odds of a 7mm bullet from 700+ yards away hitting a fence just right to cut it especially the first shot on a day I expressed concern over hitting it.

The target is now in a new location and the only way to now cut the fence is by missing the target by over 20 ft.
Re: Most impressive shot?

100's of rounds of cheap .22 ammo, a remington pump, a yard full of walnuts, and the encouragement of Herb Parsons the Showman Shooter, is a good recipe for trick shooting.

So after tons of practice with the above, I am out squirrel hunting with about 4 of my buddies. We are walking over a pond dam, and one of them picks up a fishing bobber off the ground and commences telling the other guys that I can throw stuff up and shoot it, with a skeptical tone of course. I tried to decline to save face in case of a miss but these guys were not letting me live this one down.

So up goes the little bobber the size of quarter and smack the thing shatters into pieces. Of course they all called BS and said it was just luck. So one of them picks up a rock about the same size and told me to prove the first hit wasn't lucky. I hesitated but up the rock goes and smack, it made that sound you hear when you get a ricocheted bullet.

All went quiet and on I walked knowing that I was not going to ruin a 2 for 2 in front of the skeptics. There was some luck involved mainly because they were such small targets, but I wasn't about to let these guys know especially after shutting them all up.
Re: Most impressive shot?

Last weekend I was shooting my 40x 22 with different types of ammo and between ammo changes, I was "seasoning" the barrel by shooting at PD's before shooting for groups. By later in the day all the close dogs were gone, so from a 50yd zero, I dialed max elevation (33moa) and held the scope 7.5 mils high on a dog that was at the edge of my field. The crosshairs covered up the dog but I let one fly, moved the crosshairs to watch and nailed the guy first shot. I held half mil for wind (nearly perfectly calm) and that was the best shot I have ever made.

came back next day with my LRF, and it came out to 344 yds. Still cant believe it.
Re: Most impressive shot?

IN 2001 I shot a Wild Hog offhand, with an open sighted Savage 99, at 200 yards. Hit it in the Brain Stem. Luck was so good that day I shoulda bought a lottery ticket.

In my youth, buddy dared me to shoot agrasshopper on a thistle.

I fired a 22 hornet, remington rolling block single shot, open sights, offhand and hit it at 80 paces.

Re: Most impressive shot?

100yds, rossi pump 22 open sight offhand, shot a coyote right behind his head in the brain stem (where I was aiming) he flipped over backwards and ran 10 feet and dropped dead. I stood their in disbelief
Re: Most impressive shot?

I was fishing on the pond behind my house one day, and these little birds were swooping down and grabbing mosquitoes off the surface of the water. Well I had my bolt action .22 marlin with me so I decided to see if I could hit one. It took a couple of round to get the lead right, but once I found the sweet spot I ended up shooting three of those little birds in a row with my .22 while they were dipping down to eat some mosquitoes.
Re: Most impressive shot?

Seems like a good half of these posts took place in early adolescence. I think there's something to that. First, many of us as kids probably spent hundreds of hours just plinking away and 10s of thousands of shots, pellet gun or rimfire. So the odds are there will be some ridiculous shots in there- I have mine too. But anyone who has ever golfed with a kid or teen may be amazed at how they putt. Somehow, with very little formal training (if any) kids can hit impossibly long putts. where the adult is looking to leave it within 4 feet for an easy second putt. I think youth can instinctively do some things. And again like golf, years later you don't remember the one million misses. Just the good ones.
Re: Most impressive shot?

shot a blackbird in flight at about 15 yards with my 1st handgun. it is a burgo model 66 22 revolver.

best hunting shot was a running whitetail doe at the base of the skull at 150 yards with a sporterized 1895 mauser in 7x57.
Re: Most impressive shot?

my friends dad shot a coyote running at 450yds with his 6X45

when i was 12 i stepped out side with my pellet rifle and a swallow flew by at about 20 yards and i puled up and center punched it. my cousin and i tried to repeat the shoot for the rest of the day but couldn't make a repeat.
Re: Most impressive shot?

feel free to call bs, i acknowledge that its a near impossible to replicate. when on the qual range with my M240B i made a 800m center mass single shot hit with open sights...never in a million years will i replicate but it's my one great shot that i had
Re: Most impressive shot?

Hog hunting in Georgia I shot these two pigs with one arrow from my compound at roughly 25yds. Only intending to shoot the bigger of the two, I triggered the release an sent the arrow through the heart of the first hog. It exited an entered the smaller pig's skull an somehow came out the brisket blowing out its little heart.
I was a lil freaked seeing two pigs laying, spraying blood like a horror movie everywhere. Needless to say grizzly stix an simmons broadheads are the poop. Why throw a rock if you can throw a cinderblock? If you look real close you can see where bigger pig escaped muzzle loader death earlier that year across the nose.
Re: Most impressive shot?

Well, I gotta add my best shot story here. Quite a few years ago my wife was in the kitchen making dinner and I was outside cleaning up my dive gear. All of a sudden she is screamin my name, MOFO..MOFO there's a big fuggin rat in here!! So I grabbed my hinge gun and ran into the house to see a 3 lb. fuggin rat running along the kitchen counter, I point shot the fugger and the 3/8 stainless shaft skewrred the little bastard right thru his okole (asshole) and out his head and the tip went thru the cuppard. Actually that was my best in house rat killen with a hinge gun shot.
Re: Most impressive shot?

13 years old. Last day of school. Bus driver knew there were water balloons in my backpack, and made a deal: don't open the pack, and I won't make you lose the balloons. Fair enough.

Bus stops. I get out and walk up the hill with two brothers. Bus is pulling away and making left turn. I'm opening my pack as fast as I can. Bus is probably thirty yards away, and I can't throw the balloon that far. And there is exactly one window open on the bus. I 'grenade toss' the balloon at the bus, and I'm sure it has gone short, then long, and then, all of a sudden, it disappears through the black rectangle of open window.

Buddies still on the bus say they never laughed so hard in their lives. Landed on the Rude Girl's head - new perm went flat and the bus driver is cursing me as they drove away. My brothers still tell that story.

Ten years ago driving back from spotlighting jacks in the desert with my dad. I see one running hard away from the truck up a hill/bluff. I yell "stop the car". Jump out with Ruger 10/22 and shoot running jack at 125 yards. Get back in truck. Dad looking at me like I'm crazy or cool or both. Funny feeling, since I flat-out KNEW I was going to hit it before I stepped out of the truck.
Re: Most impressive shot?

I guess this is as good as any post to be my first...

I have taken pretty many shots that have impressed friends and family, but the shot that impressed me the most was with my Win 30-30.

I had just gotten a Bushnell 3200 for my Win94 so I developed a load using the 160gr FTX bullets. The day after load development I was getting some zeros at different distances; here is my first 550 yard shot with it.

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