Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Good taste in "men".......... :rolleyes:

On the plus side, that guy's bathroom breaks during sex have to be super short, given the facts that the video had provided...

But on the downside, she didn't realize that even though his Tinder profile said that he was a "man who did not mind getting dirty", she wouldn't be getting the country boy / construction worker that she had secretly hoped for...
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Mgmt “you can’t promote the good hands, need them where they are.”
Me “ what happens when they give up and leave?”
Mgmt “ we’ll get more.”
That happened to me after 30 years on the job. The job I did took at least 10 years to be highly proficient, way too many technical issues, legal principals, case law, and contractual language to be able to master it quickly. The 3 to 5 year people thought they knew everything, kind of like teenagers that think they know everything. We had a change of CEO's and the new guy is a bean counter that had never done the job before. He only looks at pie charts, graphs and numbers. Executive realized anyone with more than 20 years made a lot of money. We were also the glue that held things together, we knew how to get things done, and had built long term relationships with contractors, vendors and service providers. They started harassing long term employees trying to get us to quit. They finally reorganized and did away with my position but kept the 3 new guys. I made more than all 3 of them combined, they figured if they needed to they could hire 2 people to replace me and be money ahead. They also stripped benefits from new hires. When they did away with my job they pigeonholed me in a job no one wanted figuring I would quit, which I did. I retired 4/1 of last year, and after 30 years of service I only get 75% of my pension because I was only 58. During the farewell speech at my retirement party I told my boss, the Senior VP and the Executive VP they should have kept me because it would have been cheaper to keep me than get rid of me.

The good part of the story is, I was only retired 11 days. I was in Montana fishing the Flathead River with my dad and brother when the calls started coming in. The service providers I had worked with for years found out I left my previous job and wanted to hire me. I now work for the largest service provider and have increased their billing statements to my previous employer by 4.5 times what my annual salary and benefits would have cost them if they kept me.

BTW, they have hired and either fired or had quit 5 people for my previous position since I left on 4/1/2020.

Am I bitter, fuck yes I am.